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Bearded Theory Festival - news and discussion

Well they're closed a bar because the wind ripped the tent....

Doesn't something like this happen there every year? I seem to remember a stage taking off one time. Is the site built next to Aunt Em's farm in Kansas or something?
but anyway - was ace.
Patti Smith was kind of jaw dropping - glad i got down the front. a musical shaman, totally committed captivating performance - and her voice sounded great too - at (checks notes) SEVENTY FIVE YEARS OLD!!
Flaming lips amazing too - great show and genuinely moving.
Also good - Lines - spot on post punk minimalist crunch . Hives were daft and fun. Atilla the stockbroker in the tea tent was cosy and entertaining. Placebo very good.
Minor gripes - if i never hear another ska punk band for the rest of my days it will be too soon.
People setting up with Chairs and picnic blankets and fucking wind breaks in front of the stages. Then tutting when people walk right through their "territory".
Not enough tea tents - so nowhere to sit inside and chill. Everywhere was pretty crowded nearly all the time.

Big up to the weather for not being rainy or windy - but please be warmer in the evenings next time thankyou.
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There were no queues at 9.00am because the traffic q of doom were all abed. I drove straight off whilst very quiet
Yep, us too. Felt very smug driving off without any problem at 9.00, seeing all the campervans and cars still parked.
We left somewhere around 10am and there was a bit of a slow bit in the lane but soon picked up and I was back in Derby within an hour.
The exit-traffic definitely built up significantly, and quickly, after a certain point -- maybe midday onwards (?).

We and Van left not long after midday, and it must have taken us a minimum of two hours or so to reach the A38 :mad:

And at festivaldeb's insistence we picked the M42-avoiding route -- A5 to Shrewsbury, then A49 heading to Leominster, then South Wales-wards.

Took for ever, but from the A5 (W) onwards, the traffic was quieter and safer! :)

We must have played around seven albums on our way back! :D
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Sorry to screw up on getting to either of the Urban meets whose dates and times I suggested myself! :oops: -- did they happen at all?? :confused:

I did get to overlap with mx wcfc (at Gail's) at least! :) -- also rich! , Stig and their partners at various points -- but they're always at festivals! :p
I wish in particular that I'd managed to catch up with Riff ... I did have quite a chat with Mr Riff though :D

My favourite factor was the entirely non-wet, non-muddy weather, which given my injured feet and sticks-dependence, helped me so much.
As did the excellent crew at the Medical Tent, who re-dressed my feet very professionally and supportively, every morning :cool:

As for acts, I had a few highlights -- Emily Capelle was new to me, and I thought she was great :)

Pauline Black is about my all-time musical heroine!, (and Arthur's not bad either :p ), so as ever (many, many gigs over the years!), I was always going to find The Selecter superb! :cool:

I sacked Placebo (don't know much about them :oops: ) in favour of getting into the queue-infected ( :( ) Woodland early enough to catch Wilko Johnson -- who gave a great show! :)

Loved The Dub Pistols on Thursday! :)

Myself and mate had to give up on our attempt to get to Peter Hook and The Light in the Woods on Saturday -- queue-insanity again! :mad:

But we missed almost nothing of Patti Smith's truly excellent set beforehand :)

Flaming Lips were bonkersly good!! (probably my overall highlight!) .... but it was particularly chilly, we found, on Sunday night, so we had to retreat to The Van :(
Where at least I caught the spectacular Fireworks! :cool:

Saw a fair few acts at Gail's tent -- I really got on with Attila in particular :oldthumbsup: , but I also enjoyed Jess Silk :)

As for ska-punk, Kaka Tim , I hope? you might make an exception for The Sporadics -- I thought that their Friday gig in Convoy Cabaret was excellent!
(I am a bit of a fan though! ;) ).

