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A thread for music that is religious or spiritual

Came here to post this. My brother likes to sing it with me somtimes.
Hah, also first thing popped into my mind that i came to post. So instead, here's the Zhihua Buddhist Temple Ensemble:
Sadly I can't find any really nice recordings of 'Kol Nidrei' being sung (the prayer for the start of Yom Kippur, immortalised in Bruch's cello concerto of the same name) - Youtube only seems to have cheesy versions with choir, and also really fancily sung by big-name Cantors. It's one of those melodies that is actually most affecting on its own, sung my someone with a tuneful but light voice.

'Hineni', where the service leader effectively is supposed to intercede with God for forgiveness of the congregation on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is rather powerful and lovely. This is a different melody from the one our synagogue uses, but also beautful sung much more in the simple not-overly-cantorial style I find most affecting

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