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Brixton is a village and local businesses need to ensure they are engaged with the local community.

Sorry if you though something I said was unfair and/or unreasonable. I felt very strongly that LJ was being recklessly destructive and and stood up to it directly and clearly. You seem to be more comfortable chipping in with slightly vague and veiled accusations from the sidelines after it's all over and that's fine too if that's what works for you.
I was told about this internet argument that was going on re Brixton Splash so curiosity brought me here. Maaaaan, this is deeeep. The whole argument is mad. The way this Jasper man spoke about the naming and shaming was loose talk! But the way many of the cats came back at him...gettin all personal and twisted had me really really worried for the future. i thought this was a website for progressive / alternative folk who have a thing to say. But some of the comments made me just shake my head. I cant believe that 'progressive' pplz would roll on one person like this for saying what he said and the way the attacks - or whatever u call em- came at people who raised valid points re the situation black people face in brixton was crazy deep. The rapid change in brixtons racial dynamic is plain to see...but many of you just want to beat up on class and ignore race. Is it any wonder black men end up in mental homes??? If you represent the progressive open minded crew- i'm talking about a posse of internet trolls who snipe at stuff and ignore facts ...makes me think you guys just dont geddit? i guess trying to tell you about the racism we blacks have to deal with is like banging my head against a wall. You guys really are deep. Racist anti-racists who refuse to recognise there is ethnic tension in brixton...one of the famous black communities in the world. And b4 you start on me...I'M BLACK, I LIVE IN BRIXTON, HAVE DONE 4 LONGER THAN PROBABLY ALL U WHO BLOG AWAY ON THIS SITE...AND I'M SSHOCKED AT THE WAY YOU TORE DOWN THIS JASPERMAN...if you represent the progressive/ liberal arm of of society then i can honestly say- hand on heart- BLACK PPPL ARE FINISHED IN BRIXTON...and no one gives a shit. Malcolm said 50 years ago' Black ppl cannot trust liberal whites! u guys proved it...later!
I was told about this internet argument that was going on re Brixton Splash so curiosity brought me here. Maaaaan, this is deeeep. The whole argument is mad. The way this Jasper man spoke about the naming and shaming was loose talk! But the way many of the cats came back at him...gettin all personal and twisted had me really really worried for the future. i thought this was a website for progressive / alternative folk who have a thing to say. But some of the comments made me just shake my head. I cant believe that 'progressive' pplz would roll on one person like this for saying what he said and the way the attacks - or whatever u call em- came at people who raised valid points re the situation black people face in brixton was crazy deep. The rapid change in brixtons racial dynamic is plain to see...but many of you just want to beat up on class and ignore race. Is it any wonder black men end up in mental homes??? If you represent the progressive open minded crew- i'm talking about a posse of internet trolls who snipe at stuff and ignore facts ...makes me think you guys just dont geddit? i guess trying to tell you about the racism we blacks have to deal with is like banging my head against a wall. You guys really are deep. Racist anti-racists who refuse to recognise there is ethnic tension in brixton...one of the famous black communities in the world. And b4 you start on me...I'M BLACK, I LIVE IN BRIXTON, HAVE DONE 4 LONGER THAN PROBABLY ALL U WHO BLOG AWAY ON THIS SITE...AND I'M SSHOCKED AT THE WAY YOU TORE DOWN THIS JASPERMAN...if you represent the progressive/ liberal arm of of society then i can honestly say- hand on heart- BLACK PPPL ARE FINISHED IN BRIXTON...and no one gives a shit. Malcolm said 50 years ago' Black ppl cannot trust liberal whites! u guys proved it...later!

and why do you think everyone on this site is white?
Why do you assume that?
I tell you why? Because I used to go to Ritzy when it had only one screen and showed late night kung fu films! Was you dere? I remember when the Dogbar was Thhe Atlantic Pub and was filled with Black ppl! Do you? The Voice Newspaper was based in the spot which is now called the Viaduct on Coldharbour Lane... The Fridge - or whatever its called now- was originally opposite the Police station! Did u go there? Sir Coxsone used to play his sound in Angell Park and thousands of youts would come out to Jam. Btw Angell Park is now called Max Roach Park. My family owned a gambling house on Mayall Road...b4 it got chopped in Bob Marley and Marcus Garvey Way...I could go on and on and on. Was you there ? I remember when Barrier block was a building site and ppl though they was building a PRISON! Dont test! Belive dat. When did u arrive here??? honestly.
Lets not this get into a 'who's lived here longer than each other' and stick to the subject?

Cos, willy waving ain't helping no one ;)
Lets not this get into a 'who's lived here longer than each other' and stick to the subject?

Cos, willy waving ain't helping no one ;)
Your just pissed cos the editor asked the question and i answered it. Dropped jewels. And cos you know that I'm deep in this thing, going waaaay back to a time when you was probably chasing sheep in a field in Devon or some shit like that, man like me was on the frontline- hustling annd making Brixton famous. Why did your editor feel qualified to even go there with me??? When did he/she become qualified to test bigmen and talk on Brick City?!
Your just pissed cos the editor asked the question and i answered it. Dropped jewels. And cos you know that I'm deep in this thing, going waaaay back to a time when you was probably chasing sheep in a field in Devon or some shit like that, man like me was on the frontline- hustling annd making Brixton famous. Why did your editor feel qualified to even go there with me??? When did he/she become qualified to test bigmen and talk on Brick City?!

