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Belief in Evolutionary Psychology May Be Hardwired


what, fucking what?
Belief in Evolutionary Psychology May Be Hardwired, Study Says

Biologists have long assumed that evolutionary psychology, a controversial branch of psychology that ascribes many common social behaviors to genetics, is a muddled blend of half-understood evolutionary biology, selective data mining and resentment of women’s changing roles in society.

A new study, published in today’s issue of the German publication Unwirklichen Genetikjournal, does not challenge that assessment. But it does suggest that some men may be genetically predisposed to believe in evolutionary psychology, a finding that may well suggest future methods of treatment of the psychological malady.

Hands up who thought this was an Onion piece before they clicked the link? :)
Further study by Mann-Esser’s team found a surprising commonality among the five percent of subjects showing clinical signs of susceptibility to evolutionary psychology, which the team refers to as “Desmond Morris Syndrome,” or DMS. Ninety percent of the DMS-positive subjects shared a single allele, first isolated by researchers at the University of Lucerne. The recessive allele, named luz-R, was absent from the remaining 95 percent of test subjects. (The corresponding dominant allele, luc-ID, has been tentatively linked to critical thought faculties and penis size.)


“It may be that early human populations carrying the recessive gene in their genome benefited from having certain individuals who were more likely to stand there and lecture the lion about how man is clearly the most fearsome predator on the savannah and then be eaten, thus allowing the rest to escape. It’s puzzling, though. We clearly need to study the issue further.”

"Stephanie" comments:

Chris, you rock like a giant rocking thing made of rocks. Locus taedius! Sage grouse! This piece is a thing of beauty, and it will come to mind every time I read one of those dumbass comments about group IQ differences or waist-to-hip ratios.

Well, it seems her ratio is such that she won't be rocked [by, as much as possibly rock somebody] any time soon...:rolleyes::D
This is awesome.

I have sent it to a couple of behavioral economists to see what they make of it. :)
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