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Bloody Sunday 40th Anniversary..........

theres also the irish catholic desire for self flaggelation . And seeing things that werent there . Virgin Mary doing riverdance not withstanding .

and romanticisation.

I'd guess the IRA rising from the ashes after the martyrdom of sands et al makes a good story. i've seen more than a few comparisons between the deaths of the hunger strikers and the leaders of the rising. regardless of the facts, that makes a good take to tell. collins et al forced the british to compromise, by making the status quo cost too much, so did pira in the 80s/90's. cease fire presented as victory.
I was talking to the sister earlier, and she said there was a big furore over a Polish woman had written a piece for a Polish language newspaper about what a great life she was having signing on the dole in Donegal. That too, it transpires, was not (apparently) based on fact. . .
They're lapping it up on Ireland's biggest forums, mind :(
collins et al forced the british to compromise, by making the status quo cost too much, so did pira in the 80s/90's. cease fire presented as victory.

just my 2 ps worth but you seem to have taken aboard the official Irish self justification for various status quos .

In reality what Collins got was essentially partitioned home rule , which far from being a british compromise was what they had intended all along , and what they had attempted to introduce repeatedly but republicans rejected and abstained from years prior to the treaty talks .( the immediate purpose of the 1916 uprising was to ensure Home rule would never be implemented or accepted) .

Britian knew the westminster status quo could not be maintained well prior to 1916 , much less 1922 , and partioned home rule was on the cards for as soon as the war was over . However the massive rise in radical and seperatist politics post 1916 was a momentum partioned home rule they and their nationalist and unionist allies had great difficulty in containing . Not least because within a year or 2 Redmonds massive electoral majority had been wiped out along with most of his party . Britian had no safe pair of nationalist hands to hand over to anymore . So they simply had to find another one to implement what theyd already agreed .

What Collins had supposedly acheived could have been achieved without firing a shot .

Fast forward to the 1990s and we see a very similar scenario .

Since the early 1970s Britians military bods had told their government there couldnt be a solely military solution . That the restoration of law and order, restoration of devolved government and an end to insurgency could only come about through a political formula alongside a security policy with that aim at its core . That determined their objectives as Ulsterisation , normalisation and criminalisation of resistance . Various attempts at powersharing were a waste of time as the republicans couldnt and wouldnt be brought into that process . The attempts to criminalise republicans foundered in the H Blocks , specifically built to facilitate the political process .

Adams, Mcguiness et al however agree in secret to be co-opted into such a process , eventually signing up to the Hume Adams agreement - something their own supporters are still not allowed read to this day despite it being immediately presented to the British and Irish governments.

Culminating in a return to power sharing at Stormont , British rule ,Diplock courts , jails , legislation and security forces being accepted as legitmate , any republican political challenge to the legitmacy of British rule and partition jettisoned , along with the legitmacy of their own republican position - precisely what 10 hungerstrikers had died for in an attempt to uphold .

What Adams got wasnt a compromise but what the British side had been offering since sunningdale at least ..in fact a bit less than that . Again it could all have been achieved without firing a shot and it was what Britian had always wanted all along . Yet again thanks to republican leaders with strangely charmed lives, like collins, somewhere along the line British objectives suddenly turned into supposedly republican ones . As they did in 1922 .

i've seen more than a few comparisons between the deaths of the hunger strikers and the leaders of the rising. regardless of the facts, that makes a good take to tell.

well I think in a strictly political sense there are very strong comparisons . In both instances the political stand they took was to ensure that forms of devolved British rule which envisaged that rule being administered by constituional nationalists , and therefore Britian claiming that its rule in Ireland was non contested and therefore fully legitmate, could not be implemented . Even if that stand was at the almost certain cost oftheir lives .

In both instances they were holding up and defending the position that Irish nationhood and Irish sovereignty , full seperation from colonial rule , was the legitimate position and British rule in any form an occupation and wholly illegitimate . Polarising the politics in Ireland and radicalising them, as opposed to nationalist leaders arriving at an implementation of non contested foreign rule.

