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Athens Greece: Cops murder a 16 year old

i thought it was pretty much de rigeur to go on hungerstrike in greek jails.

I'm not sure about that, there have been many detained in Greek prisons through the years that don't go on hunger strikes, but I couldn't comment on that, I think it's very personal thing when you put your life at stake..
Well hunger strikes are a tough decision but are the only way to protest really when being in prison. If there is a relatively big number of hunger strikes in Greece, compared with the number of imprisoned people, it clearly has to do with the inhuman detention conditions in greek prisons and the unfair legal system that puts them to jail anyway. Putting your life in such a risk, is not just a “hobby” but an action that shows how desperate the situation really is ...
Call-out for international day of action for Thodoris Iliopoulos

Call-out for international day of action for Thodoris Iliopoulos, Monday August 24


The solidarity initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos has released the following call-out. Please translate it and repost it in as many languages as you can.

On the day of action, Thodoris will be on the 45th day of his hunger strike; his situation is already critical. The last prisoner of December’s revolt must be freed – now!




We call all groups in solidarity to co-ordinate their actions – propaganda, info-actions, meetings- aiming at the immediate release of Thodoris. For this reason, we have set Monday, the 24th of August at 8pm as the day and time when we will put together our voices and our power in demanding the immediate release of hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos.

As part of this action the Solidarity Initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos is organising a solidarity concert at the Propylaea in Athens, on Monday 24 August at 8pm.

In the struggle for his defense and his release, our support is Thodoris’ breath.

Let’s get his voice heard across the world!


SOLIDARITY INITIATIVE: http://apofylakisithodoriiliopoulou.blogspot.com/

Thodoros Iliopoulos has been transferred today again to hospital
solidarity banners for Iliopoulos at Trikala

Also a solidarity gathering took place at Trikala yesterday

Yesterday there was also a solidarity concert in Thessaloniki. For today in Thessaloniki a demo has been organized...

At Argirupoli in Athens, comrades gave out leaflets to pedestrians about Iliopoulos.

A solidarity gathering took place at Grevena.

At Heraklion, in Crete, there was also a solidarity gathering organized yesterday

Solidarity banners at Serres, North Greece

A solidarity gathering also took place at Chania, in Crete

A solidarity gathering and live concert also took place at Larisa, central Greece

At Chalandri, a suburb of Athens, a solidarity gathering was also organized.

Solidarity banners and leaflets in Arta

Finally, there was a solidarity concert in Athens as well.

For whoever speaks Spanish, here is a leaflet for Iliopoulos that was distributed in Barcelona, Spain

Also, it was finally decided that the cops Corconeas Ep (the cop that shot Alexis) and Saraliotis B (the other cop who was accompanying him) will pass from trial, with the charges of "deliberate murder" for Corconeas and "deliberate assistance to murder" for Saraliotis. I do not know yet when the trial will actually take place.

I am not 100% sure that I translated the charges well from greek to english if Stella has a better translation in mind it would be appreciated :)
Also, it was finally decided that the cops Corconeas Ep (the cop that shot Alexis) and Saraliotis B (the other cop who was accompanying him) will pass from trial, with the charges of "deliberate murder" for Corconeas and "deliberate assistance to murder" for Saraliotis. I do not know yet when the trial will actually take place.

I am not 100% sure that I translated the charges well from greek to english if Stella has a better translation in mind it would be appreciated :)

"willful / premeditated murder and complicity to premeditated murder" ... I think... :)
A gathering outside "Sotiria" hospital, in Athens, has been organized for today in solidarity to Iliopoulos. Sotiria is the hospital that Iliopoulos is transfered, as he is on hunger strike for the 47th day

There is a big possibility that I will be on that one, so I will inform you about it when I return.


Update about actions in solidarity for Thodoris Ilioupoulos
source : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1071575

"Thodoris ILIOPOULOS: Briefing about the solidarity gathering at Sotiria Hospital

Yesterday, Tuesday 25 August a solidarity gathering took place for hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos who is being hospitalized at Sotiria Hospital. The gathering was called for by the Open Assembly of Rebels for Solidarity to Those Persecuted in the Rebellion and about 150 comrades (men and women) took part. The police mobilization was high so the comrades couldn't enter the hospital (which is on Mesogion Avenue) and approach the specific building where ILIOPOULOS is kept. During the gathering, banners were pinned in solidarity to hunger striker Th. Iliopoulos and to the other prosecuted persons of the social rebellion of December, pamplets were distributed and slogans were said. After about an hour the comrades in solidarity left towards the metro station of Katechaki.

