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Brady's, Brixton (Railway Hotel): history, chat and plans

editor said:
Just an update to say that there are some quite advanced proposals to reopen Brady's being sorted out.

I might be helping them out, but can't say too much right now - but it's looking good!

More details later!

:) :cool: :)
Good effort!

I'm by no means a fully-qualified expert, but I would be willing to give my time as an architectural technician if it's needed. I know building regs etc. fairly well and can probably bend the ear of everal others in my office.
Looks good. A decent collection of local groups have put this together. You can download the 3-page proposal by clicking here

The proposal calls for a wide public consultation and talks about all the potential benefits, but points out that any "redevelopment would need to dovetail into [Lambeth's] existing regeneration scheme." I'm sure this could be a sticking point with Lambeth... but you never know.

They say a priority is getting the building listed [what would the implications of that be?] and that a community arts centre would be an appropriate use. A social enterprise business model could make the centre viable.
memespring said:
Convincing the council is probably more important than the money (someone told me they threw £million at the dogstar once? could well be bollocks though).

The lottery bid and market tidy up seems to have focused their attention on this side of town recently. Plus all the parties seem to be shiying away from the "cafe culture" stuff recently since they pretty much accepted it has caused alot of unwelcome problems (drug touirism etc). So maybe they could be talked round if there was a decent hairbrained scheme?

They did throw £££ at the the Dogstar.Not so mch Cafe Culture thats the problem(nothing wrong with the Lounge) as that in the hands of New Labour "entrepreneurs" like Dogstar Larry CC was transformed into noisy late night clubs which were dead in the daytime.
editor said:
More info:

Ill be there for other reasons.The Council will be also making a presentation about the new administrations plans for central Brixton and the remaining Council owned assets in central Brixton.I assume this means the Rec,housing and land in central Brixton.
Brixton Hatter said:
Looks good. A decent collection of local groups have put this together. You can download the 3-page proposal by clicking here

An interesting proposal, indeed ... :confused:

What do I get? This :

part of Brady's proposal said:
43 0 obj <</Linearized 1/L 95799/O 45/E 59167/N 3/T 94897/H [ 556 239]>>

43 13
0000000016 00000 n
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0000001834 00000 n
0000001910 00000 n
0000001984 00000 n
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0000000556 00000 n
<</Size 56/Prev 94888/Root 44 0 R/Info 42 0 R/ID[<35E126B80ACD11DB875D000D93B4C582><5BA78B9E0ACD11DB875D000D93B4C582>]>>

Erm .... :p
William of Walworth said:
An interesting proposal, indeed ... :confused:

What do I get? This :

Erm .... :p

Thankfully, no problem for me now on my laptop, but I bet my old steam-powered home PC couldn't have coped with anything like this produced in QuarkXpress6 and the published in Adobe 7.0 format (This looks like nu-media professional overkill given that nothing in the document layout couldn't have been done in MS Word!)

Plain text follows as a public service to those still struggling ...


To find a new sustainable use for “The Railway Hotel”, an otherwise redundant heritage building in Brixton Town Centre.

The Railway Hotel is a valuable asset to Brixton, contributing to its historic identity and beauty. ABC Brixton would like to explore the possibility of developing a community-led, social enterprise solution for its re-use. We believe that the regeneration of this historic building could not only improve the quality of the town’s built environment but also provide facilities to address some of the social and economic needs of our community.



2.1 Researching historical and architectural importance
This is the key to making a case to both the owner and grant funding bodies about the significance of the building. The six-sided clock tower is especially interesting, being one of only two examples in Europe. At present, The Railway Hotel is not listed; achieving listed status would be a priority.

2.2 Researching possible new uses and economic viability

A community arts centre seems an appropriate use considering the historic and inherent creative community surrounding the building. The cultural industries moreover are recognised as known drivers of wider economic growth and successful regeneration; in the context of a community/leisure facility this may represent the best way to achieve economic viability. A social enterprise business model could ensure this viability and keep social benefits intact.