However sinn fein today would have you believe they starved themselves to death to get Sinn Fein votes , and even kick start the "peace process" as more than a few of their bright sparks have suggested . A more banal exercise in outright revisionism Ive never heard in my life . However just like the I Ran Away graffitti its been accepted as political fact and loads of people readily believe it.
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I seem to recall reading somewhere that those prepared to actively support the IRA were told to keep a distance from republican politics or anyone known to be involved. I'd wonder whether involvement in what could be percieved as more 'respectable' politics could be seen as putting up a front of involvment in non republican politics, either to put on a front of respectability or to be actively supporting their community in a manner that would not draw attention to their republicanism?IDK, just my theory, but it could make some sense in some cases?

the advent of sinn feins electoral rise probably saw a lot of people heavily compromised ,certainly house raids in the south increased exponentially . Then theres also the issue of those republicans who regarded sinn fein as being for people who had a "gammy leg" or some other physical ailment . And then those who just thought sinn fein was a load of old shit .

but what interests me is thatalthough there is no evidence for this graffiti, it is being repeated as fact in the majority of acedemic writting i'm seeing. no doubt at all. cwetainly highlights how much of what i'm reading needs to be accompanied by a rather large dollop of salt. there are certainly a lot of people presenting themselves as they would like others to see them rather than as what they were actually doing, and the acedemic writing is taking rumour as fact. I think i need to find a polite way of saying that there's too much bullshit floating about.

and not just as regards that graffiti either . Tip of a rather large iceberg .
Thing is the loyalists were at least as capable of causing armed mayhem.
So sorting the mess out was never going to involve the Brits fleeing for the last car ferry home.
While the ira ran up the tricolour.
Thing is the loyalists were at least as capable of causing armed mayhem.
So sorting the mess out was never going to involve the Brits fleeing for the last car ferry home.
While the ira ran up the tricolour.

nobody said it did though . And a great deal of the loyalist mayhem was British inspired , British directed and British armed .
just my 2 ps worth but you seem to have taken aboard the official Irish self justification for various status quos .

I'm reading the acedemic stuff written about this, it's not really supprising i'm getting a particular perspective. what i'm appreciating is getting a very different perspective to that.

but i did pick up from one article how sinn fein had to sell to their supporters a deal that had been offered long before.

I think there really is a point where if i'm going to be examining the 'transformation' of sinn fein over the 80's', i need to look at the difference between the reality and the popularised perception.

However, what i'm stuck with is that I can't go too far off the official script, because that is what i can find references for.

and i really do owe you one.
nobody said it did though . And a great deal of the loyalist mayhem was British inspired , British directed and British armed .
Oh they didn't need any encouragement from the brits. At most it was the cynical "their going to kill people anyway so might as well get them to kill the people we want" from various dodgy spooks.:mad:
Oh they didn't need any encouragement from the brits. At most it was the cynical "their going to kill people anyway so might as well get them to kill the people we want" from various dodgy spooks.:mad:

to paraphrase then... at most it was state-sponsored, state-funded, state-organised assassinations of civilian non-combatants then? That will be of great comfort to the victims of Boy's Own hero Robert Nairac's Glenane Gang.

Of course they needed encouragement from the brits!

They also needed training, arms, Intelligence (and intelligence), reconnaisance, technology, bomb-making training, bombs made when they were still to fuckin stupid to make their own despite the training, general hand-holding, arse-wiping and Special Branch/BA handling. And they got all this courtesy of the British government.
Oh they didn't need any encouragement from the brits. At most it was the cynical "their going to kill people anyway so might as well get them to kill the people we want" from various dodgy spooks.:mad:

was it fuck . Look at the time line . Loyalists went through very long periods werethey didnt kill anyone hardly, then all of a sudden kills were ramped up . Fucking absolutely they were being directed mand armed . Look at who was doing it . Its no secret .

surely i dont have to spell them out to you for fucks sake ?

