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Bosses that miraculously get an instakill when they are at 25% health

Most boss fights these days seem underwhelming and ridiculously easy and short. Especially the final one. Not that I want them to be insanely difficult but they should at least take several attempts. Most of the time there's some really niggly bit such as balancing across something that is actually more frustrating than a boss battle!

I guess it's a common complaint of modern gaming and the dumbing down of the industry. At least that's how people around my age feel I think (40)

Very few games of the last 10 years are actually difficult compared to 30+ years ago. Almost everything is spoon fed with hints, or walls that need climbing plastered in paint etc.
Most boss fights these days seem underwhelming and ridiculously easy and short. Especially the final one. Not that I want them to be insanely difficult but they should at least take several attempts. Most of the time there's some really niggly bit such as balancing across something that is actually more frustrating than a boss battle!

I guess it's a common complaint of modern gaming and the dumbing down of the industry. At least that's how people around my age feel I think (40)

Very few games of the last 10 years are actually difficult compared to 30+ years ago. Almost everything is spoon fed with hints, or walls that need climbing plastered in paint etc.

I disagree, there are lots of games now that are difficult, ramping up to insane. Some examples include Super Meat Boy (No!), every game From Software has made, Cup Head, Hollow Knight and Dishonored. Depends what games your into really. Those games aren't for everyone.
not massively hard to slaughter your way through on easy to mid setting. Clean hands at hardest level though, well I haven't even tried. I like my guards thick and my loot plentiful.
couldn't get on with that - too much sneaking - i prefer games when you can progress just by getting the biggest gun and walking down the middle shooting everything that moves
couldn't get on with that - too much sneaking - i prefer games when you can progress just by getting the biggest gun and walking down the middle shooting everything that moves
The stealthed headshot with a crossbow is one of the highest and purest expressions of computer game win, and dishonored gives you plenty of opportunity for it if you tailor your skills correctly. If you get a really good one theres a kill shot animation as it follows the bolt all the way to the skull of the hapless guard.
The stealthed headshot with a crossbow is one of the highest and purest expressions of computer game win, and dishonored gives you plenty of opportunity for it if you tailor your skills correctly. If you get a really good one theres a kill shot animation as it follows the bolt all the way to the skull of the hapless guard.
If you can finish a level on any game on the hardest setting, without resorting to some really clever shit, the game developers have failed.
The stealthed headshot with a crossbow is one of the highest and purest expressions of computer game win, and dishonored gives you plenty of opportunity for it if you tailor your skills correctly. If you get a really good one theres a kill shot animation as it follows the bolt all the way to the skull of the hapless guard.
Completing Dishonoured without being seen or killing anyone is one of my finest gaming wins :oops:
What’s the point though?
oh I dont know, the sense of achievement , and god forbid , I enjoyed it , and I enjoy a challenge.

Some of the dullest games I've ever played were ' Just getting a big gun and shooting ' I guess I prefer something a bit more cerebral.
Completing Dishonoured without being seen or killing anyone is one of my finest gaming wins :oops:
A hard task. I'm currently losing at Dishonoured 2. Because of the general murderous conduct of myself the local fauna is frisky as fuck, but bloodflies can be distracted if you throw them a fresh corpse. So at one point I find myself looking for someone to murder just so I can use his corpse as sacrifice to the bloodflies who are in the way of a rune. Carrying him on my back to toss impatiently at the flies 'here, have that you dickheads' and onto the rune. This town shall feel my wrath.
Hardest game I've ever finished is Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup though. There's no mercy in that game, no saves. No section is ever the same twice. It has no qualms about killing you stone dead whenever and wherever you are in the game. A genuine bastard of a game. Boss wise I suppose the Pandemonium Lords that appear on the orb run sort of count but there are worse things that can fuck you way before that .
Hardest game I've ever finished is Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup though. There's no mercy in that game, no saves. No section is ever the same twice. It has no qualms about killing you stone dead whenever and wherever you are in the game. A genuine bastard of a game. Boss wise I suppose the Pandemonium Lords that appear on the orb run sort of count but there are worse things that can fuck you way before that .

Team. ✊

I can get that some people just want that power trip of walking through an environment killing everything really easily but for me the greatest joy has come from stuff I've had to practice (dungeon crawl, dark souls, nuclear throne & when you get in the zone with nex machina). I'm no good at shoot em ups but I'm learning to really love them.
My boss is a tall atheltic viking, I dont fancy my chances in lowering his energy levels so I resign myself to doing what he says.
I play this game every day. Never defeat him.
or for 227 hours of it as I have done so far ( just started another playthrough and can confirm is still bloody hard :D )

I can't remember what difficulty level I chose, each level I've done was an absolute slog to get through. Getting discovered essentially its an instadeath. Makes you ever more paranoid nearly to the point of total inaction. So yes, seriously hard.
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