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Asparagus wee - with poll

Do you have foul stinky piss after eating asparagus?

  • Yes - it's like chemical warfare

  • No - but I can smell it when others have a piss

  • Neither - I'm a weird genetic mutant

  • No - I have no nose so can't smell anything

  • Yes - but it smells like sugar puffs or some other weird thing

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It depends on how much asparagus I eat. If I share a bundle (standard supermarket size) with Mrs SFM then it’s 50/50 as to whether my pee stinks. If it’s on special offer and we have a bundle each then it’s guaranteed to create that rotting mildew aroma.
Never experienced asparagus or beetroot wee and I often eat half a jar of Polish pickled as an entrée..
I don't eat much asparagus as the stuff in the supermarket is mostly only fit for soup.
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Contrary to the 35 year-old research paper on the first page, I'm fairly certain I'd read in the past 10 years that everyone's wee smells after eating asparagus, but not everyone has the ability to smell it.
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