2.3 Conducting a feasibility assessment

This would establish the building’s market value, its condition and the cost of its refurbishment.

2.4 Forming a partnership

To implement the project. This would include:
- ABC Brixton
- representatives of local community groups
- historical/amenity groups such as The Brixton Society
- a representative of Lambeth Council regeneration department
- specialist heritage organisations such as The Prince’s Regeneration Trust
- a conservation architect
- local business people
- an accountant
- a lawyer


It is proposed that a governance standard be applied to the project based on the five freedoms as set out by Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen. This will:
- enable a process of engagement that supports the ongoing opportunities and rights for individuals, the community and for stakeholders.
- assure an inclusive and manageable consultation process.
- provide a means to identify obstructions to individuals and stakeholders and to the project itself. These obstructions can then be prioritised and overturned.
In practice this means that every step of the way in the process of restoring the Railway Hotel opportunities are re-discovered for including the community, not just in consultation but practically increasing their capabilities, knowledgebase and skill.


ABC Brixton Ltd. is a charitable community regeneration company formed in 2004 by residents of Loughborough Park and central Brixton. It is a company limited by guarantee.

For further information, email: info@abcbrixton.org
I won't be able to make this tonight because I've got a bastardo deadline to meet, but if anyone who's going fancies writing a short report for the site, that would be grand.
editor said:
I won't be able to make this tonight because I've got a bastardo deadline to meet, but if anyone who's going fancies writing a short report for the site, that would be grand.

An application for listing Bradys has been made with English Heritage and a request made for Lambeth council to prevent any sell-off of the site for 20 months. This depsite an obvious interest from the owner of the Fridge nightclub, who made a passionate plea to the Brixton Town Centre Forum that rested soley on his 20 years of experience.

It also seems that the LDA have an expressed an interest in the site, but no details were forthcoming at the meeting.

ABC Brixton's proposal was the epitome of social inclusion. Social enterprise, incubation and community interest companies were the main watchwords. I felt it was delivered with real conviction.

Were ABC Brixton to win the support of the council we can expect a restaurant/bar on the ground floor with space set aside for music and theatre.
The first floor would be centered around youth and art projects, with Brockwell park based Whippersnappers already lined up as part of the ABC partnership.
Business space could be rented by the hour on the second floor.
A more expansive description can be found in the proposal on the ABC Brixton website.

While no mention was made of the exact size of the piles of money that would be needed to redevelop Bradys, we were left with the impression that money is available either through an agreement with the Prince’s Regeneration Trust
or via Blacks Ltd., operators of a private members club in Soho, who have formed a partnership with ABC Brixton.

The next steps are centered around a meeting with representatives of Lambeth Council to agree a Feasibility Study Brief and arrangements for funding in January 2007.

Not related to Brady's, but my favourite quip of the night was "..why do we always feel life we're banging our head against a wall.. that Lambeth council won't even build".
lang rabbie said:
I do wish them well.

Railway Hotel Initial Partnership

But my mind is already boggling if some of the personalities involved with some of those organisations have to work together as a partnership.

Thats a good point.Its one of my reservations of this proposal.As there is "private" involvement I can see it just ending up in the end as a bar/nightclub with supercial "community use".As business people are more savvy for the main chance.
I went to the Brixton Town Centre Forum meeting.It was well attended for a forum meeting.Among the topics discussed was ABCs proposals.Someone from ABC presented the proposals which have already been outlined on this thread.Here are a few points from the meeting:

1)There are 3 parties interested in Bradys.The businessman who started the Fridge said he could offer the money now for Bradys as a "commercial venture".The LDA have expressed an interest in using Bradys for a mixed use scheme.And ABC have their own proposal.

2)Shane(Green Party) asked how much the Council were spending on security per year on Bradys.(No officer there to give an answer).

3)The Electric Avenue residents thought ABCs proposals were a good idea but had concerns about noise from live music etc.
Just thought that people might want summary of other topics discussed.

