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Bearded Theory Festival - news and discussion

Missing the place. Should have done my first trip of the day to the portaloo by now. Going to put the tent and flagpole up in the garden later and decorate the tent. Mr Riff is also compiling a playlist. Rhubarb cider has been purchased and we are going to buy some Camembert, scotch eggs, haloumi, hummus, falafels, samosas and sweet potatoes later to try and replicate some festie food over the weekend.
Missing the place. Should have done my first trip of the day to the portaloo by now. Going to put the tent and flagpole up in the garden later and decorate the tent. Mr Riff is also compiling a playlist. Rhubarb cider has been purchased and we are going to buy some Camembert, scotch eggs, haloumi, hummus, falafels, samosas and sweet potatoes later to try and replicate some festie food over the weekend.
I wasn't going to be ultra faithful to festival tradition this morning by having a dubious UHT brew in a tin cup, I'm not a heathen :p but I will pop up to Aldi later for more festival type supplies. The Facebook Bearded chat page is really helping surprisingly. All those little things that make it a festival like someone doing Wonderwall at 4am and shouts for Alan cos they've lost him, people asking what the shower queue is like and what time the bands are on. I feel 😍 🥳 and 😭 all at the same time.
We ordered a load of beer and a load of cider -- both delivered today :cool: :)

But otherwise, we're not doing much (if at all?) that's festival-like :(

But I will insist on playing more music than usual tomorrow .......
The Something Else tea tent is putting on a virtual do next week.

And Scott Doonican has said he's laying on a special broadcast for virtual Bearded.

I was trying to fond the Scott Doonican thing after the Something Else footage (excellent!!) was over, but I failed :oops:
Am I still in time? And is there an easy link?
Cheers :)
I was trying to fond the Scott Doonican thing after the Something Else footage (excellent!!) was over, but I failed :oops:
Am I still in time? And is there an easy link?
Cheers :)
Don't worry William, you're a day early. Tomorrow night on YouTube. I'll give you a nudge on here and some details of tomorrow's schedule. Is it really Saturday tomorrow?
Ah, I watched a bit of the Something Else thing, trying to catch sojourner performing, but missed her (I had a clash with another thing), I'm intending to watch back.

Yeah, I had a get together last night with mates who I'd usually be there with now (on Zoom obv). Wore some sequins (not hugely big on sequins but it was requested so happy to join in, i have a modest few sequinned items) , drank some beer. I wasn't really planning on following the whole virtual Bearded thing this weekend, but I'll have a look in. I've got a few other livestreams lined up, so it should be a good weekend of music all the same.

Yeah Mogden, it's really hit me this week too how shit it is not to be heading for the fields and company this weekend :( And various other weekends this summer. It really helps to see peoples' faces on Zoom. I'm quite getting into this virtual festival malarkey, the Ladies Day Lockdown from Fuelled By Cider one was good, lots of local-ish bands I knew, and I'm intending to see a bit of Glastonwick (never been to the actual festival) :thumbs: Tolpuddle is going online too, I usually go to that one. It's the chat as well, makes you feel connected/involved, even though you're not there.
Ah, I watched a bit of the Something Else thing, trying to catch sojourner performing, but missed her (I had a clash with another thing), I'm intending to watch back.

Yeah, I had a get together last night with mates who I'd usually be there with now (on Zoom obv). Wore some sequins (not hugely big on sequins but it was requested so happy to join in, i have a modest few sequinned items) , drank some beer. I wasn't really planning on following the whole virtual Bearded thing this weekend, but I'll have a look in. I've got a few other livestreams lined up, so it should be a good weekend of music all the same.

Yeah Mogden, it's really hit me this week too how shit it is not to be heading for the fields and company this weekend :( And various other weekends this summer. It really helps to see peoples' faces on Zoom. I'm quite getting into this virtual festival malarkey, the Ladies Day Lockdown from Fuelled By Cider one was good, lots of local-ish bands I knew, and I'm intending to see a bit of Glastonwick (never been to the actual festival) :thumbs: Tolpuddle is going online too, I usually go to that one. It's the chat as well, makes you feel connected/involved, even though you're not there.
Where is the virtual Bearded? I've been looking for it, but I'm clearly being thick.
(I got called in for dinner just as sojourner started on the Something Else thing on Thursday, so I missed her too.:facepalm:)
cracks knuckles mx wcfc William of Walworth chainsawjob

The virtual Bearded ongoing festival party is on the Bearded Theory Chat page.

If you are a member of TwatBook you don't have to join the group to read the messages but it is a thoroughly heartwarming group. And there is a link available for Zoom to festival goers can pop on and off for a natter, much like the benches outside the beer tent.

The Bearded Theory Spring Gathering page

is where the official events are taking place as it were. The quiz is currently available, although not for too long cos tonight at 8pm there is the performances compilation video and I understand there will be some quiz related results type thing then. The Bar-Stewards are doing their feed tonight at 8pm also, typical clashing stages dilemma, on their YouTube channel.

