Dear Forumites,
As a director of Brixton Splash and a volunteer in a variety of communities and programmes for over 10 years I can assure you myself and the rest of the Board are running Brixton Splash on a voluntary basis and purely for the benefit of a community we love deeply for a wide variety of reasons. No doubt you will see from my picture I am not a Jamaican nor from any Carribbean background but I am a committed, honest and dedicated member of our little team and I can assure you we work together with the rest of the Board to fulfill all of our legal and financial requirements and provide a positive and enjoyable event.
Lee's mentioning of businesses that have not supported the event is a controversial step and on a personal level from a PR background probably not one I would have taken but Lee is controversial and opinionated for sure and quite frankly that is why I personally enjoy so much working with him and the rest of the board, Jo Watson, Blacker Dread & Asher Senator all of whom have their own views and values and all of whom respect mine! I would encourage you all to get more engaged with the event which brings so much benefit to local businesses for a day in August when the shops sell out and we make sure there is a safe and happy environment for everyone to enjoy the community spirit the rest of us get every single day. There was no singular request we just wanted people to show willing and support it in whatever ways they could. Thanks so much to those who have and we hope more of you will be in touch. Contact me directly via if you would like!
Jo Birch-Phuare