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Are You "Anyone But England"?

awww, still smarting?? :(
bitter about what? loving the result, the bitterness and anger is all englund fans
are fans a whole country now? no, so where's the xenophobia?

For you and that gold toothed tramp you put up :D:thumbs:
whales 0 v Portugal 2

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Ok...now it's time to catch up on the posts...

Looks like the hyenas have been very active despite that devastating loss to the Croatia. (yes...there's only one Croatia)
Remind me, who are the bitter ones again. ;)
Good times for the ABE nation...we've already won the World Cup, lol
Ok...now it's time to catch up on the posts...

Looks like the hyenas have been very active despite that devastating loss to the Croatia. (yes...there's only one Croatia)
Remind me, who are the bitter ones again. ;)
Good times for the ABE nation...we've already won the World Cup, lol
Fuck off, PS. The last thing this thread need right now is you stirring it up.
I don’t support any nation. The idea that a sporting team can somehow represent me or is automatically deserving of my support/respect is baffling. Bollocks to blind patriotism.

I don’t get the idea of supporting a club for life either. The owners, team members, ethos etc can be totally different as years roll by. Why not switch to one you like or has players you respect?

Football fans are a strange lot :hmm:
How did I miss this one. Right on the money. :thumbs:

Blind patriotism is one of the main reasons for my ABElist stance, along with the arrogance and the sense of entitlement, and yes indeed football fans (short for FANATICS) are a very strange lot, even the temporary fans who only come out of the shadows for the world cup to "support our country" and couldn't name any of the squad.
Looks like the lunders are now suicide bombing their own thread in an attempt to get it shut down, lol. Now that IS desperate.

Frankenstein's monster bites back.
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Any reply is going to rely on generalisation...so that's what I'll do. Croatia is very much a 'footballing' nation, i.e football is the national sport. This is traditional, goes back through Yugoslavia (though that doesn't explain why Serbia haven't followed Croatia's success).

Wales is a rugby nation.
Ireland has Gaelic games (GAA)
Scotland are just shit at everything? Nah, they've had their moments. Moment. Archie Gemill, 1974. They never lost a game in that tournament. Drew with Brazil. Beat Netherlands in '78.
There's no real rhyme or reason why some countries do well and others don't, but I have often heard the "well we did quite well even though we're such a small country" schtick. If it was simply based on population then the final on Sunday should be between India and China...but they don't really give a shit about football. The great West Indian team of the 80's put down a double "blackwash" on Englands head and their combined population is less than that of London and had a tiny fraction of the money and resources available here.
They're fucking obsessed with football in China you know-nothing knob :D And with the failure of their national team.
Ok, so my bad China do care about football...apparently...having been recognised by FIFA as the birthplace of the sport. (perhaps one day football will really go HOME). but they currently are still pretty shit at it.

I'm right about India though. They genuinely do not give a shit about football.

Wow @ "know nothing knob". I'm not sure we've engaged before but it appears to be the u75 norm to be rude on the opening exchange. What's that all about?

I was going to ask you if you know serpentza and what you think about him, but I don't think I'll bother now seeing as you've started with hostility.
For fucks sake, leave it out. Thread needs binning now. It’s gone way further than I intended. I’ve reported this post.

See what you started Cunty Spymaster ? Hope you are proud of yourself :rolleyes:

Having said that, you and I started off in a fairly similar vein - and look how we ended up.

Looking forward to your soon-to-be-blossoming Bromance with ddraig . Think he's probly blown his chances with alfajobrob though.
Whatever could have given me a bad impression of you? It's a total mystery!
...indeed, and I'm still search for a clue...it's a mythtery...toooo me. A shot in the dark, a bit question mark, in history...

...anyway, I'll leave you to huddle with your fellow hyenas.
If it's any consolation to anyone I've got to work in an hour.

I work with a scotch type person and they will have no sympathy so I will be in pain and suffering all day!
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