The Something Else event is still available to watch also. And Tony Wright from Terrorvision did a live thing last night so that might be available on his Facebook page. He's not playing this year but it's just something to buck you up if that's your groove.

I was up Zooming with festie people last night and I feel all kinds of Saturday morning festie in that I CBA to move, have gallons of tea and the toasties are on 😴 The best bit though is not having to get dressed in a sauna whilst stooped over :D
Much as I'd love to put our tent up, I'm reluctant to risk it as it's really windy. I have decorated the garden a bit though.
I've had to take down my plastic greenhouse tent thing cos it's fallen over and squashed my pea plants, now mushy pea plants :D, so in a small way I'm bloody glad I'm at home.
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I've had to take down my plastic greenhouse tent thing cos it's fallen over and squashed my pea plants, now mushy pea plants :D, so in a small way I'm bloody good I'm at home.
Putting washing on the line just now was quite an effort - there's no way my tent is going up.
here is the Burton-on-Trent forecast for the coming weekend.
No rain, lots of sun, and not too ridiculously hot! < :cool: and :( >

Like the festival-weather saddo :oops: that I am, I rechecked this earlier -- now updated!
There's some serious wind up 'on site' :p today :eek: (probably yesterday too).
No rain from now on though, and set to improve for 'them' ;) tomorrow and especially Monday :)
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Yeah, I'm a bit all kinds of Saturday morning festie too Mogden, having done the same as you last night, everything feels a bit too complicated for my head rn. But thanks for the info, I think I'm signed up for it all, but I'm not completely clear on what's what and where's where. Is the virtual festie down to a regular Bearded-goer rather than officially by Bearded themselves? I wasn't sure.
On it a day late, happily I found the replay of this show :)

ETA : 'reply' (as originally mistyped), belatedly corrected to 'replay' .....
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She was fucking outstanding.
N'awww, thanks Mogden ! I must admit, I've been more than a tad resistant to online gigs, and live streaming still gives me the heebiejeebies, but pre-recorded is actually okay, and you do get SOME reaction, albeit afterwards. I was well made up with what Gail did with the whole vid - was almost like being there eh? I've got another for Glastonwick, and am gonna do one for Sistafest too, now that I'm in me stride :D

Weren't Sam and Hanna absolutely fucking magic?
N'awww, thanks Mogden ! I must admit, I've been more than a tad resistant to online gigs, and live streaming still gives me the heebiejeebies, but pre-recorded is actually okay, and you do get SOME reaction, albeit afterwards. I was well made up with what Gail did with the whole vid - was almost like being there eh? I've got another for Glastonwick, and am gonna do one for Sistafest too, now that I'm in me stride :D

Weren't Sam and Hanna absolutely fucking magic?
They were! And Gail did an amazing job. I was so into the whole thing that when I went for a wee during it I honestly couldn't fathom why it wasn't a chem-loo :D It doesn't completely make up for not being there but just for the weekend, I was somewhere else, almost forgetting about the shithole we're in.
:( But no surprise, really.

I like their t-shirt range for this year. Shame it's off but a predictable outcome for the festival.
Gives me a fighting chance for the Dub Pistols Mucky Weekend now but I don't suppose that'll go ahead. I can dream.

As someone on the BT Facebook group has pointed out, it leaves it very close to Download next year.
If it had happened this year, I doubt Patti Smith would have made it, so next May it is. At least I have my ticket. There's a couple of way smaller, more like big party, festivals that I'm still tracking that haven't cancelled. Mayhem at Micks (end of Sept) are talking to the council, but given the fanbase are largely 50/60 something old punks, that may fold. There's another over August Bank Holiday (more like friends meeting in a field than a festival) that I'm keeping quiet about until I've taken the plunge. I can pay for that and roll till next year if needs be. A year without any festival at all is horrific.
Just now seen this news :(
We'll set our tickets (and the van ticket) aside too.

We were actually expecting the announcement tomorrow (Friday 24th), but whatever, this postponement** is 100% not a surprise to anyone, I'm sure.
**NOT cancellation!!! ;)
Just now seen this news :(
We'll set our tickets (and the van ticket) aside too.

We were actually expecting the announcement tomorrow (Friday 24th), but whatever, this postponement** is 100% not a surprise to anyone, I'm sure.
**NOT cancellation!!! ;)
This is actually a potential bugger for me. When I bought my 2020 ticket I had a tent and a Ford Focus. I fully expect to have a van by 2021.
This is actually a potential bugger for me. When I bought my 2020 ticket I had a tent and a Ford Focus. I fully expect to have a van by 2021.

Might be worth buying a van ticket anyway then, in that case, especially if you really are confident about acquiring a van :) :cool:

Van tickets do sell out at Bearded in the end, which will allow you to sell it on at cost to some other van person if you unexpectedly find yourself without a van! :eek:
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