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Brixton is a village and local businesses need to ensure they are engaged with the local community.

Tesco say they are opening another store on Brixton Hill. they also say if you want them to fund local community events to contact them before the store opens and they will consider it.
Only just read the whole thread. Doesn't need a lot of thought. Jasper's a self-aggrandizing fool and if having attacked local businesses for not handing his organisation cash on demand, he and his colleagues don't see his position is untenable, I'd be amazed if they get any support from anyone else.

I'm not local and I don't know any of the people involved. It's just an impartial, commonsense opinion.

Oh, and the allegations of racism earier in the thread - really?:D

I agree that hubris is a terrible sin - look what happened to Dr Owen - then he goes and writes a book called "The Hubris Syndrome"! I can't be bothered to read it to find out if it is a confession of guilt in the matter.
Regarding Lee Jasper in action - I was impressed by the way he handled the large protest meeting following the death of Smiley Culture. He was able to allow all the frustrations and fears of people to be expressed without things spinning out of control - and then wind the meting down afterwards in an orderly way.
He is more of a Rev Jesse Jackson type of politician in my view.

The word you're looking for is "demagogue". :)

I very much doubt if Comrade Jasper's Cadres are any threat to anyone on Urban 75 - in any way.
I would rather have Lee Jasper in control of such a meeting than Donatus Anyanwu for example. That is assuming that Donatus would have thought there was any reason to have a meeting.
IMHO it is people like Donatus who are truly hubristic, out of touch and feathering nests to boot!

DA is a "big fish" in a small local authority ocean. Hubris goes with the territory.
Mr. Jasper's political stage is much bigger, the audiences he plays to much larger than DA's. If he weren't able to play an audience better than DA, I'd be worried!
Oh Christ, VP is replying to posts dating back to last Wednesday, this is going to be worst than JC2 catching-up on a thread. :D
Oh Christ, VP is replying to posts dating back to last Wednesday, this is going to be worst than JC2 catching-up on a thread. :D
while VP's doing that, can I just take the opportunity to point out that Brixton has never been a village - the 'ton' bit means 'town', so for as long as it's been called brixton, it obviously hasn't been a village.
while VP's doing that, can I just take the opportunity to point out that Brixton has never been a village - the 'ton' bit means 'town', so for as long as it's been called brixton, it obviously hasn't been a village.

[pogo mode]

That has been pointed out already.

[/pogo mode]

Hey! Am i imagining things or did my post disappear.? I don't agree with Jasper's methodology but his findings are CORRECT! Why not 'name' business' that don't support the Splash? The Asin owned stores along Atlantic make £££££££'s a week from BLACK PATRONAGE and yet employ very few, if any, black staff. Fact.

If it's a fact, you should easily be able to prove your claim, shouldn't you?
Go on then!

The 'new' Brixton is , in reality very , very, very white and has no real connection with either us Brixton people that have been here for years ( that's cool!) but more importantly DOES NOT EMPLOY ANY BLACK PEOPLE! Not cool.

It's also bollocks.

So, as much as LJ has pi**ed people of for having the audacity to state the very obvious, he went ahead and said it. Rather than shoot the messenger and ignore the message I suggest you all take a looooooong hard look at what's going down here. Black folks are being sidelined out of OUR town.

It's fuck-all to do with Mr. Jasper having "audacity", it's about Mr. Jasper getting things wrong, and since when has Brixton only been about Afro-Caribbeans? It's always been about loads of different communities - Spanish and Portugeuse; Afro-Caribbeans; West Africans; East-African Asians; South London whites. Frankly, fuck you with your divisive "OUR town" bollocks. The real problem has bugger all to do with race, and everything to do with class. You want to tackle the people sidelining blacks from Brixton? Tackle the developers and the council.
Right. Small biz dynamics?! Where the many small biz' u were involved part of your family or were you employed by other families? in I tell you what, you take a walk thru Atlaantic Rd and look at the shops- what they sell n how much they earn- and be honest with yourself. What do these men do for the local people of Brixton. Where is the problem with asking the question? I'm glad someone has finally stated the obvious. Asian traders grow very wealthy from Black support. Fact.

What use is looking in the shops, you Noddy? All you see if you look in the shops is the shop assistants, not the "back office" staff.
I have, as a local who's been brought up around Brixton since birth for over 30 years, I've seen plenty of people from all backgrounds frequent "black" business' here.

You and LJ are both coming across yourselves as pretty spiteful and divisive racists, your agenda is very transparent.