1)There was someone from the Brighton Terrace drugs rehab centre.This still seems to be causing concern.Though the discussion went off on a tangent about general drug use in Brixton.Seems to me the centre has unfortunately become a focus for a lot of drugs issues that are not its fault.As much as some of the residents say they want drug users to be helped I got the distinct impression that a lot of people just wanted them cleared off Brixton no questions asked.
Know that New Labour are back in power there is more emphasis on "ASBOs" and what a local businessman called "socialising programmes".All very 1984:rolleyes: to me.New Labour come out with a hard line on Law and Order as they say this is what peoples real concerns are.However this encourages people to be unsympathetic to drug rehabilitation-as I saw at the meeting.To her credit the local Labour councillor present did support the Brighton Terrace scheme.However I dont think what New Labour call "Triangulation" works.

2)Now that Labour run the Council again the regeneration plans for Brixton are being relooked at.Two officers said that:

a)There had been enough consultation already.Previous consultation would be "built on" through for example "visualisations":rolleyes: (is this Scientology).They would look back over previous consultation and also also get Arup to update an extend there East Brixton proposals to the whole of Brixton.The consultation on Brixton Central sq would provide officers with a "model" for community participation.(But IMO that consultation was crap-whatever your views on a new sq).

b)The regeneration plan would use a "Holistic" approach.That sounds like Council speak to me:rolleyes:.There would be a detailed delivery plan-overall structure and individual projects.

c)By March 2007 there would be detailed proposals for the Council to agree on.

d)Various people said that consultation was not really involving residents.I agree.Seems to me from what the officers said that the Council will produce overall plan then consult us on minor details.

e)The officers gave no specific details on what would happen to specific assets.After questioning the local Councillor present revealed that the Rec long term future is still not secure.This was a surprise to me as at the last election the Labour group supported keeping the Rec,against the Lib/Dems who looked like they might demolish it to sell the land and build a smaller one nearby.
Gramsci said:
JThere was someone from the Brighton Terrace drugs rehab centre.This still seems to be causing concern.Though the discussion went off on a tangent about general drug use in Brixton.Seems to me the centre has unfortunately become a focus for a lot of drugs issues that are not its fault. As much as some of the residents say they want drug users to be helped I got the distinct impression that a lot of people just wanted them cleared off Brixton no questions asked.
Maybe they didn't want more drug users attracted *into* Brixton (which is the Brighton Terrace plan). Maybe they thought that there are already enough.

Gramsci said:
now that New Labour are back in power there is more emphasis on "ASBOs" and what a local businessman called "socialising programmes".All very 1984:rolleyes: to me.New Labour come out with a hard line on Law and Order as they say this is what peoples real concerns are.However this encourages people to be unsympathetic to drug rehabilitation-as I saw at the meeting.To her credit the local Labour councillor present did support the Brighton Terrace scheme.
Which councillor was that? Not the Fernadlae one who opposed the Brighton Terrace centre in opposition?
It was Rachel Heywood the new Coldharbour ward Councillor.

Drug problems are all over central London.these arguments aboutneedle exchange and rehab centres are par for the course around London.No one wants hard drugs or centres to treat addicts in there area.I think the argument that drug treatment will encourage hard drugs is spurious.

I know there was a thread on Brady's not long ago but couldn't find it to add to so advance apologies if this has already been discussed. Anyway just seen this posted on the Herne Hill forum site. Is the community use proposal (ABC was it) still a goer? Regardless its just good to see there's a bit of interest in saving the building and returning the place to some use. Whats the general experience of those of you more long term Brixton people with this Andrew Czezowski fella? The proposal seems not bad on the face of it to me. What's peoples views?

Proposal To create
with live

To convert Brady's into a bar restaurant with live music, theatre and home of the Brixton Arts Club.

I am planning to bring into Central Brixton various acts and performers in the rock/jazz/soul/blues style of music. I have felt for some time that Central Brixton desperately needs a small to medium sizes live entertainment venue, promoting young up and coming bands. I have over thirty years of experience in this field and have promoted every one from the Clash, police, Souxsie and the Banshees at my first punk club 'The Roxy' in 1977, to Take That, Marc Almond, Eartha Kitt and Sade at the Fridge.

