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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

I used to fancy the pants off her. I haven't actually listened to her new show on 6 before this morning tho. I'm goin back to spotify. This is dire.
Who the fuck is this idiot northern guest she's got in?

But. He's. Not. Funny.

this is the 2nd day in the row that editor is complaining about laverne... i'll listen tomorrow to see if she is really that bad.

on another note, she had a replacement last week, a lady called jo good (spelling?) of whom i know nothing about, this good character had an in-built child voice which i found a bit annoying. :mad:
I'm not in control of the radio this morning. we have laverne on again. I think i preferred lamb :( wait.. no. maybe not.. tough call.

neither of them seem to have noticed the word 'music' in the station's title though.
yay! lauren laverne is off for the week to work on that brooker election night show on c4... her replacement is about a million times less irritating, plus shes playing some proper tunes.. :) its safe to tune back in.
They had some woman on last week standing in for Laverne and she was great: she was pretty much anonymous, played lots of music and didn't endlessly demand that listeners start 'tweeting' and twitpicing' their random thoughts in. Moar please.
Yeah, she also interviewed Faithless without inanity and crap attempts at humour. Like Andrew Collings she has a weekend show but also fills in elsewhere and when. A floating DJ.
At least Lamb was controversial. Sure he was a dick but it was fun seeing the amount of people getting wound up by him. It was entertaining. We don't have many controversial DJs left on daytime radio the UK any more.

Laverne is just plain dull... just like most of the daytime 6 Music DJs sadly.

Completely agree. Have gone off LL quite a bit; bring Huey back and replace Nemone with Radcliffe and Maconie.
I think Lauren Laverne is very easy on the eye. I like her on television. Her Northern accent is quite appealing, but I am not really listening to what she is saying, just quietly lusting and checking out the voice. I don't bother to listen to her on the radio though, the magic only works on tv. You Lunnunners don't understand about Northern girls and I suspect are against them because of where they come from. I am not a Northerner but lived there for a while.
I think Lauren Laverne is very easy on the eye. I like her on television. Her Northern accent is quite appealing, but I am not really listening to what she is saying, just quietly lusting and checking out the voice. I don't bother to listen to her on the radio though, the magic only works on tv. You Lunnunners don't understand about Northern girls and I suspect are against them because of where they come from. I am not a Northerner but lived there for a while.
I don't give a shit where the DJs come from and I have no problem with her accent - it's just the endless fucking rabbiting, the relentless pleas for people to Twitter bullshit in and the overall lack of fucking MUSIC inbetween her endless talking.

And now she's added Planet of the fucking Apps.
If she stopped that bollocks about 'getting in touch' every 30 seconds it would be a start - followed by stopping reading out the bollocks people say when they do 'get in touch'.
Jesus. Now she's introduced a new "let's promote Apple's iPad, iPhone and app store" section on her show.

It's called BBC Radio 6 Music. Music. Not fucking apps.


Of course iTunes has revolutionised the way music is purchased and how we listen to it, so there is relevance.

And any hetero man claiming not to feel inclined to wish for a depraved intimate afternoon in a nice hotel sharing a bottle of fizz and a few lines of coke with this young lady is lying out of his arse... :D

Anyway, she just told me they'll be covering both (android and iwhatever) each week.
She whittered on about how every band is using an Apple iPad in her studio. I imagine most will be using Fender or Gibson guitars too, but I doubt if she'll be gushing about that on air. It was like an Advertorial.
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