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Former Billericay owner Glenn Tamplin takes over Romford FC

Whether or not BTFC win promotion, will any of the existing squad want to play for Glenn next season? Will he want them? It can't have done their CVs any good. Any incoming players wouldn't want to earn anything less than £2k a week?
There'll be a nice new plastic pitch to go with their plastic fans, so the Fixture pile-up-crash-collision won't happen again...

Or, Big Guns will fuck off in the same direction of the toys flung from his pram and I'll be watching FC 2020 Billericay Phoenix AFC v Clapton at the Old Spotted Dog in the County Senior League.
There were a few interesting snippets today.

Firstly, Tamplin sporting a cut on his head and a non-playing Ricay player sporting a black eye. The two things may have been related, they may not have been. Nick Wheeler, who wasn't selected, walked out of the ground along with Mr Black Eye before half time with the score still at 0-0.

On about 70 minutes, having just made his third substitution and with the score at 3-0, Tamplin walks down the touchline, past the Hendon dugout, leapt over the perimeter fencing and past the Hendon fans who were almost too dumbstruck to give him pelters. He was nowhere to be seen at full time.

Clearing the away dressing room after the game, there were two of the Ricay backroom team still there. I wished them all the best for the rest of the season out of politeness and one of them said 'heh, thanks, if we're still here'.

When we went 2-0 up, they were beaten. After our third goal players were openly arguing with each other. There isn't any spirit in that group, what I saw today showed a malaise that goes way beyond tiredness and fatigue - which, given their schedule would be understandable.

On that showing, I simply cannot see them winning the league, even the play-offs might be beyond them. The entire club is unbelievably dysfunctional. I feel for the good people there - the fans, the decent coaching staff and the decent players.

I suspect there will be another Tamplin blow-up in the next few days. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I will aim to come along to your game on Good Friday if I can and give you some morale support. Well done today.
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Oh, HFCJohn, the deliciousness of all that detail is so yum-Yum-YUM I can't thank you enough.

I almost don't mind seeing that animated GIF of the wheels coming off that RedBull F1 car another thousand times tonight.

See kids, that's why this here HellThread is probably the best thing on t'Internet.
Oh, HFCJohn, the deliciousness of all that detail is so yum-Yum-YUM I can't thank you enough.

I almost don't mind seeing that animated GIF of the wheels coming off that RedBull F1 car another thousand times tonight.

See kids, that's why this here HellThread is probably the best thing on t'Internet.
Be my guest.

There were a few interesting snippets today.

Firstly, Tamplin sporting a cut on his head and a non-playing Ricay player sporting a black eye. The two things may have been related, they may not have been. Nick Wheeler, who wasn't selected, walked out of the ground along with Mr Black Eye before half time with the score still at 0-0.

On about 70 minutes, having just made his third substitution and with the score at 3-0, Tamplin walks down the touchline, past the Hendon dugout, leapt over the perimeter fencing and past the Hendon fans who were almost too dumbstruck to give him pelters. He was nowhere to be seen at full time.

Clearing the away dressing room after the game, there were two of the Ricay backroom team still there. I wished them all the best for the rest of the season out of politeness and one of them said 'heh, thanks, if we're still here'.

When we went 2-0 up, they were beaten. After our third goal players were openly arguing with each other. There isn't any spirit in that group, what I saw today showed a malaise that goes way beyond tiredness and fatigue - which, given their schedule would be understandable.

On that showing, I simply cannot see them winning the league, even the play-offs might be beyond them. The entire club is unbelievably dysfunctional. I feel for the good people there - the fans, the decent coaching staff and the decent players.

I suspect there will be another Tamplin blow-up in the next few days. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I will aim to come along to your game on Good Friday if I can and give you some morale support. Well done today.
The cut on glenn's head might have been bliss
Back in June 2017...

Look at the poor girl's eyes - she looks like Melania, haunted, as if locked away in an ivory tower.
Or a cupboard.

Then again, that cut might have come from the poor wee girl's exasperation at being dragged into whatever Investigations are ongoing - having been swapped in and out of Mr Tamplin's Companies as a Director and thus embroiled in whatever [3 letters deleted] wheeze may be going on...
Bliss Ellie BISHOP - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
Bliss BISHOP - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
Bliss Ellie TAMPLIN - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)

Either way, there's something of a haunted look in those eyes...
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Oh no, here we go again. He's going to make me join in on camera.
01 resigned, here we go again.png

Fuck's sake not this shite paedo's song, again.
02 fucking hell not this shit again.png
Sigh, I shall lie back and think of Essexshire - the brute will have his brutish ways.

I swear if I hear this one more time.
03 if I hear this one more time.png
You wouldn't believe what he's like behind closed doors, you know.

