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Armstrong tests positive?


Bring back hanging
The French press have been gunning for him for years but i think this is the first really damaging blow they've managed to land. If L'Equipe is correct Armstrong was using EPO as far back as 1999. The tests are unofficial though and so he cannot be disciplined, though the police can taken independent action.

"L'Equipe, whose parent company organises the Tour, alleged that he had taken the banned blood-boosting drug erythropoietin (EPO). It published results of tests done recently on urine samples that had been taken originally in 1999 when Armstrong won his first Tour de France. A test was not available for EPO until 2000. L'Equipe claimed that traces of EPO were found in six of 15 urine samples provided by Armstrong.


The director of the Tour de France, Jean Marie Leblanc, told the French radio station RTL he felt let down by Armstrong and said L'Equipe's report seemed "very complete, very professional, very meticulous" and that it "appears credible"."

who knows?

i find it hard to believe a word in the papers these days, especially those with a known agenda.
really hope it isn't true...

there does seem to be some possibility that it isn't. L'Equipe have "obtained documents" to prove that the code on the sample matches armstrong. the samples have been kept in certain conditions to "avoid a possible false positive result"... for six years....

he has never tested positive during the next six years.

my money is on it being a case of wishful thinking on l'equipe's part.

hopefully, anyway....
It's just L'Equipe shit stirring again :rolleyes: They can stand the fact he's won the event so many times and have a vendetta against him. Doubly so because of what happened to Virenque...the french were pretty shamed by that.

And he didn't test postiive in any of the last 6 so i'm doubting this TBH, while at the same time hoping it isn't true :rolleyes: at self.
Surely, if there wasn't a test for EPO in '99, it couldn't be a banned substance? Therefore, when the test comes in, he stops using it, so he hasn't broken the rules?

If it was a banned substance but there was no test for it, I bet you could go back to all the other competitors samples and you'd find they were all doing the same. And he still won!
denialworks4me said:
hes a good friend of Bush jr. only last night was he filmed riding with the president and his entourage.....showing your support bush is supporting the war....
So if a top sportsman is invited to meet the Head of State, and does so, that makes them a supporter of their policies even if they've already said they're opposed to those policies?

I surely wouldn’t go fishing with Mussolini with all the media around.... Looks great for the media spin doctors.... u underestimate the power of pictures
Donna Ferentes said:
In fact, if you'd been a top sportsman in fascist Italy and Mussolini had invited you fishing, you'd have gone fishing.

your point is that armstrong is a staunch republican ???? my point is that anyone with any sense and morales wouldnt show support for a war criminal (BUSH)
anyway im not discussing politics on here anymore.... i admired the guy for fighting back and winning all those races, tho not if it looks like he is a drugs cheat.... and even worse a republican :mad:
Donna Ferentes said:
I think it's the way it doesn't follow on from any reply made to you.

there are plenty of sports people out there that arent stupid enough to ride or participate in public with a war criminal.... in italy you would have either been shot for not participating or been in the resistance..... in the US well you could tell george to fuck off with his media PR campaign
butchersapron said:
He didn't support the war though.

He was against the war, supports gun control, is pro-choice, describes himself as 'left of centre' and plans to run against the republican candidates for governor of Texas...
the B said:
He was against the war, supports gun control, is pro-choice, describes himself as 'left of centre' and plans to run against the republican candidates for governor of Texas...

yet he is quite happy to be involved in PR campaigns for a Republican President that is anti choice, war mongering, no gun control , and is far right NEo Con :eek:

So he is a dipshit then???
denialworks4me said:
yet he is quite happy to be involved in PR campaigns for a Republican President that is anti choice, war mongering, no gun control , and is far right NEo Con :eek:

So he is a dipshit then???

Good luck to him if he is all this ... and does run against the republicans in texas...he would have a good chance of winning .....
denialworks4me said:
yet he is quite happy to be involved in PR campaigns for a Republican President that is anti choice, war mongering, no gun control , and is far right NEo Con :eek:

So he is a dipshit then???

Source it please. There may well be some circumstances surrounding it anyway. Going for mainstream politics is in some way about comprimise - and when it comes down it - I have a funny feeling Armstrong will go for 'winning' ahead of the 'softer' non-core values.

I know in sport his line is so heavily anti-drugs, he just wouldn't - and it'd be so terrible if he has been on drugs. It would destroy a legend and hope for thousands if not millions.
the B said:
He was against the war, supports gun control, is pro-choice, describes himself as 'left of centre' and plans to run against the republican candidates for governor of Texas...

Not only that, he is a declared francophile, speaks French like a native, spends a considerable amount of time there (the tour aside), and is very well liked in France.
the B said:
Source it please. There may well be some circumstances surrounding it anyway. Going for mainstream politics is in some way about comprimise - and when it comes down it - I have a funny feeling Armstrong will go for 'winning' ahead of the 'softer' non-core values.

I know in sport his line is so heavily anti-drugs, he just wouldn't - and it'd be so terrible if he has been on drugs. It would destroy a legend and hope for thousands if not millions.

Lets hope he wasnt using drugs tho i dont think if he was the truth would ever some out...these days many are untraceable or can be masked.... will try and find a source for what i saw last night - bush and Armstrong riding along side by side whilst a pack of riders were behind..... if he is progressive and not a republican he is sending a poor message out
energy said:
Not only that, he is a declared francophile, speaks French like a native, spends a considerable amount of time there (the tour aside), and is very well liked in France.

look i wasnt aware that he claims to be left ... or may well be.... tho the above statement means fuck all.... the french state can be just as bad as the US state if it suits thier interests.
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