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Maybe having got to my age and not had trouble with the police is not a bad thing...?

I'm sure there are plenty of things that I might consider part of a rich, interesting and fulfilling life that you have not experienced, ajdown. Doesn't mean either one of us has had more of a "good" or "bad" life. Your values are different, not better.

People going to CHL this morning may have been there simply to support the Clifton Mansions people.

On the other hand, Homo sapiens being an inherently curious and inquisitive species, they may simply have been responding to an instinctive tendency to watch, witness, observe, learn.

What happened last night (which was bloody horrible) and this morning is part of the unfolding story of our community. I'd go so far as to say that it marks a watershed. It's not odd that Brixton folk should want to witness the events first hand. There was nothing prurient or voyeuristic about the watching crowds this morning (unlike those facebook fools last night).

Eye witness accounts are valuable. Books, telly programmes, lectures, opinions and policies are based upon eye witness accounts. Local people wanted to bear witness to this morning's events. What's bad about that?


Last night's shit party: http://www.urban75.org/blog/clifton-mansion-squats-eviction-party-takes-place-in-brixton/
Can confirm a fare share of idiots turned up intent on wrecking the place. A couple of us were attacked, broken nose and ribs ftw eh? :(
Me and another urbanite sat down in a small well lit room (on the ground floor near the sound system) to roll a smoke, within seconds 3 guys walked in, immediately got a bad vibe from them so went to leave the room but they shut and barricaded the door and jumped us. A mate lost everything, two of us managed to keep our possessions but took a good few punches for the pleasure :( Big thanks to some French geezer who was in the room who managed to get the door open again while we fought back, could have turned a lot nastier tbh, we got off fairly light in the end.
that sounds appalling. Last thing you need on a Monday night, I saw this advertised on f/b so glad I didn't go. I've had my ribs broken before and it's proper painful.:( Hope you recover from that soon Drew,
well, party was definitely full of idiots on the roof, atually had quite a pleasant time in one of the flats with some friends and outside on the road with others too.
I remember leaving about 4ish
only made it home about 8:30 (I've been told) with bruised face, blood all over no camera and no phone.
no idea what actually happened though but it's quite clear I got mugged somehow :/
well, party was definitely full of idiots on the roof, atually had quite a pleasant time in one of the flats with some friends and outside on the road with others too.
I remember leaving about 4ish
only made it home about 8:30 (I've been told) with bruised face, blood all over no camera and no phone.
no idea what actually happened though but it's quite clear I got mugged somehow :/

You been to the docs? That's a fair chunk of time to be missing, especially if you've been attacked.
well, party was definitely full of idiots on the roof, atually had quite a pleasant time in one of the flats with some friends and outside on the road with others too.
I remember leaving about 4ish
only made it home about 8:30 (I've been told) with bruised face, blood all over no camera and no phone.
no idea what actually happened though but it's quite clear I got mugged somehow :/

shit :(
You been to the docs? That's a fair chunk of time to be missing, especially if you've been attacked.

well I know I was quite drunk by the time I left which would have accounted for missing time in a usual situation but the missing items and all my pockets actually being opened upon inspection and my phone being unavailable point to me being mugged, will go to get my ear checked as it's full of dried blood but I can hear fairly normally though which is a relief. A friend called another friend to say they have my bank card though... weird
No doubt there were plain clothes police there last night. Shame they couldn't prevent the muggings. I left before it turned ugly, but it was very pleasant having a quiet drink on the roof. Everyone was very friendly, people were helping each other up and down step ladders, sharing drinks etc. Nice vibe.
Me and another urbanite sat down in a small well lit room (on the ground floor near the sound system) to roll a smoke, within seconds 3 guys walked in, immediately got a bad vibe from them so went to leave the room but they shut and barricaded the door and jumped us. A mate lost everything, two of us managed to keep our possessions but took a good few punches for the pleasure :( Big thanks to some French geezer who was in the room who managed to get the door open again while we fought back, could have turned a lot nastier tbh, we got off fairly light in the end.

what did the french geezer looked like? (just in case)
Yeah spotted a couple of not very discreet ob taking pics of peeps when the roof first got taken. They stood out a mile, and looked pretty uncomfortable when they got called out, plonkers. :D
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