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Bearded Theory Festival - news and discussion

killer b : OK that does make a good deal of sense to be fair. And yes, you could very well be right, just as Part-timah could be.

We've heard so many different things though. At one point (albeit a while back) it was being said that outdoor gatherings might be less dangerous than indoor ones. (And how mass is mass anyway, anything over 100?)
That outdoor gatherings thing from earlier has presumably been fully out-of-date for a while, but for now I'd still like to hope (?) that spread and numbers with this virus may be brought under control with sufficiently strict distancing rules over the coming weeks and months, to allow some events still to happen after the summer. It's not impossible yet I'd say.

ETA to correct 'now' in the last sentence to 'not'!
killer b is right.
william get use to drinking at home for the foreseeable.its shit i no. good news thornbridge jaipur 4 cans for £6.. morrisons super markets. I'm hoping to go to a small festival/gig in september already missing 3 festivals and lots of gigs.
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I'm not trying to claim it's nailed on or anything for September.
If I'm honest with myself I'd say no more than 50/50, maybe worse odds than that.

William of Walworth said:
It's not impossible yet I'd say
is my only claim at this stage.

I was sort of mainly agreeing with killer b really.
William. Get it into your head. It’s not happening. We are not suddenly going to get a green light where it all goes back to normal.

Stop doing this please.
I've already accepted it's perfectly likely it won't happen at their proposed rearranged date (in September).
As I said above :
William of Walworth said:
It's not impossible yet I'd say

And that's all I was saying. Try reading what I actually posted, you might find that I'm being a little more reasonable that your rant accepts.

However, that weekend in September is a little over five months away and IMO it's premature, for now, to say so nailed-on definitely that it just can't happen then.

Chances are you'll end up being proved correct and fair enough if you are, but surely the organisers' options are not yet fully closed.
Just bought a ticket. Looking forward to September - all the shit over, Bearded and Something Else in the Wye to make up for all the festies that have cancelled :thumbs: 😈

(never been to Bearded - I prefer the little festivals where you can park next to your tent, and tickets are only £70 quid tops. So far as I can see, I shall park myself in the Convoy Caberet Tent, and venture out only to see Patti Smith)
Fuck me you're optimistic.
I'm in agreement with William of Walworth . If this isn't over by September, the world is fucked. (Actually no, the world will be fine, the economy and human society will be fucked). Getting kids back to school by the start of the new school year is something the govt will be focussing on. They will want football to start the new season. They will want businesses up and running again. It has to be over by then, or it is over. China is getting back to normal, what, 3 months after it all got serious there? I'm pissed off that July events are cancelling already (Winchester Hatfair has just fallen), and I nearly bought a ticket for Boomtown too, but, I agree, that might be optimistic.

Looking forward to some proper partying in September!
beesonthewhatnow said:
William. Get it into your head. It’s not happening. We are not suddenly going to get a green light where it all goes back to normal.

I’m afraid Bees is right.

Not necessarily as far as September goes -- note emphasis.

Neither am I right (necessarily!) about September, but options remain open (either way) that far ahead.
I'm sticking to that view for now.
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William of Walworth

Something Else in The Wye has postponed till next year. from FB:-
Something Else
8 hrs ·
With it looking less and less likely that there will be any gatherings at all this year, and with so many now postponing til September (which makes our's non-viable anyway), our 9th end of season bash has now been postponed until 24-26 Sept 2021
All tickets will be valid..and we'd appreciate it if you can avoid asking for refunds, or if you do, to please be patient. If you bought a ticket, you'll get an email shortly. Likewise, if you were involved in any way.
We're gonna try and put something together online, and we're trying to support our independent artists with our #fieldme campaign. There's a group you can join. It should come up if you click the hashtag.
Lots of love and virtual hugs to you all. Please stay as safe and as sane as you can!

Gutted. I was relying on this one - small, end of September. Absolutely gutted.

really need Bearded to happen now. :( but losing hope.
Just seen this ..... :( :(
With that announcement from Gail, which I absolutely don't blame her for at all, it's also getting ever-harder to imagine that the rearranged Bearded will now happen in mid-September ... :(

The rearranged Bearded was always possible I reckoned, and still technically could be.
I have many more doubts now though.
Still no updates on their main site or on their Facebook for now, but! :hmm:
BT organiser's are unsually open about stuff - a couple of recent post on the BT forum from one of the organisers...

