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Best Platform for uploading your own music?

Kaka Tim

Half Arsed and Slapdash till I Die
Hi all. Just finished some recording - what do people think is the best platform for uploading it these days? Spotify? It band camp worth bothering with anymore? Not under any illusions about making money via downloads - more about getting the music out there and getting gigs etcc. Cheers in advance.
Bandcamp is great - no size limit on uploads but everything must be uncompressed audio, not mpeg or flac (people can d/l in those formats so source files need to be wavs or aifs) Its all very accessible and easy to work with, you can pay for extras like a custom URL. But in general more platforms has to be better, so IME Soundcloud has a limit on total time uploaded, Reverbnation has a per-track size limit. Some people may recommend subscribing to a service to get the music on Spotify and ITunes etc (you can't do this yourself as far as I can tell).
All three of the sites I mentioned are free but have extras you can pay for, including a lot of promotional extras. For me Bandcamp is easiest to use and way more flexible, and IMO looks more professional.
I use Soundcloud, but it's limited in size, unless you pay (I have 20 tracks there, and there's still space). Also - my YouTube music account allows me to upload my own music. Although I don't think I can share it. So, good for storage and for me to listen to but otherwise pointless.
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Got a few fb freinds recomending Distrokids - small annual subsciption and they upload it on mulitple platforms
ska invita yes Landr, I was trying to remember its name. It's a mastering platform and its mastering is actually pretty good. You can pay for more mastering algorithms but the free basic one is fine. They have some promotional stuff too but I've never used it.

Bandcamp basic is also free, but there are various extras that can be paid for.

Distrokid, I signed up and paid once and never saw a penny of streaming revenue so never did it again and can't speak to its long-term usefulness. I think existentialist may be subscribed and may have a better opinion.
It's worth saying now, Landr seems to have gone pay only.

Bandlab.com offers a free mastering service (only a free signup needed to use it), plus a number of other resources that can be paid for.
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