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Belgium v Russia, 12/06, 8pm

Jesus - just watched the ITV summary of this and other games so far. I fucking hate it when designers who have no understanding of the game are put in charge. You get excerpts that flick between tiny segments of the action that are supposed to be exciting but you can't actually see what is going on. :mad: Not worth watching because they're just fucking annoying.
Jesus - just watched the ITV summary of this and other games so far. I fucking hate it when designers who have no understanding of the game are put in charge. You get excerpts that flick between tiny segments of the action that are supposed to be exciting but you can't actually see what is going on. :mad: Not worth watching because they're just fucking annoying.
As Brian Clough pointed out to John Motson and other pundits,
“Just shut up and show more football”
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