Also, yesterday night, the Open Assembly of Rebels for Solidarity to Those Persecuted in the Rebellion with many comrades taking part, discussed and took the decision to organise and [call for the] participation of the anarchist/antiauthoritarian bloc in the march that is called by first-degree syndicates for Thursday 27/8 at Propylea [Athens].




The court issued the number 2647/2009 decision according to which they accepted Thodoris' application.

Thodoris is free without any bail out needed, he only has to appear at his local police department every 15 days and he is not allowed to exit Greece.
I forgot to add.. The planned demo for today WILL happen anyway.


May I also add, that Thodoris maybe out of jail but the charges against him are not dropped yet. We have won the first battle, but not the war ...

A video of the demo for Iliopoulos and the rest prosecuted comrades.

I was on that demo, we were about 900 comrades, passed from the usual route at the center of Athens. Nothing really exceptional happened, there were some anti police slogans shouted at the riot police squad that was outside the building of the Greek Parliament, you can see that on about the 7th minute of the video.
A quick note on the latest from Greece

with English links (BBC)
You might have read about the forest fires http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8220491.stm and it is a tragedy without the questionmark. I actually know a woman recently married and starting her new life that more than half of her house was burned down

and of course our prime minister whenever he smells fires he sees elections http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8234843.stm let's see how much money he's going to "offer" this time..

and also yesterday (yesterday morning) there were two bomb attacks on the Athens' stock exchange building and on Thessaloniki's Macedonian ministry http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8233054.stm and my only comment about that is, that if the BBC means Eleutherotypia newspaper in its report : "In a letter to a satirical newspaper, Revolutionary Struggle had promised more attacks against economic targets." they are a bit of the mark.. although they do have some "funny pages".

And that's that.
*Correction : I was told it was Pontiki newspaper, and it is actually a political and satirical newspaper, I guess I was in a hurry to say something against the bbc ;)
things appear to have returned to the usual 'militant' bullshit of bombs, petrol bombs and solidarity for prisoners .. does this mean that the ??? ( do the events of december have a name?) have had no affect on the activist and antagonistic political culture of greece?
Police Provocation in Exarhia (again) last night (1-1.30 am) by the special forces-from the radio today and indymedia http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1074214

they mentioned the excuse was a couple of kids were writing graffiti on the walls (maybe Ippokratous and Solonos Streets). Loads of teargass, clashes with the police, residents of the area came to the support of the young people but still the reports mention they beat the hell out of the people they managed to catch or get close to. There was a lot of provocation from the cops , verbal abuse and other for no reason.. The cops also managed to "invade" the self organized park in Navarinou street, shouting all kind of manners of abuse and engaged in some destruction there.
They arrested 5 people, 3 cops were injured, and they have closed they area in Exarhia. That's mainly from the radio, but Indymedia reports are mentioning the same.
One day after elections were announced for the 4th of October they are trying to "fit in" as much abuse as they can before they crawl back in their caves :mad:
things appear to have returned to the usual 'militant' bullshit of bombs, petrol bombs and solidarity for prisoners .. does this mean that the ??? ( do the events of december have a name?) have had no affect on the activist and antagonistic political culture of greece?

In what kind of world of yours is solidarity to the prisoners 'militant' bullshit ?

And the affect of what happened in December and onwards has reached most of Greeks and is still very much alive and well, thank you very much for your concern, activism in Greece is very strong and has been affected in a very positive way by the massive participation of the protests and assemblies from December and since.
report in English from Indymedia about the attack from the police yesterday


Thanks for this report.

This police aggression did not remain unanswered. Last night, a quite big group of comrades, gathered at Exarchia area and attacked the RIOT police forces that were there. The organization of the comrades was good, with roadblocks formed on all corners and major alleys, and people on all these roadblocks who were responding to the police chemicals with stones and petrol bombs. RIOT police tried from various angles to break the road blocks but were unable to do anything, they run out of chemicals rather quickly as they did not use them correctly, so they remained and were throwing back the stones that they were receiving.

No arrests were made and there are not any injured comrades.

