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Any Warhammer 40k ( tabletop) players on here

Because of this thread I have been entertaining ideas of geting back into this. I really enjoyed chopping arms and legs of miniatures and re-glueing and painting them when I was about 13.
I've been thinking the same, but I'm not entirely sure it's not just a slightly nerdy midlife crisis, rather than genuinely wanting to play again. I had a look in the Games Workshop store here in Amsterdam last week, and apart from the staff the only people in there were all 12-16 years old. Apart from the guy in the BBC article and GW employees, I'm not convinced there are actually any grown-ups playing tabletop wargames, despite actually having the disposable income to support the hobby.
Oh, it's definatley a nerdy mid life crisis. I'm just embracing it. And I'm painting red terminators rather than driving a red car:


Now to round of a pretty much perfect Sunday evening with some Game of Thrones :-D
I've been thinking the same, but I'm not entirely sure it's not just a slightly nerdy midlife crisis, rather than genuinely wanting to play again. I had a look in the Games Workshop store here in Amsterdam last week, and apart from the staff the only people in there were all 12-16 years old. Apart from the guy in the BBC article and GW employees, I'm not convinced there are actually any grown-ups playing tabletop wargames, despite actually having the disposable income to support the hobby.

My dad belonged to a wargaming club that was mostly middle-aged blokes. They tended towards historical stuff rather than Warhammer though. Napoleonic wars, American Civil War and Crimean War in particular, along with WWII tank battles.
My dad belonged to a wargaming club that was mostly middle-aged blokes. They tended towards historical stuff rather than Warhammer though. Napoleonic wars, American Civil War and Crimean War in particular, along with WWII tank battles.
Yeah, but that was before Xbox Live...
I've been thinking the same, but I'm not entirely sure it's not just a slightly nerdy midlife crisis, rather than genuinely wanting to play again. I had a look in the Games Workshop store here in Amsterdam last week, and apart from the staff the only people in there were all 12-16 years old. Apart from the guy in the BBC article and GW employees, I'm not convinced there are actually any grown-ups playing tabletop wargames, despite actually having the disposable income to support the hobby.

I dunno I have a set of mates all well into their 30s who still play...I've known and met via them plenty more guys in the 25-35 bracket who play a lot...
Artist, innit? :cool: The painting was always my problem back in my teens - the finished item never looked anywhere near as cool as it did in my head. :(

Ah yeah I was quite good at it back then...my problem was I took forever because I wanted every model to look as good as their commanding officer!:D

I'm actually really getting into this.

I went to the GW the other day and was given a guided tour of 40k by a young spotty gentleman with glasses and a zipped up raincoat (it wasn't raining). if I was a betting man I'd wager he was on the autism spectrum. when I had selected my items I went over and the 'cra-a-zy' manager bantered some more with me (he had ambushed me the minute I walked in, the in depth discussion of small model based infantry tactics attracting the interest of my soon to be new friend who appeared to be hovering in a corner benignly uttering Skyrim quotes 'you must pay the toll or do the time' or somesuch) and my raincoated friend left without saying good bye. The manager was all like 'ha sorry about that, you know'. I said 'I know the type'. But really more fool the manager because my new friend informed me that he had recently come second in a tournament where you had to buy a battle box and make a game legal force. And it turned out this chaps Chaos Marines spanked wave after wave of Necrons until the very last moment.

Anyway I have decided that actually playing the game is not my objective. Getting my army on display in the shop is.
Glad to hear the clientèle of GW shops hasn't changed much in in the last 15 years :)

Your pics make me sad that I got rid of my various armies

I'm actually really getting into this.

I went to the GW the other day and was given a guided tour of 40k by a young spotty gentleman with glasses and a zipped up raincoat (it wasn't raining). if I was a betting man I'd wager he was on the autism spectrum. when I had selected my items I went over and the 'cra-a-zy' manager bantered some more with me (he had ambushed me the minute I walked in, the in depth discussion of small model based infantry tactics attracting the interest of my soon to be new friend who appeared to be hovering in a corner benignly uttering Skyrim quotes 'you must pay the toll or do the time' or somesuch) and my raincoated friend left without saying good bye. The manager was all like 'ha sorry about that, you know'. I said 'I know the type'. But really more fool the manager because my new friend informed me that he had recently come second in a tournament where you had to buy a battle box and make a game legal force. And it turned out this chaps Chaos Marines spanked wave after wave of Necrons until the very last moment.

Anyway I have decided that actually playing the game is not my objective. Getting my army on display in the shop is.

Enter Golden Demon and get a trophy and a write up in White Dwarf
GW are pushing their 'all new' range of paints now, aren't they? I picked up this month's White Dwarf for nostalgia's sake, and it's just a cover-to-cover attempt to part teenagers from their money. :D
I'm finishing off an Ork Battlewagon that has lots of gunz on - typically, played it in fully maxed load out against my stepson and he killed it on the first go with a biker with meltagun that cost about a fifth of the points! Pics to follow. After that I'm thinking of a looted wagon, question is what to convert? Hmmmmmm
I think I should unsub from this thread. It's too tempting. What's worse I have a group of friends who still play (they're all going to the coming conference/tournament) who I could EASILY go see to get back into it...easily....
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