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Billionaires are evil

I wonder for how long a group of six very hungry Navy Seals could mortify a billionaire parasite's soft body, until he hands over the combinations? Hell, if it comes to it, they could kill two birds with one stone, and cut off bits of the cunt's flesh and eat them in front of him.

These people would literally rather become Hitler in his bunker before even considering releasing the crazed death-grip of their psychopathic greed, even just a little bit.

And all for nothing. All it means is that they'd die screaming a bit after the rest of us.
Tech Billionaires (or most other kinds for matter) don't seem to fully realise that they sit at the top of the current social order because it is the current social order. Their position in it is dependent on its existence and that they more than anyone depend on its continued survival. In the event of the complete collapse of modern civilisation, third world peasants have the best chance because they already live their lives with very little in the way of resources and have minimal depedence on anyone else.
I wonder for how long a group of six very hungry Navy Seals could mortify a billionaire parasite's soft body, until he hands over the combinations? Hell, if it comes to it, they could kill two birds with one stone, and cut off bits of the cunt's flesh and eat them in front of him.

These people would literally rather become Hitler in his bunker before even considering releasing the crazed death-grip of their psychopathic greed, even just a little bit.
The billionaire would need to sleep as well so who watches the guards then to stop them removing the collers while he's asleep? More guards?
Tech Billionaires (or most other kinds for matter) don't seem to fully realise that they sit at the top of the current social order because it is the current social order. Their position in it is dependent on its existence and that they more than anyone depend on its continued survival. In the event of the complete collapse of modern civilisation, third world peasants have the best chance because they already live their lives with very little in the way of resources and have minimal depedence on anyone else.

The meek shall inherit the earth.
Tech Billionaires (or most other kinds for matter) don't seem to fully realise that they sit at the top of the current social order because it is the current social order. Their position in it is dependent on its existence and that they more than anyone depend on its continued survival. In the event of the complete collapse of modern civilisation, third world peasants have the best chance because they already live their lives with very little in the way of resources and have minimal depedence on anyone else.

The Silicon Valley set really aren't as clever as they obviously like to think they are. They have a distinct tendency to be either total dudebro douches who worship STEM while neglecting if not outright disparaging the humanities, or they're fuzzy-brained New Age woomeisters raddled with the worst kind of magical thinking.
The way I read the Patagonia story was that he is giving his shareholding to a trust which will then run the company, he will still be stratospherically rich but then, no longer being the CEO of a quoted company, he can pursue his environmental interests more fully.
The way I read the Patagonia story was that he is giving his shareholding to a trust which will then run the company, he will still be stratospherically rich but then, no longer being the CEO of a quoted company, he can pursue his environmental interests more fully.
He's given the entire company to a non profit organisation that will use the whole company's profits to fight climate change.

He'll still be rich and have more free time to do what he likes, but that isn't the point of the story.
Bernard Marcus, millionaire CEO of Home Depot claims that workers at "lazy, fat, and stupid" and don't want to work.

The billionaire co-founder of Home Depot has claimed Americans are too “lazy, fat and stupid” to work hard and that socialism is to blame.

Bernie Marcus, 93, told The Financial Times that he was “worried about capitalism” in the United States, and that the responsibility lay with bureaucrats, human resource departments, Joe Biden and “the woke people”, among others.

“Capitalism is the basis of Home Depot, millions of people have earned this success and had success,” Mr Marcus told The Financial Times in an interview published on Thursday. “I’m talking manufacturers, vendors and distributors and people that work for us (who have been) able to enrich themselves by the journey of Home Depot. That’s the success. That’s why capitalism works.”

Mr Marcus launched Home Depot in Atlanta in 1979 with fellow-co-founder Arthur Blank, eventually building it into the largest home improvement retailer in the world with 2300 stores in the US.

The barriers to entrepreneurial success in America had become so great that had they tried to start the business in 2022, they would have ended up with only 15 or 16 stores, he told The FT.

Mr Marcus, who has an estimated net worth of $8.9bn, said in the interview that “socialism” was now why “nobody works, nobody gives a damn”.

“‘Just give it to me. Send me money. I don’t want to work — I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid’,” he told The FT.

Mr Marcus donated millions of dollars to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in 2019 he was backing his bid for reelection.

Is anyone surprised that this amoral bit of slime is a staunch Trump supporter? I'd be surprised if some of Home Depot's workers, hearing this, walked out the front door. I've had one employer that treated people like this, and there won't be a second.
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"Just give it to me. Send me money. I don’t want to work — I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid’,” he told The FT.

Taken out of context it still seems in context.
Billionaire Techno-Oligarchs—Are Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality
In an excerpt from his new book, The End of Reality, the author warns about the curses of AI and transhumanism, presenting the moral case against superintelligence.
By Jonathan Taplin. August 22, 2023
Four very powerful billionaires—Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen—are creating a world where “nothing is true and all is spectacle.” If we are to inquire how we got to a place of radical income inequality, post-truth reality, and the looming potential for a second American Civil War, we need look no further than these four—“the biggest wallets,” to paraphrase historian Timothy Snyder, “paying for the most blinding lights.”

I call them the Technocrats, in recognition of the influence of the technocracy movement, founded in the 1930s by Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman. The Technocrats make up a kind of interlocking directorate of Silicon Valley, each investing in or sitting on the boards of the others’ companies. Their vast digital domain controls your personal information; affects how billions of people live, work, and love; and sows online chaos, inciting mob violence and sparking runs on stocks.

These four men have long been regarded as technologically progressive heroes, but they are actually part of a broader antidemocratic, authoritarian turn within the tech world, deeply invested in preserving the status quo and in keeping their market-leadership positions or near-monopolies—and their multi-billion-dollar fortunes secure from higher taxes.
Every project I've seen like this ends in tears:

TBH, I can't tell if this is a fancy way of making money by developing land, or if they think they're creating a utopia. If its the latter, I can already see the gates and security guards that they'll hire to police the place.
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What a scumbag. There's two more vids of him holding forth under this one:

Lamp-post and rope, anyone?

Thanks for posting that. I had looked for it and you've saved me the trouble.

For context, this is the guy who suggested that the reason Gen X can't afford to buy homes is because they waste their money on avocado toast.

I'm with you. Long drop, short rope.
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Thanks for posting that. I had looked for it and you've saved me the trouble.

For context, this is the guy who suggested that the reason Gen X can't afford to buy homes is because they waste their money on avocado toast.

I'm with you. Long drop, short rope.


Definitely a short drop for this one. Let him dance for our entertainment.
This just about sums his comments up:

Gurner’s statements are unusual in their frankness and in their admission that unemployment is a weapon of the ruling class to bludgeon workers into working harder for less pay, but his push to decrease employment is also entirely in alignment with what influential economists like Larry Summers, Ben Bernanke and Olivier Blanchard have been saying in recent months. Workers making more money is seen by the ruling class as a freakish aberrational problem that needs to be fixed via economic pain instead of a good thing that should be celebrated and normalized.

It’s important to remember these frank admissions when they happen, because they don’t happen very often. Normally the capitalist class spends its time telling workers they’re an important part of the team and we’re all family here and hey, have a slice of pizza on us every now and then. But the fact of the matter is that all they really care about is their ability to siphon off the excess value generated by your labor, and they’ll come together with remarkable class solidarity to push the state to hurt you financially in order to ensure that they can skim the largest share of that value possible.

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