Ill come back to this when im not pissed .

also i think your a good bloke , just that you havent ad exposure to the relevant info
If they were an undercover arm of the British state they were by far the most incompetant milita force you could ever have had.
The fact that loads of them ended up in jail.
Did Brian Nelson end up in gaol? I can't remember. . .

CR - If all Michael C. got was Home Rule, how was the Free State able to stay neutral in 1939?
If they were an undercover arm of the British state they were by far the most incompetant milita force you could ever have had.
The fact that loads of them ended up in jail.
The Dublin and Monaghan bombings in May 1974 - the single bloodiest day of the troubles and nobody was ever charged. The bombs were constructed so expertly that there was nothing left of them for forensics afterwards iirc.
The Dublin and Monaghan bombings in May 1974 - the single bloodiest day of the troubles and nobody was ever charged. The bombs were constructed so expertly that there was nothing left of them for forensics afterwards iirc.

And the files relating to the case have since been lost.
If they were an undercover arm of the British state they were by far the most incompetant milita force you could ever have had.
The fact that loads of them ended up in jail.

many of them were utter clowns ,,,,johnny adair for fucks sake . But what type of an expert do you have to be to walk into a pub or bookies shop full of civilians and just start randomly killing people ? Or abducting lone ,half pissed catholics on their way home from the pub and chopping them up .

Right now theres a case before the courts that has the UVFs Mount Vernon gang and their leader, Mark Haddock, in the dock . Theyve been responsible for a string of atrocities, including the Loughinisland pub massacre were 6 people watching a football match in a pub were machine gunned to death . Virtually every last member of that gang were police agents. Particularly Haddock .




Same thing with the gang that carried out the massacres in Greysteel - 8 machine gunned in their pub , catholic and protestant . And earlier Castlerock , 5 catholic builders shot to pieces in their work van . The perpetrators there were lead by this man , Torrens Knight.


Torrens Knight is another state agent who had been spotted coming in and out of British Army installations in Derry on numerous occasions . While he was in jail massive sums of money £50,000 per year, were being deposited into his account on the outside.



Ormeau road bookies massacre and attempted massacre in Devenish arms..same story



Then theres Robin Jackson , possibly the most prolific killer of the entire troubles , thought to have been involved in around 100 killings or maybe more . Including some of the worst atrocites..Miami Showband massacre , Dublin Moannghan bombings...possibly even many of the shankill butcher murders .



Lets not forget either that in the vast majority of these attacks the weapons used were deliberately provided to the killers by the British intelligence services as well. In the 1980s and 90s the vast majoriity of the weapons used had been imported directly from Apartheid south africa by the British intelligence services and distributed to the loyalists . Prior to that theyd only killed a handful of people over the preceding 5 years .

Brian Nelson for example


theres tonnes of this stuff , I could go on all night but i wont . But the loyalist campaign of terror was directly aided armed and dorected , if not conceieved, by the British intelligence services hand in glove with RUC Special branch . And its direction in the 80s and 90s by Brigadier Gordon Kerr went directly to the Thatcher cabinet level.
And the files relating to the case have since been lost.

in fairness the Irish files have been deliberately destroyed during Bertie Aherns tenure as Taoiseach ( he campaigned for election on a promise to finally make the files available, but did an immediate u turn once elected , then when he was cementing his freindship with Blair all the files disappeared...just as Britian was preparing a sovereign immunity defence in the fear the case would go to an international court) .

In this instance we are talking about literally van loads of documents and exhibits - along with all their duplicates - walking out the doors of 5 seperate secure locations simultaneously with nobody seeing anything. Dublin Department of Justice , Garda Headquarters, Monaghan , Castleblaney and Dundalk garda stations .
That gives you an idea of the extent to which the Garda Detective unit have been infiltrated and controlled by the British intelligence services.

