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I love Fish Wings and Tings and wish them all well. It a shame given the owner has been such a vocal supporter of Hondo (who have used their photos and quotes in their publicity) that Hondo aren't repaying the favour with a rent holiday to assist them (and all the traders) during this difficult time.
I love Fish Wings and Tings and wish them all well. It a shame given the owner has been such a vocal supporter of Hondo (who have used their photos and quotes in their publicity) that Hondo aren't repaying the favour with a rent holiday to assist them (and all the traders) during this difficult time.

So true!
I love Fish Wings and Tings and wish them all well. It a shame given the owner has been such a vocal supporter of Hondo (who have used their photos and quotes in their publicity) that Hondo aren't repaying the favour with a rent holiday to assist them (and all the traders) during this difficult time.

Hondo have given one three month holiday during last lockdown.

This new lockdown is only now kicking in so affects are only now starting to show.
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I've never been to the Elm Park Tavern, but is it safe to assume its hardly a problematic pub?

No doubt the complaints were the normal "patrons defecating on peoples doorstep's"
Only glanced at what's available online but from what I could see, it appears that the layout of the premises was changed and changes were not reflected in the licence as they should have been. The new layout caused issues for three neighbours. The review requests that the licence be updated to reflect the new layout and found that conditions needed to be added to prevent the changes having a detrimental impact on neighbours.
In 50 years time, in urban areas there will be no pubs apart from on high streets and 'strips' (like Coldharbour Lane). Theyll have all been moaned and complained out of existence, instead will be rows of housing where everyone sits inside watching Netflix and barely knows one another.
Its sounds like i would hate the person with the axe to grind.

Fancy trying to get an inner London urban pub shut down because you, and only you, object to something about it :mad:
Remember that prick who moved next to the Albert for three months and whined so much in that time that he managed to get the late hours reduced. He even posted here for a bit, if I recall. Pretty hard to imagine being that self entitled and selfish. And the there was the posh woman who moved into the Lexadon flats opposite the 414 to complain about the (low) noise from a Sunday jazz night, complaining that she'd just flown in from some exotic location or another and needed to sleep.
Only glanced at what's available online but from what I could see, it appears that the layout of the premises was changed and changes were not reflected in the licence as they should have been. The new layout caused issues for three neighbours. The review requests that the licence be updated to reflect the new layout and found that conditions needed to be added to prevent the changes having a detrimental impact on neighbours.
Interesting. It's always been a fairly low-key kind of place, but its character has changed a lot over the past decade or so. At least three sets of owners that I can think of during that time - each of whom has run it quite differently, and the new kitchen extension on the Ostade Rd side has definitely brought a lot more activity into the back bar in the past couple of years. Not so much in its use day to day, but it is more noticeable when it's hired out for functions. I'm a little too far away to pick up on the subtleties, but the immediate neighbours might well have felt some negative impact.

It wasn't so long ago that asking about food beyond crisps and nuts in the EPT resulted in the proffering of a handful of menus from local takeaways along with a paper napkin and some cutlery...
Village photos

In photos: Brixton Village traders struggle to survive as the lockdown bites, Jan 2021

In photos: Brixton Village traders struggle to survive as the lockdown bites, Jan 2021

In photos: Brixton Village traders struggle to survive as the lockdown bites, Jan 2021

Interesting. It's always been a fairly low-key kind of place, but its character has changed a lot over the past decade or so. At least three sets of owners that I can think of during that time - each of whom has run it quite differently, and the new kitchen extension on the Ostade Rd side has definitely brought a lot more activity into the back bar in the past couple of years. Not so much in its use day to day, but it is more noticeable when it's hired out for functions. I'm a little too far away to pick up on the subtleties, but the immediate neighbours might well have felt some negative impact.

It wasn't so long ago that asking about food beyond crisps and nuts in the EPT resulted in the proffering of a handful of menus from local takeaways along with a paper napkin and some cutlery...