Their aggression will never remain unanswered


links for regular updates in English

Links in English following what's happening in Greece:

- Greek police exposed by torture victim with pierced lung
source : http://libcom.org/news/greek-police-exposed-torture-victim-pierced-lung-07092009

- (After the Greek Riots) Video from the police raid 4th of September in Exarheia
source : http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/

- Arrests of sans papiers in Ileia, Peloponnese and Ipeiros
source : http://clandestinenglish.wordpress.com/

- Greece riots(irregular updates): http://greeceriots.blogspot.com/
Fascist violence victim snatched from hospital by Greek police

source in English
: http://libcom.org/news/fascist-violence-victim-snatched-hospital-greek-police-10092009

"Seriously injured, an immigrant, victim of fascist violence was snatched by police from hospital, and held in parastate-controlled area of Agios Panteleimonas in a new parastate outrage.

A victim of the continuous parastate operations of fascists and plainclothes policemen in the area of Agios Panteleimonas in Athens was snatched early this week from hospital by police forces violating doctors orders and basic rights to healthcare. The immigrant was attacked last Saturday by the usual 15-strong group of junta-nostalgic vigilantes, and had his chest pierced with an iron rod, receiving serious injuries throughout his body and head.

Instead of even ordering an investigation on the assassination attempt, the greek authorities moved to arrest an eye-witness of the incident and to abduct the unfortunate immigrant from hospital. Both are now held in the notorious police department of Agios Panteleimonas which a few years ago came under protester attack after systematic torture of underage Afghan boys in its basements. The police station is a free-way for neo-nazi scum , which according to human rights groups and lawyers who have pressed charges against the police authorities, are harboured there allowed to roam through files and intervene in procedures. Lawyers have claimed that the injured man is kept in medieval conditions of hygiene and is in risk for his life.

The organic cooperation of the police with fascist groups dating back to the nazi occupation has been subject to recent dizzying upgrading to the degree that the ex-chief of EYP, the Greek MI5, and the man responsible for the abduction of dozens of Pakistanis to secret interrogation camps four years ago, was appointed a leading candidate of the fascist Orthodox Alarm (LAOS) party. According to the estimations of many analysts, the intensification and arming of the fascist parastate and its open endorsement by the police are part of a state plan to create an extra-administrative force of repression and terror in the face of the rising social antagonistic movement."
The last prisoners of December’s revolt are in Serbia!

The last prisoners of December’s revolt are in Serbia! Solidarity with the arrested anarchosyndicalists in Belgrade.

source : http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/...the-arrested-anarchosyndicalists-in-belgrade/

"On Friday September 4, five political activists and members of the Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative, the Serbian branch of the International Workers Association, were arrested in Belgrade under fabricated charges. The arrests are supposedly linked to an action that took place at the greek embassy in Belgrade on August 25, in solidarity to the hunger striker at the time Thodoros Iliopoulos. During the action some minor damage occured.

The five arrested are charged for an action of “international terrorism” (seriously...:mad: ), despite the fact it was another group that claimed responsibility for the action (”Crni Ilija”, “Black Sun”) and although they have explicitly stated that this type of action does not fit with their political views and activity as anarcho-syndicalists. Following their arrests and torturing in police stations, the attorney general has ordered their detention for 30 days.

A call for two days of international solidarity actions (September 15-16) has been issued by ZSP in Poland ..."
(more on the solidarity action and links on:

- http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/...the-arrested-anarchosyndicalists-in-belgrade/


- http://asi.zsp.net.pl/

On Friday 4th of September 5 Serbian anarchists, members of the Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative, were arrested and accused for the solidarity attack against the greek embassy in Belgrade, which took place in support to Thodoris Iliopoulos, a hunger striker at the time. Their arrests had essentially been announced in advance, when the Serbian president Boris Tadic apologized to the greek ambassador (Greece comprises they key investor of serbian economy, with 2,5 billion € per annum) and assured him "the serbian state would do everything in its capacity to identify and punish those responsible for the attack accordingly". The serbian state (and the socialist coalition government) in complete harmonization with the international climate of repression against the social movements chooses to charge the five comrades with participation in an action of International Terrorism.

The barbarity of modern bourgois democracy is the same everywhere…

For us it is insignificant whether they are "guilty" or "innocent".

We ought to respond not only to the arrest of our comrades but also to the charge of International Terrorism that aims directly to the international resistance movement.

We stand in solidarity with the five serbian comrades, we stand in solidarity to each person that revolts and resists state power and global capital, the only true terrorists.




Open assembly of anarchists for a unified multiform movement (Athens)
Appeal from ASI

On 04.09.2009, following the decision of the investigating judge of the District Court in Belgrade, the groups of six anarchists who were arrested 3rd of September 2009 were sentenced to detention measures up to thirty days. year. The charge states that the suspects , on 25th of August, about three o’clock in the morning, initially wrote the graffiti on the facade, and then threw two “molotov cocktails at the building of the Greek Embassy in “Francuska” street in Belgrade.

