Banana for scale
Or maybe studying something vocational themselves? Be interested to hear what things are like in the field at the moment. I have an interview for a publisher of vocational stuff, and it's an area I am really interested in, though no expert. Tellingly, I suppose, there's not an awful lot about it in recent news or even in the last 12 months on the DfE website (kind of dies down post Wolf Report, early last year).
My understanding is basically it's hugely underresourced and that a lot of the people teaching it don't have the opportunity to get good training to do so - that they're either people who know the vocation, but not about teaching, or know about teaching, but not the vocation.
And that what are called 'apprenticeships' are not really anything of the sort - they just use it as a name for various vocational training, without guaranteed jobs.
As far as I can tell, the only new-ish development in the field is university technical colleges/studio schools, which are still pretty untested and presumably no better funded and supported than anything else vocational.
Given the paucity of news about it, any views from the inside would be helpful in trying to get a good understanding of what's up at the moment.
My understanding is basically it's hugely underresourced and that a lot of the people teaching it don't have the opportunity to get good training to do so - that they're either people who know the vocation, but not about teaching, or know about teaching, but not the vocation.
And that what are called 'apprenticeships' are not really anything of the sort - they just use it as a name for various vocational training, without guaranteed jobs.
As far as I can tell, the only new-ish development in the field is university technical colleges/studio schools, which are still pretty untested and presumably no better funded and supported than anything else vocational.
Given the paucity of news about it, any views from the inside would be helpful in trying to get a good understanding of what's up at the moment.