I haven't been in years but yes - I remember having curry delivered there!
“Beer yoga” 🤔

That's pressing all the hipster buttons. But it's not just any old yoga. It's 'slow flow' yoga with a (slightly discounted) beery finish!

Register for a ticket to receive a 10% off voucher to use on some Brixton Brewery beer which you can pre-order ahead of the session.
That's pressing all the hipster buttons. But it's not just any old yoga. It's 'slow flow' yoga with a (slightly discounted) beery finish!

I can’t muster the energy to be annoyed by cheesy marketing with so many levels of cuntitude/entitlement in full effect right now, on the upside the o/h found yoga beneficial and her group are not averse to a little drink on special occasions so if it’s not hurting anyone who am ii to moan.
Can highly recommend a new food delivery service based in Brixton - every meal you buy provides a free one for someone in need.

Cook to Care has been providing 1,000 free meals a week to those in need in Lambeth and beyond since March 2020. Jojo, the founder (a woman with more energy than British Gas) has just started this new service every Tuesday. I'm just lying on the sofa in a food coma, having tried it out. Delicious, fresh cooked, flavourful, healthy, vegetarian/vegan food, delivered to you door by bicycle. I ordered a meal bundle for £10 and £3.50 delivery - excellent sized portions, plenty for 2 people. I meant to take a photo but it food didn't hang around for long!

If you're fed up with cooking and fancy a night off, do give it a try - you can stuff your face and know you're helping someone out.

Can highly recommend a new food delivery service based in Brixton - every meal you buy provides a free one for someone in need.

Cook to Care has been providing 1,000 free meals a week to those in need in Lambeth and beyond since March 2020. Jojo, the founder (a woman with more energy than British Gas) has just started this new service every Tuesday. I'm just lying on the sofa in a food coma, having tried it out. Delicious, fresh cooked, flavourful, healthy, vegetarian/vegan food, delivered to you door by bicycle. I ordered a meal bundle for £10 and £3.50 delivery - excellent sized portions, plenty for 2 people. I meant to take a photo but it food didn't hang around for long!

If you're fed up with cooking and fancy a night off, do give it a try - you can stuff your face and know you're helping someone out.

That's lovely. Let me give 'em a plug on Buzz!
Can highly recommend a new food delivery service based in Brixton - every meal you buy provides a free one for someone in need.

Cook to Care has been providing 1,000 free meals a week to those in need in Lambeth and beyond since March 2020. Jojo, the founder (a woman with more energy than British Gas) has just started this new service every Tuesday. I'm just lying on the sofa in a food coma, having tried it out. Delicious, fresh cooked, flavourful, healthy, vegetarian/vegan food, delivered to you door by bicycle. I ordered a meal bundle for £10 and £3.50 delivery - excellent sized portions, plenty for 2 people. I meant to take a photo but it food didn't hang around for long!

If you're fed up with cooking and fancy a night off, do give it a try - you can stuff your face and know you're helping someone out.

I've passed it on to some struggling veganuaryians.
Can highly recommend a new food delivery service based in Brixton - every meal you buy provides a free one for someone in need.

Cook to Care has been providing 1,000 free meals a week to those in need in Lambeth and beyond since March 2020. Jojo, the founder (a woman with more energy than British Gas) has just started this new service every Tuesday. I'm just lying on the sofa in a food coma, having tried it out. Delicious, fresh cooked, flavourful, healthy, vegetarian/vegan food, delivered to you door by bicycle. I ordered a meal bundle for £10 and £3.50 delivery - excellent sized portions, plenty for 2 people. I meant to take a photo but it food didn't hang around for long!

If you're fed up with cooking and fancy a night off, do give it a try - you can stuff your face and know you're helping someone out.

I just got a delivery - delicious spicy aubergine dish, saffron rice, roast cauliflower & salad, and beautiful cake - recommended (sorry not the most appetising pic)20210126_222853.jpg
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