chowce5382 Thank you for coming on here and doing this.
I heartily hope you lose your case. We have a local congestion and pollution problem and a global climate emergency. I can’t help but think your time and your £35,000 would be better spent holding the national government to account as it destroys the lives and livelihoods of millions, but of course your priorities are your own.
But I appreciate what you are doing here, the calm and polite way you’re answering these questions.
Since you seem like a reasonable person, it must be painful for you to hang out with the unpleasant denizens of the OneLambeth Facebook group, as evidenced by their posts that have been duplicated further above in the thread. I can’t imagine many of them get out of bed in the morning worried about equalities.
I do have one question… Could you give us a feeling for how much of the funds raised to date come from donors outside of the affected area, as opposed to lambeth residents? It does seem to be a significant amount based on the comments. I’m assuming these are the non-local commuters that the ltns are designed to target, as well as pressure groups like ltda prosecuting their war on cyclists. I can see why they would want to attack these measures.