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Bailiffs turning up at new place while I'm away

There's an address here for complaints if it's the same Marstons that are writing to you
Have you out things in writing to council tax? I think trying to get through on the phone might be a hiding to nothing, and even if you did get through you have no confirmation that the call handler has done what they need to do (sorry if you've already covered this)
copy to the council? You're noting how long you're having to stay in for visits they don't make? £20/hour sounds reasonable to me.
copy to the council? You're noting how long you're having to stay in for visits they don't make? £20/hour sounds reasonable to me.
I gave up on hold to the council yesterday and emailed them so hopefully they'll get back to me at some point. I have a solicitor's letter near the front door to show anyone who does turn up.
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