Regretted missing The Blunders at Convoy (Friday)-- that was because of Wilko.,

But festival clashes are inevitable everywhere!, and over this weekend, there was definitely more than just that one .... :(

Biggest regret -- missing various things (OK anything at all!! :oops: ) at Magical Sounds -- embarassing really, because I know the organisers of that tent pretty well ... :( ... I'd been really up for System 7 (Saturday) and Zion Train (Sunday) in particular -- but various distractions happened on Saturday, and as I said, it was way too cold on Sunday .... :(

My other main regret (apart from not meeting enough people) : Not eating enough, even though (by necessity and advice! ;) ) I was largely pretty restrained on the drinking front .... interrupting each pint with plenty of water is a great festival plan!, which I'm going to follow at Glastonbury 2022!, as well :thumbs:

Anyway, after all that Derbyshire malarkey!, despite current knackeredness!, I've somehow got this feeling that I'll be back at Bearded Theory 2023!, for some reason or other! :cool: :D
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Good to meet all the Urbs I bumped into and had a natter with - thanks - apart from you lot there were only one other person there I knew, so it made a big difference. sojourner chainsawjob Mogden rich! l'Otters

There were a lot of clashes for me that pissed me off a bit, and I was parked half a mile away from the arena which was a ballache too.

But it was great. Good to be able to bring my own beer, as well as buying their's, good to see Patti Smith and Wilco Johnson/Norman Watt Roy and loads of other bands. Tea Tent was great as was Convoy Cabaret. Saturday night ended up at another mate's van drinking rum laced hot chocolate till god knows what time.

Sunday I confess I was shattered, but just parked my chair at the Tea Tent and largely took it easy. It did make Monday morning a lot easier.

Despite having a great time, I expect I may have decided that big festivals like this are not for me anymore, and I'll stick to the smaller ones - Glastonwick/Something Else sort of style.

ETA William of Walworth :facepalm:
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Yep, us too. Felt very smug driving off without any problem at 9.00, seeing all the campervans and cars still parked.
Didn't leave til about 3, still a bit of a queue up the road to the temporary traffic light at the bridge. 9 is well prompt!
Sorry to screw up on getting to either of the Urban meets whose dates and times I suggested myself! :oops: -- did they happen at all?? :confused:
Mogden, mx wcfc and I looked around for you at Acko's Thursday, but couldn't spot you, the other main bar seemed to be being rebuilt, perhaps after the tent-ripping rich! mentioned? Sorry not to have bumped into you, glad a good (and manageable) time was had :thumbs:
Had a great time, especially once 'how you do festivals' kicked in again sometime on Saturday. Didn't see most of the things I intended to but it didn't matter, what I saw was good, Patti Smith in particular, all the good feels after that. Mostly it was seeing folk I've not seen in a year or three, lovely to catch up with sojourner, Mogden and mx wcfc

I need to be much fitter before Glastonbury!
I'm worried that the takeover by DHP turns BT into a nasty, faceless, profiteering, corporate "you could be at any arena-based festival" rather than the lovely family-run hands-on festival we know and love.

If it does I will be a regular (and former volunteer) who will not return.
Bit of a price hike for BT next year - £155 early bird, then £165 then £175. That's a 35% increase!

Maybe they’re buttressing the coffers in anticipation of massive inflation, and if they have some left over can put on some more cool stuff.

Edit: but then I see your above post about DHP and become less optimistic :(
Some good news - you can still take your own booze into the arena for the 2023 festival according to their FB page. Not sure beyond that year.
Tickets have gone on sale today, but at a price! Just shelled-out a grand total of £354.60!

This breaks down as:
Car parking £20 plus £1.40 booking fee
2x super early bird tickets at £155.00 each plus £10.85 booking fee PER TICKET!

I think this will be our last Bearded. :(

Some folk are dismayed that live-in vehicle passes have leapt from £40 to £75 - yikes!
Tickets have gone on sale today, but at a price! Just shelled-out a grand total of £354.60!

This breaks down as:
Car parking £20 plus £1.40 booking fee
2x super early bird tickets at £155.00 each plus £10.85 booking fee PER TICKET!

I think this will be our last Bearded. :(

Some folk are dismayed that live-in vehicle passes have leapt from £40 to £75 - yikes!

Was already thinking "maybe not" next year. That's a lot to fork out before any acts are announced.

On my own, with a van, that's £240. I can do 3 or 4 small festivals for that.
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