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Billericay v Hamlet, Isthmian Prem, Tues 10 Oct 2023

Bugpowder Dust

Well-Known Member
Been a few years since my last trip to 'ricay, always been a good venue to visit and a happy hunting ground, even in the cash-splashing Tamplin days.

Only annoying thing would be if the walk to the ground could be 10 mins shorter, but the pub at the station was decent enough if you need to wait for the next train.

23 minute train from Stratford, then a 23 min walk to the ground.
23 minute train from Stratford, then a 23 min walk to the ground.
If changing trains at Stratford on the way there, don't cut it too fine for a connection. Last season I missed the midweek game at Braintree, as the whole station was so overcrowded I simply couldn't get from the Central Line platform to the main line platform only a few yards away. It literally took 7 or 8 minutes just to get to the stairway, down it, then back up the other side.
If changing trains at Stratford on the way there, don't cut it too fine for a connection. Last season I missed the midweek game at Braintree, as the whole station was so overcrowded I simply couldn't get from the Central Line platform to the main line platform only a few yards away. It literally took 7 or 8 minutes just to get to the stairway, down it, then back up the other side.
Don’t get me started on Stratford station. Regularly use it on my way to Clapton games or training and those using it seem to charge headlong in all directions, happy to block off people coming the other way or barge others out of the way. I’m convinced the most incomprehensible sign in the English language must be the “Keep Left” signs on London Transport properties!!
Let's hope the Hamlet Curse* can work in reverse tonight, with Chambers grabbing a goal.

*that thing where ex-players always score against us, particularly when they weren't that good in their stint in pink and blue - Vose and Nash this season for example.
We've only played 9 games, a long way to go yet
Hayrettin's football is outdated, ineffective and horrible to watch. He's put together a bloated, poorly balanced squad and hasn't got a clue what his best team is after 13 games. He promised a team that would fight and would show pride and passion - we're seeing the opposite.

You're right, there's a long way to go - but what have you seen to make you think the situation is going to change any time soon?
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Hayrettin's football is outdated, ineffective and horrible to watch. He's put together a bloated, poorly balanced squad and hasn't got a clue what his best team is after 13 games. He promised a team that would fight and would show pride and passion - we're seeing the opposite.

You're right, there's a long way to go - but what have you seen to make you think the situation is going to change any time soon?
Just trying to be positive, didn't Hakan have terrible start with Maidstone only to go on a unbeaten run at some point? Clutching at straws I know
Hayrettin's football is outdated, ineffective and horrible to watch. He's put together a bloated, poorly balanced squad and hasn't got a clue what his best team is after 13 games. He promised a team that would fight and would show pride and passion - we're seeing the opposite.

You're right, there's a long way to go - but what have you seen to make you think the situation is going to change any time soon?
spot on. Tbh I’m honestly not even sure what his football even is supposed to be apart from absolutely appalling to watch and devoid of any passion or resemblance of team spirit.

He’s never felt like a good fit for the club but I’m not sure even pep could do much at the moment.

Worrying times
First half wasn't too bad. Very high paced end to end half where we put a few good chances together. Probably could've nicked a goal to go in level at half time. Second half we just didn't kick on. Very sloppy and poor and once we went 2-0 just never looked like getting back into it. From what I've heard and seen (only done 3 games this season) it looks like we are improving slowly but surely. Hopefully things do improve soon
Pretty predictable tonight. Some nice sequeces of play usually down the wings with but not enough in the areas that mattered. Our spine is really week. If you look at the spine. Up front Romaine and Clifton have been pedestrian without ofering much apart from a few tidy finishes from the former. Mills can still perform the big number 9 role but there is no one to get on the end of his knockdowns. The oppostion know this so as long as they challenge they can deal with the threat. In central midfield Ricketts, Allen and Scott have all not shown enough. Who would have thought Krasniqi would be our best option there. In central defence , none of Chambers, Gyebi or Parry have been convincing . Also in goal not sure which of the 4 is the safest bet. . Feel pretty fed up trailing up to Hornchurch , Cheshunt and Billericay in last few weeks for 0 points and as said before pretty predictable.
I've avoided social media for this very reason. Not enjoying seeing all the crowing on here
Christ the replies to the full time tweet are pretty horrific.

Billericay fans rightly dragging us for getting the original game cancelled for the international break (I can remember when we used to use that Saturday each season to entertain a huge crowd)

Hamlet fans rightly or wrongly calling for the managers head. I'm almost there, not convinced Haks heart is in it. His recruitment policy is way off beam for sure.

What the fuck are we doing with 30 players? None of the new ones are any better than the previous ones. The fact that the human hand grenade Krasniqi is being grudgingly admired as our best player this season says it all.

Is Dumaka still at the club as Director of Football? If so I think we need to ask what value that is having. Then we need to ask Hak if he really wants to carry on. If not we can agree to say thanks and good luck for the future.
I could sit down and work it out but someone probably already knows the answer. What's the number of win/draws/defeats since going 2nd in the National South? Must have lost approx 60% of games since then.
Heard someone say last night that it was the first league game we have failed to score in this season.

Which suggests where the main problem lies.
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