"I appreciate your concern and clearly things keep changing. We will make a call when we all know more and will only commit to operate if its 100% safe to do so. Currently we are 6 months away despite the weeks going like years and we are hitting the peak currently, it depends how the virus then reacts if our cases do go to zero, will we open up theme parks and tourist attractions like China or continue to restrict gatherings.

I think we will wait and see until July and then make a decision at that point should we further postpone to May 21 or cancel entirely .

Ticket monies are retained in a very strong financial covenant with Eventbrite, so your money is safe."

In response to poster who had doubts about sept going ahead...

"Not at all and we equally share the same opinion as you and have done work in the back ground to deal with whatever we are faced. As it is now circa 5 months away we will wait it out a bit longer and then see what happens."

So long & short of it is that they're going to wait to make a final decision - but they're under no illusions that its likely to be postponed.
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Cheers for posting that, Fishmonkeynan -- like others, I now have very big doubts that the September Bearded will happen as planned :(
But at this stage, as they say, it still makes sense for them to postpone the final decision -- good on them for warning people of what's involved anyway.
They're being reasonably clear about it at least, like you said.
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The Something Else tea tent is putting on a virtual do next week.

And Scott Donnican has said he's laying on a special broadcast for virtual Bearded.

If I can make bits of the garden flat enough, I may camp out next weekend :D It'll be the only time ever that my cats will get to accompany me to a festival.
The Something Else tea tent is putting on a virtual do next week.

And Scott Donnican has said he's laying on a special broadcast for virtual Bearded.

If I can make bits of the garden flat enough, I may camp out next weekend :D It'll be the only time ever that my cats will get to accompany me to a festival.

Yep, got a "ticket" for that!

The Glastonwick one (first weekend of June), is worth looking at too.
Bugger. It's just hitting me now how much I'm going to miss this this year. Normally I'd be flapping about getting all my washing done, filling up the snack bag and tidying up the house so it's at least more pleasant to come back to when mucky and exhausted. I almost want a bottle of eau de toilette, literally, cos the smell of chemical loos puts me right in the middle of Bearded. Don't know if I'll be Zooming or similar with festival mates this weekend but it's really going to jar me :(
Just to rub it in (sorry Mogden !! :D ) here is the Burton-on-Trent forecast for the coming weekend.
No rain, lots of sun, and not too ridiculously hot! < :cool: and :( >

Frankly, I'd put up with a mudbath :eek: in mid-September, should the rescheduled Bearded miraculously end up happening after all! .......
I'm not that far down the road from it so I get the good weather here too :cool:

The Facebook chat group is already doing quite nicely. It's going to be a very interesting weekend.
Thanks. I'm getting really muddled up with all the on line gigs/festivals/listening parties etc going on. I had this down for Saturday, and was going to listen to the Unknown Pleasures listening party tonight (it's tomorrow) :facepalm:
:D :D I'm still unaltered at present. This will change as the weekend goes on of course.
Getting Gail's shebang lined up now. So long as the laptop conection with the TV works properly this time ( :hmm: ), it'll be on a significantly bigger screen that I enjoy this :cool:

(Otherwise, the fallback will be here on the PC).
Getting Gail's shebang lined up now. So long as the laptop conection with the TV works properly this time ( :hmm: ), it'll be on a significantly bigger screen that I enjoy this :cool:

(Otherwise, the fallback will be here on the PC).
At least you can be sure of a comfy seat and ale at the right temperature :D
I'm watching on the Facebook feed cos YouTube seems to be still loading. Give me a shout with my Urban name if any urbs are on there. Just my way of saying hi.
I'm watching on the Facebook feed cos YouTube seems to be still loading. Give me a shout with my Urban name if any urbs are on there. Just my way of saying hi.
yep, me too. You Tube didn't do anything.
I got called through for dinner just a sojourner started. :facepalm:
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