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Barbie vs Oppenheimer

Barbie or Oppenheimer?

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Oh, the unberable tension!
Barbenheimer day approaches - which one will you see, and if both, in what order?

I was looking forward to Oppenheimer until I saw that the running time is 180 minutes

Fucksake, I did want to see Oppenheimer but I'm not going to make it 3 hours without needing the loo or stretching my legs, might wait til I can watch it with a pause button and the comfort of my sofa.
Barbie looks fun. Will probably be fun.

Oppenheimer looks impressive. Will probably be overlong, difficult to hear, and needlessly overcomplicated. Also still looking impressive.
Nolan film so will see at cinema. Will probably watch Barbie when it ends up on mainstream telly just to find out what a couple of actors I quite like are doing
I wanted to see Barbie but I’m seeing Oppenheimer next week. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it. I doubt it’s my sort of thing and I do not have the attention span to watch a 3 hour film. Still I might be surprised and enjoy it although I heard today that the director is the chap who made Interstellar which is the worse film I have ever suffered.
Are they showing a condensed version too, perhaps about 30 minutes? Should be enough time to tell the story.

Three hours is stupid for a film - couldn't cope with having to sit in a cinema with other people for three whole hours.
It seems long, but then I’ve watched plenty of films in the 2h 45m- 3h+ range that were so enjoyable, time passed like a breeze, or at least not any slower than your average 1h 50m flick.
Are they showing a condensed version too, perhaps about 30 minutes? Should be enough time to tell the story.

Three hours is stupid for a film - couldn't cope with having to sit in a cinema with other people for three whole hours.
The Godfather was worth 3 hours. I didn’t see it in a cinema though.
I think both films seem interesting but I don’t reckon I’ll watch either at the cinema and probably wouldn’t go out of my way to find them by other means
Can’t wait for both. With see Barbie first and then Ssee if I can watch Openhiemer on IMAX…
Any film that long I’d opt to watch at home for access to comfy seating, loos etc
I’m happy doing both for those certain films that should really be watched at least once on a proper big screen to get the maximum enjoyment out of it. I’m not going to miss the spectacle of Oppenheimer or other such visual feasts on a proper massive screen with ear-busting surround sound simply because I will need to go to the loo at least once due to their running time.

Go during a lull, miss 3-4 minutes tops, and simply catch up with the unseen footage when you watch it the second time at home, as you’ll invariably will if you liked it.
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