I hear you,
danny la rouge . I expected to be in Group 6, given I have moderate to severe asthma depending on the day, and take 4 puffs a day of a fairly hefty long-acting beta-2 andrenoceptor agonist, and every slight cold results in prednisolone, additional inhalers at best, pneumonia or pleurisy at worst. I'm ashamed to admit I've been quite angry and jealous to see that people in their 30s who just have 1 ventolin a year for when they're playing 5-a-side being called up because they're on an 'asthma list' at their practice, or everyone on a 'flu list' getting one, whilst here I am in my late 50s, scared to death to leave the house since March 14th, and my husband having to give up work on the same date because we wouldn't have been able to isolate from each other in our tiny house.
I'm assuming I'm going to be in group 8 now, and really I am thankful for every single person that gets the vaccine, but it is difficult to be patient some days. Asthma UK were caught out by the government's
volte-face and are now trying to get more info, but in truth, it's a postcode lottery, and entirely at the whim of local trusts (at least in England). Hang on in there. If they stick to their promises, we'll all get one. Who knows, we might even get a better one
if it's far enough in the future.