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Anyone worked as an Emergency Care Support Worker (Ambulance service)?

Its not my writing is illegible, its that I get letters muddled up under stress (which becomes problematic in exams and note taking at speed when they're rattling through slides at a rate of knots), and instead of correcting it over the top, I cross the word out and start again, which I thought would be better..... but apparently its too many crossings out. On the road our CPR's are on iPad anyway and actually when I'm writing shorthand and not being told to hurry up its OK.
Try not to worry about it because getting one letter wrong or round the wrong way is fine -it will still be understood-it's a problem if it can't be read at all. Also as time goes on and you become less stressed and more used to the pressure and adrenaline rush you will make less mistakes.
Keep us updated :)
Some of the info we receive (electronically) from both call handlers and crews has truly diabolical spelling... You'd think things like 'chocking', 'brething' and 'exma' are things they see often enough to get right. I was given a medical dictionary when I had my passing out at the LAS.
Some of the info we receive (electronically) from both call handlers and crews has truly diabolical spelling... You'd think things like 'chocking', 'brething' and 'exma' are things they see often enough to get right. I was given a medical dictionary when I had my passing out at the LAS.
I can't see it really matters. If someone has used chocking in a medical situation it clearly doesn't mean the patient has had their wheels removed and they are supported on a pile of bricks. :eek::D
I'd rather the medics were proficient. I've had better treatment the 1 time I've called an ambulance than most of the times I've seen a doctor. My cousin is a GP and couldn't work out she was pregnant. :eek::D
I think sometimes people like to over think things and overlook the obvious.
When I was in hospital being induced to have a baby and I got stomach pains my student midwife decided I'd got appendicitis and needed to see a surgeon from the other hospital .... Fortunately her supervisor realised I was in fact having the baby they'd been giving me drugs to have and got me to the delivery suite.

Often the most obvious solution is the right one.
Sometimes pregnancy isn't obvious :mad: if you're not expecting to be expecting :facepalm::D:oops:

When I was in hospital being induced to have a baby and I got stomach pains my student midwife decided I'd got appendicitis and needed to see a surgeon from the other hospital .... Fortunately her supervisor realised I was in fact having the baby they'd been giving me drugs to have and got me to the delivery suite.

Often the most obvious solution is the right one.
Oh bless :D:D:D
What aren't you enjoying about the driving?

Have you been out with a crew yet?
If I didn’t need to pass the driving course to complete my job, I wouldn’t not tolerate this driving instructor. He screams and shouts, grabs the steering wheel to force you into positions which are more dangerous than you’re willing to go into, and he refers to the other two people I’m training with as “girlies”...... ones in their mid 30’s and ones early 40’s.

Yeah had my first time out with a crew, enjoyed that. Dreading going back to finish driving unfortunately.
If I didn’t need to pass the driving course to complete my job, I wouldn’t not tolerate this driving instructor. He screams and shouts, grabs the steering wheel to force you into positions which are more dangerous than you’re willing to go into, and he refers to the other two people I’m training with as “girlies”...... ones in their mid 30’s and ones early 40’s.

Yeah had my first time out with a crew, enjoyed that. Dreading going back to finish driving unfortunately.

Oh god that sounds dreadful but just think that part of the training is having to put up with this complete bellend ......just hearing you describe his attitude has riled me right up.....I once had a driving instructor like that who screamed at me one time too many...I left the cunt in the passenger seat just as the lights changed from Red to green.....so I appreciate what you are saying......just grit ya teeth...
If I didn’t need to pass the driving course to complete my job, I wouldn’t not tolerate this driving instructor. He screams and shouts, grabs the steering wheel to force you into positions which are more dangerous than you’re willing to go into, and he refers to the other two people I’m training with as “girlies”...... ones in their mid 30’s and ones early 40’s.

Yeah had my first time out with a crew, enjoyed that. Dreading going back to finish driving unfortunately.
This doesn't sound good. Yes, think about it as just getting through what you need to do, but is there any way you can feedback on this? I'm sure you won't be the only one having issues with the teaching approach.
If I didn’t need to pass the driving course to complete my job, I wouldn’t not tolerate this driving instructor. He screams and shouts, grabs the steering wheel to force you into positions which are more dangerous than you’re willing to go into, and he refers to the other two people I’m training with as “girlies”...... ones in their mid 30’s and ones early 40’s.

Yeah had my first time out with a crew, enjoyed that. Dreading going back to finish driving unfortunately.
You will presumably get an opportunity to feed back about him ... Although if he's likely to feature in your life again you might want to be a bit restrained (unfortunately). I always found the LAS to be pretty inclusive of its female staff so I'm guessing this bloke is just a twat and hopefully you'll get the driving done and be rid of him fairly quickly.
You will presumably get an opportunity to feed back about him ... Although if he's likely to feature in your life again you might want to be a bit restrained (unfortunately). I always found the LAS to be pretty inclusive of its female staff so I'm guessing this bloke is just a twat and hopefully you'll get the driving done and be rid of him fairly quickly.
Fortunately once I’m blue light qualified I never have to see him again
Ooof. Always tough and you never forget. You okay?

sorry been a while since I’ve been on. Yeah ive been ok with it. I’ve had another DOA whilst doing my two weeks over Xmas and NYE.

I’m back on my driving course now, very frustrated but it seems I’m having a bad experience, where as most of my peers are really enjoying it.
I'm getting really bored of sitting in offices, and I've never really enjoyed it since I left teaching and kind of want to be out and about doing things and helping people.

Whilst I've got no medical background as such I've always been pretty good at looking after people when they've been in a shit state, and I've seen posts for Apprentice Emergency Care Support Workers from my local ambulance service popping up every now and then. They don't pay well, but I'm already not paid well, so I don't think it will be the end of the world (£18.7k, plus 25% per month anti social hours top up)..... But I'd like to hear from people who've done this type of work.

I've been contemplating it a lot lately and keep coming back to it, and keeping an eye on posts for my two local ambulance depots. I do understand that to progress as a career though I'd probably have to do another degree.

How are you with blood and guts? Serious question.
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