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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Yeah, I noticed that place at Brixton Splash. It looks like J's graduated off his successful food wagon in Popes Road to flash new premises. Was impressed by the cleanliness of the place and the professionalism of the operation - notably good signage in particular for a Windies takeaway. Good luck to him.

He's more of a healthy eater than healthy lifestyle expert in my book, but his food's always been fine.
Just a warning: beware of the utterly freaky icecream van.... I was strolling along near the bike shop in Herne Hill when I saw this ice cream van coming towards me with what seemed to be a doll - a baby, in fact, with its head wedged in the passenger window - as though the driver had been trying to garotte it... :eek:

If this were not bad enough, as the driver pulled level with me he reached out to grab a long pole which was attached the baby doll's arm and used it to make this freakish, half-dead, garotted, plastic baby wave at me whilst he himself, grinned maniacally from the driver's seat. I was quite tramatised!! :eek:
Just a warning: beware of the utterly freaky icecream van.... I was strolling along near the bike shop in Herne Hill when I saw this ice cream van coming towards me with what seemed to be a doll - a baby, in fact, with its head wedged in the passenger window - as though the driver had been trying to garotte it... :eek:

If this were not bad enough, as the driver pulled level with me he reached out to grab a long pole which was attached the baby doll's arm and used it to make this freakish, half-dead, garotted, plastic baby wave at me whilst he himself, grinned maniacally from the driver's seat. I was quite tramatised!! :eek:

I did lol - sorry. But it sounds :eek:
Just a warning: beware of the utterly freaky icecream van.... I was strolling along near the bike shop in Herne Hill when I saw this ice cream van coming towards me with what seemed to be a doll - a baby, in fact, with its head wedged in the passenger window - as though the driver had been trying to garotte it... :eek:

If this were not bad enough, as the driver pulled level with me he reached out to grab a long pole which was attached the baby doll's arm and used it to make this freakish, half-dead, garotted, plastic baby wave at me whilst he himself, grinned maniacally from the driver's seat. I was quite tramatised!! :eek:

my colleagues just gave me a v funny look as I started to laugh uncontrollably.

I also hugely appreciate your inadvertent pun: "I was quite tramatised!!"

Tram trauma!
The massive nail/hair bar in the arcade is now "healthy living jamaican food" - very flash looking operation with a large fleet of delivery bikes. They only seemed to be doing patties at the moment - which I'm delighted to find out are so healthy.... :D


they have 5 nice Pashley bikes (although I only snapped 2 of them) all with a different name on the top tube :)

They don't seem to have been used yet though.
It's crazy out there!

lNot strictly Brixton but this isn't worth a thread of its own...

I just had a 15 min walk through Vauxhall to register at a new GP and it's madness out there!

First I was poked in the chest by a street-drinker when I failed to stop and chat with him. He went "Urgh, faggin, arf!" and poked me. Then I was waiting to cross the road near the Vauxhall Tavern and got snapped by the Google Maps car, and then when I was coming out of the GPs a little old man came up and said: "Excuse me, do you know this area?" So I said: "Yeah" and he said: "Do you know where a place called Chariots is?" and I said: "Yes right across the road in those two blue arches. Have fun!"

I love London sometimes. :)
I just saw the google street car in Vauxhall too! at the end of Tyers Street just before midnight, it had the camera lowered and covered with a black bag but I'm sure that's what it was. A black vauxhall astra I think.
Some people outside the tube with a banner "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" giving out DVDs.

The bloke I talked to seemed nice enough, not too nutty, certainly no worse than the scientoloists and evangelicals.
They weren't there 2 hours ago. Just some "Workers Rights" thing by the market that looked a bit swappified.
Some people outside the tube with a banner "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" giving out DVDs.

I hope they all got nicked.

Does anyone know what's happening on the building site on the corner of Clapham Road and Union Road? A notice on the fence suggests it's something to do with TFL :hmm:

I had a moment of curtain twitching glory earlier when I phoned the council about a dangerously leaning tree. Some stupid cunts are paving over their front garden and have just chainsawed the root bole (?) of a massive great big tree in half :rolleyes:
The massive nail/hair bar in the arcade is now "healthy living jamaican food" - very flash looking operation with a large fleet of delivery bikes. They only seemed to be doing patties at the moment - which I'm delighted to find out are so healthy.... :D

Rather predictably for electric avenue it doesn't have planning permission. 2 pervious applications to change it to a restaurant were refused.
There's a handful of those ludicrous 9/11 Troofer clowns outside the tube station. You would have thought that 'The Man' would be keen to suppress them expressing The Troof so visibly, but there they are with their daft banner thoroughly untroubled by cops or security forces, and generally being ignored by anyone sensible.
Some people outside the tube with a banner "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" giving out DVDs.

The bloke I talked to seemed nice enough, not too nutty, certainly no worse than the scientoloists and evangelicals.

Hmmm. I wonder how many actual architects and engineers are amongst their number...

And I wonder if they will still be there when I get home this evening.

What DVD are they giving out? Is it the usual "Loose Change" one? Any engineer or architect dim enough to take that seriously ought not to be let anywhere near a building site.
Some people outside the tube with a banner "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" giving out DVDs.

The bloke I talked to seemed nice enough, not too nutty, certainly no worse than the scientoloists and evangelicals.

That's like saying peanuts are no more nutty than cashews and walnuts.
Oh and the same unmarked police car that was racing up and down Clapham Park Road last night (up towards Clapham one minute, back towards Brixton the next, repeated about five times), was the one who I encountered outside the car crash house on Railton Road last week, whilst it was overtaking another car, on the wrong side of the road, at 50mph.

/dull post.
What time was that last night? There seemed to be a lot of sirens up and down brixton hill for about half an hour while I was on the phone to my mum.

I think they do it deliberately to make her think I live in constant danger.

Just saw six people attack one guy in the street. One held his arm while his cowardly chums lined up random kicks and punches, then they jumped in a car and drove off. I don't think the bloke was seriously injured, but WTF: what's wrong with these fucking people?
Oh.. stabbing on Moorish Road. Think it was about 3pm but SOCO was still there at 6pm when I was going past to pub.

One woman glassed or bottled another, fair bit of blood down, dunno about end result.
Um, I was outside the Coach and Horses, so I guess between 8 & 11 pm?

funny you should say that, i got beeped by a car outside there today when i was on my bike, just for being in the road. then the pig puts his siren on and overtakes me. maybe it was the same car.
Oh.. stabbing on Moorish Road. Think it was about 3pm but SOCO was still there at 6pm when I was going past to pub.

One woman glassed or bottled another, fair bit of blood down, dunno about end result.

lovely, maybe they'd just come from The Hand :hmm:
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