I'm not pissed at all. I'm amused.
I was told about this internet argument that was going on re Brixton Splash so curiosity brought me here. Maaaaan, this is deeeep. The whole argument is mad. The way this Jasper man spoke about the naming and shaming was loose talk! But the way many of the cats came back at him...gettin all personal and twisted had me really really worried for the future. i thought this was a website for progressive / alternative folk who have a thing to say. But some of the comments made me just shake my head. I cant believe that 'progressive' pplz would roll on one person like this for saying what he said and the way the attacks - or whatever u call em- came at people who raised valid points re the situation black people face in brixton was crazy deep. The rapid change in brixtons racial dynamic is plain to see...but many of you just want to beat up on class and ignore race. Is it any wonder black men end up in mental homes??? If you represent the progressive open minded crew- i'm talking about a posse of internet trolls who snipe at stuff and ignore facts ...makes me think you guys just dont geddit? i guess trying to tell you about the racism we blacks have to deal with is like banging my head against a wall. You guys really are deep. Racist anti-racists who refuse to recognise there is ethnic tension in brixton...one of the famous black communities in the world. And b4 you start on me...I'M BLACK, I LIVE IN BRIXTON, HAVE DONE 4 LONGER THAN PROBABLY ALL U WHO BLOG AWAY ON THIS SITE...AND I'M SSHOCKED AT THE WAY YOU TORE DOWN THIS JASPERMAN...if you represent the progressive/ liberal arm of of society then i can honestly say- hand on heart- BLACK PPPL ARE FINISHED IN BRIXTON...and no one gives a shit. Malcolm said 50 years ago' Black ppl cannot trust liberal whites! u guys proved it...later!

By posting on this site you're part of it. You're one of the progressive people now. You can try to change the attitudes that you disagree with by being a part of this.

What, specifically, do you disagree with that has been said here?
I tell you why? Because I used to go to Ritzy when it had only one screen and showed late night kung fu films! Was you dere? I remember when the Dogbar was Thhe Atlantic Pub and was filled with Black ppl! Do you? The Voice Newspaper was based in the spot which is now called the Viaduct on Coldharbour Lane... The Fridge - or whatever its called now- was originally opposite the Police station! Did u go there? Sir Coxsone used to play his sound in Angell Park and thousands of youts would come out to Jam. Btw Angell Park is now called Max Roach Park. My family owned a gambling house on Mayall Road...b4 it got chopped in Bob Marley and Marcus Garvey Way...I could go on and on and on. Was you there ? I remember when Barrier block was a building site and ppl though they was building a PRISON! Dont test! Belive dat. When did u arrive here??? honestly.

1960s : What's the world coming to Marjory? These blacks just keep on turning up and acting like they own the place.They're taking over, I tell you. I've lived here all my life and I'm just not going to put up with it. Don't they know this is Brixton - not bloody Kingston?

2012 : What's the world coming to Winston? These whites just keep on turning up and acting like they own the place.They're taking over, I tell you. I've lived here all my life and I'm just not going to put up with it. Don't they know this is Brixton - not bloody Clapham?

Mocking posters for not being progressive enough whilst peddling the "I've lived here longer than you, so I must know best" rule sounds a bit naive.
I was told about this internet argument that was going on re Brixton Splash so curiosity brought me here. Maaaaan, this is deeeep. The whole argument is mad. The way this Jasper man spoke about the naming and shaming was loose talk! But the way many of the cats came back at him...gettin all personal and twisted had me really really worried for the future. i thought this was a website for progressive / alternative folk who have a thing to say. But some of the comments made me just shake my head. I cant believe that 'progressive' pplz would roll on one person like this for saying what he said and the way the attacks - or whatever u call em- came at people who raised valid points re the situation black people face in brixton was crazy deep. The rapid change in brixtons racial dynamic is plain to see...but many of you just want to beat up on class and ignore race. Is it any wonder black men end up in mental homes??? If you represent the progressive open minded crew- i'm talking about a posse of internet trolls who snipe at stuff and ignore facts ...makes me think you guys just dont geddit? i guess trying to tell you about the racism we blacks have to deal with is like banging my head against a wall. You guys really are deep. Racist anti-racists who refuse to recognise there is ethnic tension in brixton...one of the famous black communities in the world. And b4 you start on me...I'M BLACK, I LIVE IN BRIXTON, HAVE DONE 4 LONGER THAN PROBABLY ALL U WHO BLOG AWAY ON THIS SITE...AND I'M SSHOCKED AT THE WAY YOU TORE DOWN THIS JASPERMAN...if you represent the progressive/ liberal arm of of society then i can honestly say- hand on heart- BLACK PPPL ARE FINISHED IN BRIXTON...and no one gives a shit. Malcolm said 50 years ago' Black ppl cannot trust liberal whites! u guys proved it...later!

Really? I have lived in Brixton since 81.

