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Brixton is a village and local businesses need to ensure they are engaged with the local community.

I have lived in Coldharbour ward (which includes central Brixton) for 28 years. But I'm not black. Why do you believe Brixton's your town but not my town ?
I Never said I was Black! And I too live in Coldharbour Ward. If your default setting is seeing me as Black because I said 'our' town then it says so much about your attitudes to the Black people of Coldharbour Ward.IMHO. Moreover, in Guinness Trust estate , in Coldharbour Ward, I hear the landlords evicted 400 black people- rent payers, not squatters- and are now filling the vacant properties with white people? Have you heard about this?
I have, as a local who's been brought up around Brixton since birth for over 30 years, I've seen plenty of people from all backgrounds frequent "black" business' here.

You and LJ are both coming across yourselves as pretty spiteful and divisive racists, your agenda is very transparent.
I'm NOT BLACK! Nor am I Racist. With the exception of a couple of offy's on Coldharbour Lane we dont really spend our money with Black biz. Stop it.
I'm NOT BLACK! Nor am I Racist. With the exception of a couple of offy's on Coldharbour Lane we dont really spend our money with Black biz. Stop it.

Where did I say that you were black ?

I merely mentioned that your agenda was transparent.

Trolling race issues is low eye doc.

Find yourself a more constructive hobby.
Only just read the whole thread. Doesn't need a lot of thought. Jasper's a self-aggrandizing fool and if having attacked local businesses for not handing his organisation cash on demand, he and his colleagues don't see his position is untenable, I'd be amazed if they get any support from anyone else.

I'm not local and I don't know any of the people involved. It's just an impartial, commonsense opinion.

Oh, and the allegations of racism earier in the thread - really?:D
There's a variation of Godwin's Law which applies to many threads about Brixton. Seems to be coming to the fore now.

Brixton is our town, no matter what colour we are. Thirty years ago its dominant culture was Jamaican (even if, even then, white people were more numerous) ; it now has more Hispanic and African people and businesses, and there's a new generation of people of Jamaican heritage. I think it's much better for being more diverse, just as it's better for jerk chicken, patties and dub.

Change often does breed resentment, and sometimes that resentment is justified. No one denies that there is prejudice, or that some employers are prejudiced in their hiring practices. It's not just a Brixton thing.

There are conflicting views of what Brixton should be. Should it be a melting-pot, with lots of different cultures working, living, working and partying together- a place that will absorb each new wave of migrants as it did the Windrush generation? Should it be London's Jamaica-town, Kingston-upon-Effra? Or should it be the home of the capital's obsession with exotic foodieisim?

It should, of course, be all three and more, and if Brixton Splash means anything it means celebrating the many different faces of Brixton. This year, being the 50th anniversary of Jamaica's independence, is as good a year as any to highlight the Jamaica connection (for which us non-Jamaican Brixtonians are very grateful) so long as it doesn't somehow imply that in Brixton, Jamaican heritage trumps all the others.
I Never said I was Black! And I too live in Coldharbour Ward. If your default setting is seeing me as Black because I said 'our' town then it says so much about your attitudes to the Black people of Coldharbour Ward.IMHO. Moreover, in Guinness Trust estate , in Coldharbour Ward, I hear the landlords evicted 400 black people- rent payers, not squatters- and are now filling the vacant properties with white people? Have you heard about this?

You said: "Black folks are being sidelined out of OUR town." So I, not unreasonably, connected the possessive pronoun "our" to the prior noun "folks". And since "folks" is modified by "black", a valid interpretation of this sentence is to infer that the author is black.

You claim that this "says so much about your attitudes to the Black people of Coldharbour Ward". I disagree - I think it says rather more about my attitudes towards grammar and syntax.
Where did I say that you were black ?

I merely mentioned that your agenda was transparent.

Trolling race issues is low eye doc.

Find yourself a more constructive hobby.
I am not a troll. I live in Brixton . I am not a racist . Engage the debate as to what LJ raised. So He's 'racist' because he said it as he saw and I'm 'racist' because I dare to agree with him? Even though he's Black and I'm white! And you call me divisive?! LOl!
Still no response on the Guinness evicting 400 black people and replacing them with whites. Put in the context of LJ's comments I thought the many detractors would have something more substantial to say. Any, I have to head back to work- lunch over.
You said: "Black folks are being sidelined out of OUR town." So I, not unreasonably, connected the possessive pronoun "our" to the prior noun "folks". And since "folks" is modified by "black", a valid interpretation of this sentence is to infer that the author is black.

You claim that this "says so much about your attitudes to the Black people of Coldharbour Ward". I disagree - I think it says rather more about my attitudes towards grammar and syntax.
Please dont Bull Shit me with your ramblings. You dig? Lol!
I am not a troll. I live in Brixton . I am not a racist . Engage the debate as to what LJ raised. So He's 'racist' because he said it as he saw and I'm 'racist' because I dare to agree with him? Even though he's Black and I'm white! And you call me divisive?! LOl!
Still no response on the Guinness evicting 400 black people and replacing them with whites. Put in the context of LJ's comments I thought the many detractors would have something more substantial to say. Any, I have to head back to work- lunch over.