Help me bridge o'Ton, you're my only hope!
04 Help me bridge of Ton, you're my only hope.png
One day I'm going to cut you and call you Glennda.
Then you'll know.
Then you'll know.
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Apparently he’s been scrapping and not with metal!!

Hearing he threatened a couple players who told him to poke his contract. Then threatened another who beat him up and walked out also. Then tamplin goes out to the sideline all bruised up untill the team goes 3-0 down then fucks off himself couldn’t make it up
Well, this just gets more and more delicious every hour, doesn't it?
Non-league's not all Ivory & lace, dear boy - spirit always overcomes the wonga...sooner or later...

Upon that point, of ivory towers & white Range Rovers, did you know that they're selling 'the lifestyle'? You too can aspire to the hiring of yachts & private jets, the quaffing of Dom Perignon [which is shite, BTW - schoolboy error, right there, as any étudients de la terroir will tell you] and other some-such nouveau-riche trappings of vulgarity.
Flag In The Sand |
How apt, le bassin du port et la piscine de Monaco :
2018 FITSL Monaco.png
Well known as being the sunny place for shady people...oh the irony, L'ironie!

You've gotta check this out, it's oh so louche et gauche :

It's not particularly successful, though.
FLAG IN THE SAND LIFESTYLE LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)
2015 FITSL Ltd Accts.png 2016-2017 FITSL Ltd Accts.png

And, of course, as with many other Legal Fictions within the Tamplin hegemony, it came within a hair's breadth of being struck off pursuant to UKPGA 2006 ch46, s1000 for failure to file its Accounts in a timely manner :
2018-01-02 FITSL Ltd s1000 Notice.png
There must be something they want in that company, though - something of value...otherwise anything within the named ownership and Title of that company would fall into bona vacantia and that Good Title would revert to the Crown. Can't have that, can we?

I wonder what that might be? I do wonder, out loud, almost as if I didn't know!

We can have a look at some of the other Corporate goings on later, Glenn, if you like - you know, those companies that didn't have anything of value in them [other than 3rd Party Debts and Tax Obligations, eh Glenn?!] and which were therefore allowed to be dissolved under section 1000...all in good time...all in good time...
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Oops, Mark Baker's just stumbled in from the pub/club :
Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 03.10.06.png

He's not sounding like as much of a Fanboi as he was before.
Still arrogantly thinks Glenn's invented the Club as a novel creation and/or saved it from obscurity, though.

Mate, we know you're checking in here - 2245hrs on Friday, but you're using your inside voice these days.
Why's that then?

Hey, don't forget to check out the Corporate information on this thread which pertains to your Lord & Saviour.

Tell young Master Tamplin that I'm looking forward to a scrap with Farrer & Co. - it's been a while...they're jolly costly, too!

Ciao, ragazza.
"After several stories are appearing online" [sic]
Grammatic & Syntactical failure #1
"we would to announce"[sic]
Grammatic & Syntactical failure #2


Dubai, by any chance, Glenn?
Maybe a visit to one of those Income & Corporation tax-zeroed FTZ designated areas, perchance?
Or Spain, maybe?
Or perhaps somewhere I've not mentioned thus far, Glenn?
I take back my regret for starting this thread. It's a resource for non league fans everywhere.

Yes, I was greatly concerned when I saw the posts, probably about a thousand posts ago now, discussing closing the thread. This is why we mustn't stray into defamatory territory, or offer idle speculations on the subject matter or the thin-skinned Subject Himself.
Defamation Act 2013

This is the best source of information on the BTFC situation on t'Internet - honourable mentions to Tony Kempster's forum and the Digger Dagger thread, of course. This is the only one, particularly of the various Football Clubs' fan forae, which treats the subject more with humour than vitriol.
Whilst I mention them, poor Dagenham, they just lurch from crisis to crisis over there.
Even said - t'was a lucky escape for them in the Autumn of 2016, though, eh?

Like I said, I'm delighted to contribute [I haven't even started yet, BTW] and I'm pretty sure it was this thread in which I placed my first post when I first got here...
Not obsessed with you at all, I must add for the benefit of BTFC Fanboiz and Glenn himself; I've done this sort of thing for decades and in various different Jurisdictions & languages. It only took me part of a Saturday morning whilst sat in a Irish pub to work out what had been going on, a long time ago, whilst waiting for kickoff time.
During the course of three or four pints of Guinness, if I recall correctly.

As to 'Hunts', there is a Mark Anthony Hunt in the mix.
HUNT, Mark
Mark HUNT - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
HUNT, Mark Anthony
Mark Hunt has acted as a Director and Shareholder in various of the enterprises.

