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Artificial Intelligence Developments (ChatGPT etc)

A quite long, but interesting, blog about AI and its prospects over the next 12-18 months.

A quite long, but interesting, blog about AI and its prospects over the next 12-18 months.
A good article

What’s frustrating for me is that I was saying literally this same stuff over a year ago:

It’s fine until it’s not. It works at doing your job until it blithely recommends or produces something that is totally inappropriate, or illegal, or offensive, or just plain incorrect, and it has no idea that what it has produced can’t be used because it has no referent, no intentionality, no originality and no understanding. Because it’s just complicated predictive text. As an expert in risk management, the amount of alarm bells this sets off is deafening, the idea that it can replace genuine expertise. Yes, automate the donkey work. But don’t assume that the result is necessarily meaningful.

And I was saying years ago that it’s just not possible for an LLM to be a reliable actor or to become an AGI because that’s not how intelligence works. And if know this, despite not having a PhD or being a researcher in the area or anything, I’m forced to conclude that either those working in it are somehow deluding themselves or they are intentionally lying for the grift.
And I was saying years ago that it’s just not possible for an LLM to be a reliable actor or to become an AGI because that’s not how intelligence works. And if know this, despite not having a PhD or being a researcher in the area or anything, I’m forced to conclude that either those working in it are somehow deluding themselves or they are intentionally lying for the grift.
It's absolutely "sales & marketing". It does a very narrow range of things reasonably well, unless you go into any sort of depth, but it's been sold as HAL, the minds from the culture and the Terminator all rolled into one. I think there's a growing number of people who actually know about it who are saying "hang on, this isn't true" but people have already swallowed a lot of the nonsense.

I used it recently to plan a road trip, it was quite impressive how it altered things based on me adding more conditions, but I'm not sure that's worth building new energy infrastructure for.

TBH I don't think you can really overestimate how gullible a lot of CEOs are and how scared they are of being the one person who didn't take advantage of this world changing tech.
Sam Altman is a grifter par excellence and everyone else has followed his lead and the money.
The Nvidia valuation - and rapid recent rise - is completely mental.
AI Finds That AI Is Great In New Garbage Research From Tony Blair Institute

A new paper from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, presented yesterday by the former Prime Minister himself, predicts that more than 40 percent of tasks performed by public-sector workers could be partly automated, saving a fifth of their time in aggregate, and potentially leading to a huge reduction in workforce and costs for the government.

The problem with this prediction, which was picked up by Politico, Techradar, Forbes, and others, is that it was made by ChatGPT after the authors of the paper admitted that making a prediction based on interviews with experts would be too hard..
This is the closest thing to a 'real' short I've seen done with AI so far.

It's still pretty rudimentary, but I liked it. And it's clear there is still a lot of skillful human work required to make something good.

He did a breakdown of how he made it here, which is interesting in itself:

Apparently it took around 50 hours to create this.
So I don't know if you saw the trailer for Megalopolis that kicked off with a load of negative reviews of previous Coppola masterpieces?


That is just fucking amazing. If you ever needed something to sum up this bullshit. Fucking hell.
I just listened to a wild interview with mild-mannered librarian who ran for mayor in Cheyenne, Wyoming as a self-professed "meat avatar" who would outsource official decisions to a custom ChatGPT. NYTimes background article archived.
On phone so can't screenshot the Xitter post
AI worse than humans in every way at summarising information, government trial finds

Reviewers were given summaries produced by both humans and so-called AI, without being told which was which.

These reviewers overwhelmingly found that the human summaries beat out their AI competitors on every criteria and on every submission, scoring an 81% on an internal rubric compared with the machine’s 47%.

Reviewers told the report’s authors that AI summaries often missed emphasis, nuance and context; included incorrect information or missed relevant information; and sometimes focused on auxiliary points or introduced irrelevant information. Three of the five reviewers said they guessed that they were reviewing AI content.

The reviewers’ overall feedback was that they felt AI summaries may be counterproductive and create further work because of the need to fact-check and refer to original submissions which communicated the message better and more concisely.
More hype or a next level becoming available?
OpenAI launches AI models it says are capable of reasoning

OpenAI will launch an AI product it claims is capable of reasoning, allowing it to solve hard problems in maths, coding and science in a critical step towards achieving humanlike cognition in machines.

The AI models, known as o1, are touted as a sign of the progression of technological capabilities over the past few years as companies race to create ever more sophisticated AI systems. In particular, there is a fresh scramble under way among tech groups, including Google DeepMind, OpenAI and Anthropic, to create software that can act independently as so-called agents — personalised bots that are supposed to help people work, create or communicate better and interface with the digital world.

According to OpenAI, the models will be integrated into ChatGPT Plus starting on Thursday. They are designed to be useful for scientists and developers, rather than general users. The company said the o1 models far outperformed existing models such as GPT-4o in a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad, where it scored 83 per cent compared with 13 per cent for the latter.

Mira Murati, the company’s chief technology officer, said the models also opened up avenues in understanding how AI works. “We get visibility into the model’s thinking . . . we can observe its thought process, step by step,” she told the Financial Times.

The new models use a technique called reinforcement learning to approach problems. They take a longer time to analyse queries, which makes them more costly than GPT models, but are more consistent and sophisticated in their responses.

“What it’s doing during that time is . . . exploring different strategies for answering your query,” said Mark Chen, the lead researcher on the project. “If it realises it’s made mistakes, it can go and correct those things.”
I tried out Google's latest thing: Notebook LM.

It's pretty clever. You can feed it documents (text, pdf, website URLs) and ask it questions about the source material. I've not tested it extensively yet, but it has a feature where you can make a podcast from the source material.

I asked it for a podcast of Urban75's homepage and it created this:

It doesn't go into the forums, or threads, so everything it says it based on the forum homepage alone. It's quite convincing, even though it gets some things embarassingly wrong, and it's extremely shallow. Maybe if it had more info it would be better.

Though, tbf, lots of 'podcasters' are as uninformed, so perhaps it's all too real.
I tried out Google's latest thing: Notebook LM.

It's pretty clever. You can feed it documents (text, pdf, website URLs) and ask it questions about the source material. I've not tested it extensively yet, but it has a feature where you can make a podcast from the source material.

I asked it for a podcast of Urban75's homepage and it created this:

It doesn't go into the forums, or threads, so everything it says it based on the forum homepage alone. It's quite convincing, even though it gets some things embarassingly wrong, and it's extremely shallow. Maybe if it had more info it would be better.

Though, tbf, lots of 'podcasters' are as uninformed, so perhaps it's all too real.

The voices are incredibly realistic - if a bit overly saccharine and generic 'American podcaster' - but it's long way from the sort of Stephen Hawkin style text to voice which has only seen modest improvements for a long while while.

I could've been fooled into thinking these were real people being a tad overly analytical about urban.
I tried out Google's latest thing: Notebook LM.

It's pretty clever. You can feed it documents (text, pdf, website URLs) and ask it questions about the source material. I've not tested it extensively yet, but it has a feature where you can make a podcast from the source material.

I asked it for a podcast of Urban75's homepage and it created this:

It doesn't go into the forums, or threads, so everything it says it based on the forum homepage alone. It's quite convincing, even though it gets some things embarassingly wrong, and it's extremely shallow. Maybe if it had more info it would be better.

Though, tbf, lots of 'podcasters' are as uninformed, so perhaps it's all too real.


As an aside, I instantly turn off any real podcast that uses "the podcast voice" these days. I find it completely unbearable to my ears, even if the subject matter is interesting. I'm not sure why, it's like nails on a blackboard.
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