Wanting to brutally deal with it’s hardest critics, the state acts, through it’s mechanisms of repression, with utterly banal logic. Those who have explicitly expressed their libertarian beliefs are mapped as the only suspects. The case ends with their imprisonment and gives a false picture to the general public about state’s expediency.

Due to the unusual course of action of the police and prosecution in this case, the arrested are suspected of having committed a crime of international terrorism. That act, in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, is treated in the same group with the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes against the civilian population, organizing and encouraging to commit genocide and war crimes, the conduct of aggressive war, etc. Due to the legal weight of such characterization, the costs of the representation so far during the process have exceeded 10,000 euros.

For this purpose, the account was opened to help the arrested anarchists, which is listed at the bottom of this page. In addition, there is a phone number and e-mail that you can get additional information about the state of the arrested as well as the condition of the collected funds.

We hope that the freedom-loving individuals and organizations will get involved in this humanitarian fundraising action, and help the arrested anarchists to manage to prove their innocence.

Instructions for the donation of money:

Account with institution:



Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64

Beneficiarz customer:

IBAN RS35265050000016043150


Thodoris Iliopoulos : video interview (in Greek) after his release

for any Greeks following this thread ( for a summary in English, it's going to take some time) the video by Marios Dionellis from tvxs.gr

He describes what happened on the day of his arrest (18-12-08), the solidarity towards him while inside the prison and the prosecution of the whole state while keeping him as a hostage and unleashing that way all the frustration and hatred for everything that happened from the 6th of December.
Help us Close Down the detention centre of Pagani

sources and info :



Help us close down Pagani by sending an email/fax to Ministry of Interior Affairs

email: [email protected]
telephone: ++30 2131364931 / 2131364932 / 2131364933
Ministry of Health and Social

email: [email protected], [email protected]
fax: +30 2105235749
telephone: +30 2105233798 / 2105233573 / 2105232821 / 2105232829 / 2105249011 or 2105235703

a sample text :

To the
Ministry of Health and Social Care
Ministry of the Interior

concerning the disastrous situation in the Detention Center of Pagani, Lesvos, I want to express my deepest concern to you as the authorities responsible. The circumstances for refugees detained in Pagani, as they were presented in many greek newspapers recently, are not bearable at all. At present, more than a thousand refugees are detained in Pagani. Amongst these are many women detained with their children and babies and numerous unaccompanied minors, whose imprisonment is illegal under greek law.

During his last visit to Pagani on the 24th of August, 2009, the director of the greek UNHCR branch, Giorgos Tsarbopoulos, stated that the Pagani prison doesn’t match neither greek nor internation standards. He also stated that there are numerous breaches of greek law.

People are imprisoned for many weeks, even month. They are forced to share a room with aproximately hundred people! Sanitary and medical conditions are beyond any possible imagination. It is not even necessary to describe the further consequences of forcing people to live under these circumstances, since the absolute lack of human rights is all too obvious.

My protest also concerns the praxis of discharge. By releasing people from Pagani in huge numbers without further sustain, they are forced to live on the streets without any support by the Greek state. Without the possibility to catch a boat to Athens or any place to stay, they are forced to sleep outside not even having access to food or water.

Therefore, my demands are:

Immediate closure of the detention center of Pagani!
Freedom for ALL prisoners of Pagani!
Accommodation with food and water, as well as medical treatment and support!
Infrastructure for refugees arriving to or released from Pagani, while waiting for the ferry!
Immediate access to travelling papers, so they can continue their journey!
Freedom of movement and papers for everyone!

Please help by emails/fax and forward everywhere
Anybody have any English language reports of the attack by police tonight (10pm Greek time) on a political meeting in Exarchia, plus arrest of journalist(s) trying to film the police raid? Hearing that it's somewhat tense.
Brief summary in English (plus YouTube video) of what happened in incident mentioned above:


Similar from here :http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1095366

There has been a call for assembly and demo for 7pm at the Exarhia square tonight about yesterday's arrests (they have been released and the police chief was asked to resign and he has resigned)

* The demo has finished , there were no cops in Exarhia (except for a few "in passing and checking the atmosphere", the demo had at least 3.000 people, no reported arrests, from reports on indymedia : https://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1095582 )
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