Whilst on the point of the various failed businesses, my personal favourite is the scaffolding company that morphed into a hot food place via another completely different SIC Industrial Classification altogether. And mostly filed Dormant Accounts...
THE HOT SPOT FOOD COMPANY LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)
Having worked in the hospitality trade and advised Clients in the industry, I will point out that it is a cash industry.
Many is the time I've gotten finicky with My Clients who've treated it as a flexible funding model - and dumped them in a heartbeat.
Just saying.

Anyway, back to Mr Hunt. Two of my favourite stories in the whole saga relate to him, involving the AGP Steels name, and Liquidations in unusual circumstances - ones which, frankly in 30 years' experience, I've never quite come across before!

AGP Steels Ltd [07119557] / AGP Steel Structures London Ltd [08793555]
The Administrator for one of the many failed companies [07119557 AGP Steels Ltd, b.2011 d.2014] sold the 'AGP Steels' trading name and the associated Goodwill in the Company to Mr Hunt for £1k +VAT, only to find that Mr Tamplin, as a Director, sometime Creditor, Landlord & sometime Shareholder of the Company in Liquidation, had already established [what Mr Tamplin purported to be] rights over the same through a new company, AGP Steel Structures Ltd [Co.Reg.No. 08793555, 2013-date].

00AGP LiqRep.png
Excerpted from the Liquidator's Final Report, Filed 27/02/2014. Greater detail on the issue may be discerned from the other Filed Reports.
AGP STEELS LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)

Hence the 'AGP Arena', downalong Blunts Wall - Mr Tamplin has paid £1k +VAT to continue to use the name, so he's jolly well going to get his money's worth out of it.

Plus, it would be too easy a target of rhyming slang if the traditional name of the venue was retained.
I would suggest that 'Cunts Fall', in my reasonable opinion, would have been used - nota bene et caveat that : no apostrophe, of course...

Complete Steel Services Ltd [04888331] / Complete Steel Ltd [06366750]
Another great little story was when the Administrator [Mr Tamplin's Liquidations have generally been handled by the same person, Mr Nedim Ailyan, who is well known in the trade - perform your own Due Diligence on that, if you will] assessed the value of Vehicles, Goods, Plant & Machinery under the Clear Title of Complete Steel Services Limited [04888331].
COMPLETE STEEL SERVICES LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)

Mr Tamplin, sometime Director, Creditor [£196,396 con ferre infra], Landlord & sometime Shareholder of the Company in Liquidation, had exercised his Right as a Landlord [as was his wont] to take Walking Possession of the Company's Plant & Machinery, tools, &c.

Walking Possession is when a Bailiff enters a Property and starts putting stickers on things and making a list, prior to those Possessed Goods being sold off - it's this process which you will have seen on one of those many ghastly morning TV programmes y'all seem so fond of over here.

At that time, prior to CRAR coming onto the Statute Book, a Landlord had a number of other, additional, Remedies in respect of Rents Owed : Distraining Goods, Detinue, Levying Distress, &c.

Some of these barbaric, ante-modern, Remedies still exist - they arrived in these Celtic Lands via the Normans, hence their harshness towards those in effective fealty.
In normal circumstances, that is.
As we will see, these are not *quite* normal circumstances.

After the replacement of the original Liquidator, Mr Tate [old Liq], with Mr Ailyan [new Liq], the newly inserted Liquidator's Report, which was Filed on 27/06/2012, contained the following paragraph:

00CS LiqRep.png
con ferre supra, Mr Tamplin was a Creditor in the sum of £196,396 amongst Unsecured Creditors of £1,769,310.87 with a Net Crown Claim of £41,636 at that time.

As the report says, it was a VALID Bailiff's Distraint, in the opinion of the Liquidator. I'll point that out for the record and because I'm fair.
Just as I'll point out that all files pertaining to the Liquidation were [Lawfully(!)] destroyed one year after it was completed.
As I will also point out that Mr Tamplin was a repeat customer who provided so much custom that he may as well have had 'frequent flyer miles' offered in return.
Mr Tamplin's actions are elsewhere described as the taking of a Walking Possession. As I've said, the timeline is very interesting, in my longstanding experience, and somewhat peculiar, in my honestly-held opinion.

Mr Hunt was not a Director of 04888331, Complete Steel Services Limited.
I just thought I'd share that particular story so that readers note the address, namely 3 Spilsby Road / Unit 3 / Units 3a & 3b, Harold Hill in Romford.

It will crop up again.

I decline to speculate on the possibility of a connection between Mr Mark Hunt [b.1974] and Mr David Hunt [b.1961], who hails from a large family as one of 13 siblings.
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Glenn is now being Trølled by Victor.
It seems that a gambler who want to wager against BTFC winning the Isthmian garnered a response from a Customer Service Representative who had indeed heard of The Messiah* Himself and his fantastical set of skillz.

Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 15.21.12.png

* Messiah actually means King, not 'saviour', in the Old Testament.
The Greek word Tyrannos also means King, not 'tyrant' - just saying.

Well - you're a Biblical Scholar in addition to a Master Tactician aren't you, Glenn?
gnauthi se auton, Dear Boy, gnauthi se auton.
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"After several stories are appearing online" [sic]
Grammatic & Syntactical failure #1
"we would to announce"[sic]
Grammatic & Syntactical failure #2


Dubai, by any chance, Glenn?
Maybe a visit to one of those Income & Corporation tax-zeroed FTZ designated areas, perchance?
Or Spain, maybe?
Or perhaps somewhere I've not mentioned thus far, Glenn?

Amsterdam. There are loads of flights from the London area to AMS without having to leave the match 20 mins early.
Why have your picture taken in a taxi with the roof sign on the back shelf making it impossible to sit comfortably?
Yes, the placing of the taxi's beacon inside the cabin area is fucking weird, to say the least.

Also, the EXIF data has been scrubbed from the image, which would show date, time, equipment used & GPS in the case of smartphones and the like.
Other commenters have made calculations as to whether Noord Holland would have been at dusk or in twilight at the time Mr Tamplin purports to have been at Schiphol.
Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 19.31.24.png
The timings aren't quite right, several would be shorter, but I take the point.

The most curious thing about it isn't that the beacon is within the taxicab, but the fact that BTFC put it out there at all.

That's not why we're laughing out loud at you [plural], you buffoons.

No-one gives a flying shitfuck as to whether Mr Tamplin's gone abroad on business or just to have a quiet lie-down in one of his foreign bolt-hole properties. Or even to gently sob in a corner somewhere that local population isn't laughing in his face, for that matter - I certainly would have if I was stupid enough to advance myself millions from a company with a Charge outstanding against it and then spaffed it all up against the wall like so many unfulfilled zygotes.
[for the edification of BTFC Fanboiz, the latter is a wanking reference - although I'd prefer the plural to be zygotoi, per the Greek]
Any of the foregoing reasons would be perfectly understandable, in fact.

BTFC's Twitter person has entirely missed the point - probably owing to Stockholm Syndrome and a Siege Mentality.
We're laughing at you [plural] because it's an episode from within the Circus Ring and your 'Manager' left 20mins early during an important Fixture.

Showing photographs from within the Clowns' Car does nothing to dispel the whiff of sawdust.
Just, just...bizarre...
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Anyway, all this talk of Tamplin has left out an elephant in the room :
Andrew COSIAS - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
Andreas Kyriacos COSIAS - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
Don't worry, Κύριε Κυριάκο, I haven't forgotten about you - it's just everyone's been focused on the tattooed gorilla in the room.

Plenty more interesting reading - well, for us Corporate Lawyer types anyway, is to be found here :
BILLERICAY TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)

The Allotments & the removal of pre-Emption Rights on 08/12/2016, although Filed with CoHo nearly a year later [naughty boys] on 21/11/2017,
Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 17.21.46.png
makes Glenn the 78.564% Majority Shareholder and consort Kyriakos the largest of the Minorities at 9.0909%, followed by the Staceys at 3.288% and Derek Collyer at 1.365%. No mention of Mr. Mark Wright anywhere though, eh Kυριάκος?

There then follows a long, long, list of Minority Shareholders for whom I feel great pity -
firstly they've been wiped out by Dilutions under the ancien régime and now suffer under what is known, philosophically, as the so-called 'Tyranny of the Majority';
then secondly, these are the poor fuckers who'll be picking up the pieces once there aren't any further toys for Mr Tamplin to fling from [what is now] his pram.

Holding over 75% means that Mr Tamplin cannot be blocked by any form of vote which requires a Special Resolution and he can, of course, carry an Ordinary Resolution requiring a simple Majority by virtue of the holding already being over 50%.
In conjunction with Kyriakou's Holding, a supermajority of 87.654% will carry certain Resolutions and actions which require over 80% to be in favour.

Now, the reason I'm calling you naughty boys, [you naughty, naughty boys] is as follows:
Companies Act 1985, paragraph (8)
Companies Act 1985
Companies Act 2006

Why not ask Farrer & Co. about that one, gentlemen?
It'll cost you plenty, though, won't it?

You'll have to remind me, what is the Royal Family's Law Firm's hourly Charge-out Rate?
It's been a while since I last embarrassed them, so I'm afraid that you'll have to remind me...
You vainglorious fool...
they're not even Corporate Law specialists...
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Tamplin watch 2.png Tamplin watch 1.png
Time's wrong for photo to have been taken yesterday...
Assuming truth, then options =
1. taken today, with the taxi's beacon shoved behind him like a mad bastard
2. taken today, having flown to Amsterdam and flying back/onward after 1 night's 'business'
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