I gave my views on these issues in post #151 on this thread.

I said yesterday on the other thread that race and class are inter related. Copied from my post from the Lee Jasper resigns thread below (post #29 on that thread)

The other unfortunate thing about his resignation is that some of the issues he was highlighting were correct. I would say they were issues of inequality and class rather than race on its own. ( as Violent Panda has pointed out). Though I would say they are inter related.
He is correct in saying that rising unemployment affects Black people more. But it is Race and Class not just race issue. Its unfortunate imo that his actions have meant any meaningful discussion on these important issues have been sidelined.
"We have massive youth unemployment particularly among black youth we need to encourage and support more of the local community to consider starting up their own business. We have serious issues with youth violence and post the August 2011 disturbances relations with the police remained strained.
We endure rising levels of unemployment that disproportionately impacts local black young people and women. We also have increasing number of elderly living in alone in poverty and isolation.
Homelessness is a huge problem in addition to a significant and I fear growing mental health crisis all of which is seriously exacerbated by huge cuts to public sector spending"
Also see this Guardian article on Black youth unemployment:
But some of the comments made me just shake my head. I cant believe that 'progressive' pplz would roll on one person like this for saying what he said and the way the attacks - or whatever u call em- came at people who raised valid points re the situation black people face in brixton was crazy deep. The rapid change in brixtons racial dynamic is plain to see...but many of you just want to beat up on class and ignore race.!

I also suggest you look at some of the other older threads here on Brickbox and Ritzy take over of Windrush sq for example. And the numerous "gentrification" threads as well.

Some of the posters on this thread disagree on other issues. It was Jaspers "naming and shaming", which now appears not to have been agreed by Splash board, which united posters here in opposition to it.

Its not often I see here posters generally agreeing with each other.
. Racist anti-racists who refuse to recognise there is ethnic tension in brixton.!

As I have said before Brixton is a community of communities. It also says that on Splash home page.

"The event is aimed at celebrating the area’s diversity, its progress through the years and the fusion of the numerous ethnic groups that now call Brixton home. It is a celebration of peaceful relations, vibrant living in Brixton and Brixton’s contribution to the wider London culture."


That does not mean that everyone gets on all the time. Of course there can be tensions between different communities at times. Most of the time people get on. I thought the point of Splash was to present Brixton in a more positive light. (See quote above).

I did not see Lee Jaspers "naming and shaming" as contributing to "peaceful relations".
I was told about this internet argument that was going on re Brixton Splash so curiosity brought me here. Maaaaan, this is deeeep. The whole argument is mad. The way this Jasper man spoke about the naming and shaming was loose talk! But the way many of the cats came back at him...gettin all personal and twisted had me really really worried for the future. i thought this was a website for progressive / alternative folk who have a thing to say. But some of the comments made me just shake my head. I cant believe that 'progressive' pplz would roll on one person like this for saying what he said and the way the attacks - or whatever u call em- came at people who raised valid points re the situation black people face in brixton was crazy deep. The rapid change in brixtons racial dynamic is plain to see...but many of you just want to beat up on class and ignore race. Is it any wonder black men end up in mental homes??? If you represent the progressive open minded crew- i'm talking about a posse of internet trolls who snipe at stuff and ignore facts ...makes me think you guys just dont geddit? i guess trying to tell you about the racism we blacks have to deal with is like banging my head against a wall. You guys really are deep. Racist anti-racists who refuse to recognise there is ethnic tension in brixton...one of the famous black communities in the world. And b4 you start on me...I'M BLACK, I LIVE IN BRIXTON, HAVE DONE 4 LONGER THAN PROBABLY ALL U WHO BLOG AWAY ON THIS SITE...AND I'M SSHOCKED AT THE WAY YOU TORE DOWN THIS JASPERMAN...if you represent the progressive/ liberal arm of of society then i can honestly say- hand on heart- BLACK PPPL ARE FINISHED IN BRIXTON...and no one gives a shit. Malcolm said 50 years ago' Black ppl cannot trust liberal whites! u guys proved it...later!
What a load of racist old bollocks.
I tell you why? Because I used to go to Ritzy when it had only one screen and showed late night kung fu films! Was you dere?

Yes, I was there. I first saw "Drunken Master" at the Ritzy. 1979, I think.

I remember when the Dogbar was Thhe Atlantic Pub and was filled with Black ppl! Do you?

Yes, loads of people do.

The Voice Newspaper was based in the spot which is now called the Viaduct on Coldharbour Lane...

Back when it was a halfway decent paper.

The Fridge - or whatever its called now- was originally opposite the Police station! Did u go there?

Not me, hate nightclubs.

Sir Coxsone used to play his sound in Angell Park and thousands of youts would come out to Jam. Btw Angell Park is now called Max Roach Park. My family owned a gambling house on Mayall Road...b4 it got chopped in Bob Marley and Marcus Garvey Way...I could go on and on and on.

You are "going on and on", believe me.

Was you there ? I remember when Barrier block was a building site and ppl though they was building a PRISON! Dont test! Belive dat. When did u arrive here??? honestly.

Writing in vernacular doesn't give you added credibility. Who are you trying to convince? :D
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