I bet you (like me) can also remember the days when (here and elsewhere) black didn't just refer to "Afro-Caribbean", but to all "people of colour". eye doc seems to have forgotten the idea of political solidarity between oppressed parties.
while VP's doing that, can I just take the opportunity to point out that Brixton has never been a village - the 'ton' bit means 'town', so for as long as it's been called brixton, it obviously hasn't been a village.
There's no "town" in 'Brixton'.
By the eleventh century Brixton was known as Brixiestan, meaning 'at the stone of Brihtsige', and was recorded in the Domesday Book. Over the years the name was shortened to Brixton
I Never said I was Black! And I too live in Coldharbour Ward. If your default setting is seeing me as Black because I said 'our' town then it says so much about your attitudes to the Black people of Coldharbour Ward.IMHO. Moreover, in Guinness Trust estate , in Coldharbour Ward, I hear the landlords evicted 400 black people- rent payers, not squatters- and are now filling the vacant properties with white people? Have you heard about this?

You seem to hear a lot, but you should try and filter out the bollocks from the reality. Guinness Trust manipulated so that they got rid of short-stay tenants, black, white and brown, and are filling the properties with people who can afford a so-called "market rent". It's to do with class and the ability to pay, not with race.
It's to do with class and the ability to pay, not with race.

I think this is also part of the mistake that Mr Japser made.
When he read the word "blackmail", he perhaps chose to see the words "black male", instead of focusing on more important issues.
He forgot (or perhaps doesn't realise) that a sum of money doesn't have the same value to everyone, perhaps £100 to him is small change...it's easy money, whereas to some shop owners, it is next week's stock, or the water and electricty that needs paying.
It is great to have enthusiasm and to believe in a cause, but it is also far more important to be able to truly understand and relate to the people you are trying to persuade to join your cause....and at their level, not yours.
I am? Or is it I don't like online lynching when someone is clearly prepared to engage?

Read through your own posts, and the posts you replied to. Do it with a detached eye, and then tell me what you were doing. I'd say you were already "advocating" prior to any "online lynching" (it's garf ffs!) taking place.:)
Read through your own posts, and the posts you replied to. Do it with a detached eye, and then tell me what you were doing. I'd say you were already "advocating" prior to any "online lynching" (it's garf ffs!) taking place.:)

I'm sorry but you're wrong, I can't stand how people claim to want to engage then throw the opportunity when it's right in front of them.

The thing I advocate for is a fair hearing. Other people clearly are more interested in using this place as a platform to push an agenda rather than serve the interests of the local community.
I'm sorry but you're wrong, I can't stand how people claim to want to engage then throw the opportunity when it's right in front of them.

Who did that? The majority of posters may have been snippy, but they engaged with him nonetheless. Only a couple just attacked him, which is pretty much par the course at any venue (real or virtual) where Mr. Jasper appears.

The thing I advocate for is a fair hearing. Other people clearly are more interested in using this place as a platform to push an agenda rather than serve the interests of the local community.

And that wasn't what Mr. Jasper was doing? It certainly seemed as though he was, and he had as fair a hearing as he'd be likely to get in any other non-moderated forum.
I'm sorry but you're wrong, I can't stand how people claim to want to engage then throw the opportunity when it's right in front of them.

The thing I advocate for is a fair hearing. Other people clearly are more interested in using this place as a platform to push an agenda rather than serve the interests of the local community.

If LJ had come onto the forum and wanted to debate whether businesses are contributing enough to the community he could have done so. Instead, he turned it into a personal vendetta against particular named businesses by which he felt snubbed, accusing them of letting down the community, without making any effort whatsoever to establish the ways in which those businesses might already interact with the community. His knowledge and research was so lacking that he even referred by name to one business which had been established on our high street for almost 20yrs as one of the new incomers.

In deciding whether to name and shame, the only reference point he used was whether the business stumped up cash for a party at his demand. And on that basis he called for them to be boycotted. That's what people objected to so strongly.
If LJ had come onto the forum and wanted to debate whether businesses are contributing enough to the community he could have done so. Instead, he turned it into a personal vendetta against particular named businesses by which he felt snubbed, accusing them of letting down the community, without making any effort whatsoever to establish the ways in which those businesses might already interact with the community. His knowledge and research was so lacking that he even referred by name to one business which had been established on our high street for almost 20yrs as one of the new incomers.

In deciding whether to name and shame, the only reference point he used was whether the business stumped up cash for a party at his demand. And on that basis he called for them to be boycotted. That's what people objected to so strongly.

So meeting fire with fire keeps everything cool? Just LJ acted in a way you didn't like doesn't justify you acting in that way...
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