The venue will include a acoustic and comedy bar with theatre/performance space on the first floor.

I also intend to put on regular exhibitions to promote artists and their work. I have successfully run the Fridge gallery in Acre Lane Brixton with exhibitions by students from Chelsea School of Art, Royal College of Art, St Martins School of Art, Camberwell School of Art, and many individual artist including John O'donnell b.a., r.a., and Paul Ashurst a local internationally respected artist, these events have proven very successful with enquiries still coming to me for show space.

The rear of the premises will converted into a restaurant which will be open daytime to visitors/market traders and families, in addition to normal evening trade.

design & plans.
It is my intention to refurbish the exterior of the building to it's original condition, including restoration of it's almost unique six sided clock tower, I understand one of only two in England. The interior will be modernised to meet all code requirements for the buildings use.

conversion costs.
I am unable to provide you on short notice a detailed breakdown but both I and my valuers predict a figure of approx. £650,000.

employment & training.
I expect to employ 8-12 full time staff and 30-40 part time staff.
Through my experience of owning and running the Fridge Bar and Fridge Nightclub which employed over a hundred and twenty people, I had discovered a chronic shortage of staff with appropriate bar restaurant skills.
I plan to create a teaching school for young people who wish to enter the bar/catering trade. this would not be a catering school but a short term work experience and training school for catering support staff i.e.. bar staff, waiting staff, front of house personnel who need to know about service, safety, hygiene, cleanliness, personal tidiness, good manners and helpful demeanour. I have over the years found it difficult to recruit the level of staff required. I can only see this getting more difficult with the explosion of bars and restaurants in London and especially in Brixton. This short term training would include a period of 'hands on' in one or other of the premises in Brixton including a period at this venue. I feel this type of training would be beneficial to young people as it will provide a basic skill which could be especially suited to the unemployed, single parents and students who would with this training be available to work in an industry which does not always demand a full week or regular hours, and once learned would always be useful.


This is a densely populated area which could not sustain any more vehicular traffic but with it's very close connection to the underground and over ground railway systems plus good bus connections I an confident I can promote travel to this venue without too much dependence on cars. The other, and probably most important consideration would of course be the immediate local residents, i would very much like to have full and frank discussions with any who may hold a view on this proposal, noise, pollution and general hubbub are always issues, but ones I feel I have the experience to deal with.
this particular location is very dark and dingy which will be difficult to police being in the heart of drug territory, i can only say that the success of this venue and location will depend on the ability to control this element, i can say that i have managed to operate one of London's top five venues in this area for over 23 years and with that comes a legacy of respect which i believe will hold me in good stead to deal with these issues.

finance .
This project will be entirely privately funded and will not be dependant on applications to any outside bodies and so refurbishment would be immediate with a planned opening in 9-12 months.

I would like to add that at no time have I been funded for any of my ventures from local or central government or charitable bodies, soI can confidently claim that should this offer/proposal be accepted it would have an immediate and beneficial effect.

This proposal is being put forward by Andrew Czezowski, owner and former operator of the Fridge Bar, Fridge night-club and Fridge Gallery in Brixton. I have been a Lambeth resident since 1951 and a Brixton resident from 1960 until I moved to Streatham in 1972, where I still reside.
Sounds ok, I guess. I thought the large music space was on the ground floor, not the first? But I could be misinformed.
Crispy said:
Sounds ok, I guess. I thought the large music space was on the ground floor, not the first? But I could be misinformed.

i think that means he would create a smaller performance area upstairs..there's enough room!
sounds like an interesting plan and i like the idea of the 'training school' for young people. there's no proposed community use though, unlike the ABC proposal....
Would be good to see a decent venue in brixton concentrating on live music. Seems to be increasingly difficult to find a decent night out that isn't centred on house, DnB or crappy RnB....
I totally agree. There's nowhere in central brixton for a crowd of a couple hunded people to see live music. It's a completely rock solid business proposal in that respect.
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