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Armstrong tests positive?

denialworks4me said:
Lets hope he wasnt using drugs tho i dont think if he was the truth would ever some out...these days many are untraceable or can be masked.... will try and find a source for what i saw last night - bush and Armstrong riding along side by side whilst a pack of riders were behind..... if he is progressive and not a republican he is sending a poor message out
Mountain biking, yes, it happened or is about to happen.
It is my understanding that he used the opportunity of riding with Bush to hit him up for more funding for cancer research. Personally, I wouldn't endanger my saftey riding with Bush (with how bad he rides), but Armstrong thought the cancer funding was important.
Was he such a great rider though? Apart from the tour what has he really won? You look at Eddy Merckx who won the tour and the giro five times, and held the mile record. Armstrongs done none of that.
peppery said:
Was he such a great rider though? Apart from the tour what has he really won? You look at Eddy Merckx who won the tour and the giro five times, and held the mile record. Armstrongs done none of that.

Come to do it after suffering near death from cancer?

Doing it many times over?

Thing is it's not about sporting achievements... for me and others it is about his sportsmanship. The determination, come back... it's a story!
He's won the Tour a record number of times, so yes he is such a great rider. I don't like him any the more - but neither my dislike of him nor any purported political failings on his part detract from the greatness.

Only the drugs allegations, if true, would do that.
past caring said:
He's won the Tour a record number of times, so yes he is such a great rider. I don't like him any the more - but neither my dislike of him nor any purported political failings on his part detract from the greatness.

Only the drugs allegations, if true, would do that.

I agree 100%.

No doubt that should make you change your view! ;)
There's no doubt that he's a great rider but does he deserve to be lauded in the same way as Merckx or Indurain? Greg Lemond nearly died in a shooting accident but came back and won the tour, he may have won even more than 3 if it wasn't for that. Armstrong was the greatest tour champion but thats it really.
peppery said:
There's no doubt that he's a great rider but does he deserve to be lauded in the same way as Merckx or Indurain? Greg Lemond nearly died in a shooting accident but came back and won the tour, he may have won even more than 3 if it wasn't for that. Armstrong was the greatest tour champion but thats it really.

That's not very generous. What is the difference between surviving cancer or a shooting? Both are extremely traumatic, life changing experiences.
souljacker said:
Surely, if there wasn't a test for EPO in '99, it couldn't be a banned substance? Therefore, when the test comes in, he stops using it, so he hasn't broken the rules?

If it was a banned substance but there was no test for it, I bet you could go back to all the other competitors samples and you'd find they were all doing the same. And he still won!
Not everyone is just out for everything they can get some people play by the rules. Just cause you can fuck the system doesn't mean you should you have to have some kind of rational for it. In this case you are just cheating.

This could well be L'Equipe shit stirring though, test done by people with unpublished agendas are worse than no test at all.
Armstrong is a legend. Although I'd qualify that by saying you can't compare him to cyclists like Mercx, who raced every week of the season.

If he's taken drugs I'd be disappointed, if only for his banging on about being clean (albeit under provocation) so much.

I like his mention in 'Every Second Counts' of a phone call from David Millar (pre his testing positive) sometime in deep mid-winter where he can hear that Millar is in a bar and getting pissed and he says to LA "You better not be on your bike". Lance answers that he is just in the midle of a 5 hour training ride, to which Millar responds "you bastard!".

Could he just have done it all through hard work? I fuckin hope so.
denialworks4me said:
hes a good friend of Bush jr. only last night was he filmed riding with the president and his entourage.....showing your support bush is supporting the war....

He's also raised thirty million for cancer research with the sale of his bracelets.
past caring said:
He's won the Tour a record number of times, so yes he is such a great rider. I don't like him any the more - but neither my dislike of him nor any purported political failings on his part detract from the greatness.

Only the drugs allegations, if true, would do that.

I wonder: just how reliable is a bottle of six-year-old whizz?

Were they saving it for the vintage or something?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I wonder: just how reliable is a bottle of six-year-old whizz?

Were they saving it for the vintage or something?

I've wondered the same thing.

I know a nice recipe for homemade bleach. You pee into a bucket and leave it for three months to ferment.
I don't think Lance is a really likeable, people-person, but he's a great rider, and the comeback from cancer story is the stuff that sport is built on.
For the purists he's not up there with the real greats, as he's never done the classics, but he is a legendary modern rider.

FWIW a lot of riders have used one thing or another over the years, from brandy to speed, it's nothing new, and if I had to ride up mountains for a living I would use them too; it is the hardest sport in the world and they've been taking whatever they can get since day one.
Lance Armstrong accused of doping by former team-mate Floyd Landis

Lance Armstrong has been accused of using performance-boosting drugs in a series of detailed emails sent by his former team-mate, Floyd Landis. Landis – stripped of his 2006 Tour de France title after failing a dope test – sent emails to cycling officials and sponsors finally admitting the offence, according to today's Wall Street Journal.

Despite repeated allegations, Armstrong has always denied doping and has never tested positive or been sanctioned by the cycling authorities. Pat McQuaid, the head of cycling's governing body UCI, questioned Landis's credibility. McQuaid said Landis is "seeking revenge" and holds a "grudge" against Armstrong and others.

Landis interview

Nearly four years after he began waging a costly, draining, and ultimately losing battle to discredit his positive test for synthetic testosterone at the 2006 Tour de France, Floyd Landis told ESPN.com on Wednesday that he used performance-enhancing drugs for most of his career as a professional road cyclist, including the race whose title he briefly held.

In a lengthy telephone interview from California, Landis detailed extensive, consistent use of the red blood cell booster erythropoietin (commonly known as EPO), testosterone, human growth hormone and frequent blood transfusions, along with female hormones and a one-time experiment with insulin, during the years he rode for the U.S. Postal Service and Switzerland-based Phonak teams.

WSJ emails article

Floyd Landis, the American cyclist whose 2006 Tour De France victory was nullified after a positive doping test, has sent a series of emails to cycling officials and sponsors admitting to, and detailing, his systematic use of performance enhancing drugs during his career. The emails also claim that other riders and cycling officials allegedly participated in doping, including seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong.
What team does Armstrong play for then?

Another superb example of the unwanted and unrequited forum split working well.
I'm not a fan of the split (it's killing non-football discussion by removing passing football posters who generally are well up on others sports as well) but this particular problem is easily resolved by moving the thread.
Yes, and im sure it will be.

Still don't understand the need for the split but I guess it's final.
The USA cycling federation and UCI have sat on this information for 3 weeks. What were they doing? Investigating or wondering how to spin / bury the story.

Pat McQuaid - the buffoon - has already nailed his colours to Armstrong mast. Obviously he's decided thats prefferable to actually investigating...and why should you investigate their biggest cash cow? It'd be like turkeys voting for xmas. Wouldn't it be great if bodies that controlled sports were divorced from the money angle...

As someone interested in this - and other - sports one day being clean (we can dream) I'm excited by any evidence that nails Armstrong and Brunyeel, two of the most corrupt and dishonest frauds in world sport.
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