During the British Queens vist to Dublin , on the very anniversary of the states biggest terrorist massacre, presure from the victims families forced Enda Kenny to ask Cameron would the British make their files avaiable . He was promptly told to fuck off , by his honoured guests, as they went on to wax lyrical about the new era of - one way - co-operation . Which is the exact same as the old era .
I thought they got the weapons off south africa in exhange for blue prints from shorts.I do remeber a picture of a estate car full of south african rifles which the RUC stopped as it was only as it was over loaded.
Whats in it for the Brits to have the loyalists terror gangs running around? If they been killing enemies of the state there would be a point.Just murdering innocents achieves nothing and only encourages republican groups.
The Dublin and Monaghan bombings in May 1974 - the single bloodiest day of the troubles and nobody was ever charged. The bombs were constructed so expertly that there was nothing left of them for forensics afterwards iirc.

Actually there was quite a bit left to examine . However Garda cheifs - in particular Ned Garvey, who was dismissed by Fianna Fail as Garda commissioner years later on a strong suspicion of being a British agent , and named by Fred Holroyd as a serving British agent- ordered the Irish forensics people to hand all their evidence over to the British experts, who promptly destroyed it.

Not long after the massacre one of the prime suspects , a Major Peter Maynard ,an intelligence officer who specialised in bombs , was brought unnannounced by a garda detective sergeant to the home of Irish army officer Commandant Paddy Trears . It quickly transpired the purpose of the introduction was an attempt by the British officer to recruit him as a British agent . The garda detective whd brought Maynard there was Garda John McCoy , a branchman based in Monaghan , and a British agent himself . Codenamed "the Badger"

I thought they got the weapons off south africa in exhange for blue prints from shorts.I do remeber a picture of a estate car full of south african rifles which the RUC stopped as it was only as it was over loaded.
Whats in it for the Brits to have the loyalists terror gangs running around? If they been killing enemies of the state there would be a point.Just murdering innocents achieves nothing and only encourages republican groups.

quite the reverse . The purpose of terrifying a civilian population by regularly murdering them at random at heir social gatherings , in their homes, workplaces etc ,while also subjecting them to extreme levels of official military harassment and social exclusion, is to have them lower their political aims rather than stick to them. Which is precisely what happened .

Anyone who disagreed with or questioned the direction in which the post 94 political process was heading was immediately howled down with shouts of "do you want to plunge us all back into that again ?"

For carrot and stick to work there had to be a stick , and the loyalists were that stick .
Actually there was quite a bit left to examine . However Garda cheifs - in particular Ned Garvey, who was dismissed by Fianna Fail as Garda commissioner years later on a strong suspicion of being a British agent , and named by Fred Holroyd as a serving British agent- ordered the Irish forensics people to hand all their evidence over to the British experts, who promptly destroyed it.
Ta, I'll need to dig up where I got that from and check it, twas a book from ages ago.
Ta, I'll need to dig up where I got that from and check it, twas a book from ages ago.

as far as i can recall the explosives themselves detonated fully - which requires an expertise the loyalists simply did not possess either then or now- but they left sufficient forensic traces to be examined on bits of the cars remains . Which were given over to the British and never seen or heard of again .
as far as i can recall the explosives themselves detonated fully - which requires an expertise the loyalists simply did not possess either then or now- but they left sufficient forensic traces to be examined on bits of the cars remains . Which were given over to the British and never seen or heard of again .
It was also a design that Loyalists had never used before or since.
as far as i can recall the explosives themselves detonated fully - which requires an expertise the loyalists simply did not possess either then or now- but they left sufficient forensic traces to be examined on bits of the cars remains . Which were given over to the British and never seen or heard of again .
Ta again, I'm nearly sure it's Joe Tiernan's buke I'm thinking of.
The IRSP have supported the challenge by Richard O Rawe to leading members of the Provisional movement, including Gerry Adams to take a polygraph to find out who is telling the truth over claims that 4 of the hunger strikers were allowed to die in order for Sinn Fein to maximise the support it was getting from around the world, and that an offer by the British government to end the hunger strike was neither passed to the prisoners themselves or to the representatives of the INLA prisoners.

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