No, I'm calling you out for trolling and racism because you're spreading lies and disinformation.

The Asin owned stores along Atlantic make £££££££'s a week from BLACK PATRONAGE and yet employ very few, if any, black staff. Fact.

...but more importantly DOES NOT EMPLOY ANY BLACK PEOPLE! Not cool.

Cant say I noticed many Asians faces buying patties from Black people-have you?! Lol! But I sure have seen hundreds of Black people buying products from Asian store owners.

These specifically.
I am not a troll. I live in Brixton . I am not a racist . Engage the debate as to what LJ raised. So He's 'racist' because he said it as he saw and I'm 'racist' because I dare to agree with him? Even though he's Black and I'm white! And you call me divisive?! LOl!
Still no response on the Guinness evicting 400 black people and replacing them with whites. Put in the context of LJ's comments I thought the many detractors would have something more substantial to say. Any, I have to head back to work- lunch over.

Why are you racialising an economic issue?
Still no response on the Guinness evicting 400 black people and replacing them with whites.
It wasn't just '400 blacks' that were evicted from that estate, neither are all the incomers entirely white. Once again, you're clumsily trying to inflate an economic issue into a race issue. Or just trolling.

Educate yourself here:
I'm very disappointed to see Jasper has taken to posting inflammatory comments about the community here on the Brixton Blog. Far from throwing around 'crude racial stereotypes', the posters here have given Jasper excellent feedback about the impact his negative tactics were having on local traders.

Some people never learn, such people are commonly known as idiots.

Others pretend to learn and then go elsewhere to throw a hissy fit about those that have helped them to understand the issue, such people are commonly known as fucking idiots.
On a more positive note, I heard that around 50 local unemployed local people have been taken on and trained to provide security for the event.

That's the kind of news that Splash should be generating rather than all the negative publicity being generated by Jasper's antics.
Really? Are you basing this thought/assumption upon fact or stereotype? The fact is the business' which generate ££££££'s from BLACK CUSTOMERS along Atlantic Road and Electric EMPLOY Black people...But are happy to take their money. It is what it is.

Lots of local Asian convenient stores countrywide don't employ white people either.
Is this thread an indication of how Lee Jasper has operated more generally?

This has to rank as about the most crass and unprofessional approach to fundraising and sponsorship for a community event I've ever seen.

As for why businesses won't sponsor them... well for starters, sponsors don't even merit a link to their website from the brixton splash website, which would instantly count me out.
This has to rank as about the most crass and unprofessional approach to fundraising and sponsorship for a community event I've ever seen.

Couldn't agree more.

The only question that remains is did he actually resign off his own back or was he forced to resign.

Whichever it was, at least it should help to repair the damage he has done.
Jo will take care of this now she is back from hols. We need a picture though...

I see Lee Jasper has resigned.

I hope the issue of Pat is not now forgotten.

LJ says here that Jo will take care of this. As LJ says Jo Birch-Phaure will deal with this I assume the board of Brixton Splash have agreed this in principle and will not now say it was just LJ agreeing to Pat being credited on the BS website.
Dear Forumites,

As a director of Brixton Splash and a volunteer in a variety of communities and programmes for over 10 years I can assure you myself and the rest of the Board are running Brixton Splash on a voluntary basis and purely for the benefit of a community we love deeply for a wide variety of reasons. No doubt you will see from my picture I am not a Jamaican nor from any Carribbean background but I am a committed, honest and dedicated member of our little team and I can assure you we work together with the rest of the Board to fulfill all of our legal and financial requirements and provide a positive and enjoyable event.

Lee's mentioning of businesses that have not supported the event is a controversial step and on a personal level from a PR background probably not one I would have taken but Lee is controversial and opinionated for sure and quite frankly that is why I personally enjoy so much working with him and the rest of the board, Jo Watson, Blacker Dread & Asher Senator all of whom have their own views and values and all of whom respect mine! I would encourage you all to get more engaged with the event which brings so much benefit to local businesses for a day in August when the shops sell out and we make sure there is a safe and happy environment for everyone to enjoy the community spirit the rest of us get every single day. There was no singular request we just wanted people to show willing and support it in whatever ways they could. Thanks so much to those who have and we hope more of you will be in touch. Contact me directly via info@brixtonsplash.org if you would like!

Jo Birch-Phuare

Dear Jo,
now Lee Jasper has resigned I hope you will ensure Pat is credited on the Brixton Splash site as agreed by Lee Jasper here on this thread.

Are you going to ensure this is done?
Right. Small biz dynamics?! Where the many small biz' u were involved part of your family or were you employed by other families? in I tell you what, you take a walk thru Atlaantic Rd and look at the shops- what they sell n how much they earn- and be honest with yourself. What do these men do for the local people of Brixton. Where is the problem with asking the question? I'm glad someone has finally stated the obvious. Asian traders grow very wealthy from Black support. Fact.
oh boy
Still no response on the Guinness evicting 400 black people and replacing them with whites.
but if you can provide actual evidence of your statement I'll happily go peruse it as a resident of said estate.
Enjoy your lunch.
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