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Any Warhammer 40k ( tabletop) players on here

Citadel Miniatures itself will continue to cast high quality models in white metal, engineered and lovingly designed product. Mass produced plastic sprues injection moulded at 30p cost and a 600% quid mark up, forget it.

there is a lot of love for warhammer product. Love from those who love the painting, those who love the stories, those who love the gaming.
It's a magpie universe that nicks ideas from a dozen different fantasy and SF things.
I think it will be far better that mway. When playing Necromunda as kids me and my mates could only afford a few proper lead models and ended up bulking out our gangs with shoddy wank models from the Mutant Chronicles range on sale at beatties (where you also went for paint that wasn't priced at levels approaching rapine)

they've been fucking coining it had over fist for so long I'd like to see them go under. The sheer amount of existing models, lore, rules and so on means that it would be no loss
They don't make metal minis anymore :)
The BL books that compiled trilogies (Eisenhorn, for example) were good value: 3 books for a tenner in one. Now that format has gone up to £15. Their ebook prices are from cloud cuckoo land as well.

To think I wrote to them a few years back really enthusiastic about working for them to ask if they had any vacanices (before they fucked me around).
I was waiting for the Night Lords omnibus, having read the first book. But I won't be paying £15 I'm afraid.

TBH, most everything else is SPACE MARINES! Which is fine, but the setting is worth much more than endless space marine battles (Architect of Fate was good).

I've no real urge to read Horus Heresy.
I was waiting for the Night Lords omnibus, having read the first book. But I won't be paying £15 I'm afraid.

TBH, most everything else is SPACE MARINES! Which is fine, but the setting is worth much more than endless space marine battles (Architect of Fate was good).

I've no real urge to read Horus Heresy.
Horus Heresy is somewhat hit and miss, really depends who's written the book. The early one's were best in my mind. GW are bound to push Space Marines above all else, it's what generates 'em the cash! Bit like having a go at Jedi or Sith in Star Wars...
Horus Heresy is somewhat hit and miss, really depends who's written the book. The early one's were best in my mind. GW are bound to push Space Marines above all else, it's what generates 'em the cash! Bit like having a go at Jedi or Sith in Star Wars...
Is one if those seeing elements best left as supposition. like the clone wars :D
Is one if those seeing elements best left as supposition. like the clone wars :D

Indeed, I'm pretty convinced that its a sign of a franchise jumping the shark when it focuses so heavily on referencing its own lore and backstory for fresh ideas instead of moving on and telling new stories.

Star Wars prequels for example, they might have even been good if they'd not tried to shoehorn in so many references to the original trilogy like Chewie or everything happening on Tatooine (well, probably not...) or Terminator series after Terminator 2.

Sure there are other examples but I've just done a 12 hour night shift and brain no work.
HH seems to be a good money spinner for them, which i have no great problem with. I'm just not interested in the 'prequel' aspect of the setting. It's one of those worlds where shit doesn't need 100% explaining. The Emperor should remain an enigmatic character, not some armourred god striding across the universe.

I submitted something during BL's last submission window, never heard back! Probably not space marines enough.
HH seems to be a good money spinner for them, which i have no great problem with. I'm just not interested in the 'prequel' aspect of the setting. It's one of those worlds where shit doesn't need 100% explaining. The Emperor should remain an enigmatic character, not some armourred god striding across the universe.

I submitted something during BL's last submission window, never heard back! Probably not space marines enough.

HH is making money for em hand over fist, but I do have objections to it in terms of what I wrote, and that it worked so much better as a mythic cornerstone of the setting. If for no other reason that the BL guy's are for the most part awful writers.
They've already ditched their Finecast brainfart and gone back to plastic. If they had any sense they would be investing heavily in 3D printing to cut costs.
3D printing is not cheap compared to casting, if you're doing decent volume
I would have thought the fact it's not cheap might be worthwhile. If they invested in tech to distribute printing materials and schematics and some sort of app type thing where you can design and build your own Space Marines... It would represent a lower margin but a cool and unique product. Lower margin means they won't adapt to it. Anyone who's read any interviews with the CEO of GW will realise he's a right twat - why hasn't he been sacked after 25% drop in shares?
Give it a few years and 3D printing will be cheap enough to royally disrupt GW and it's piss take business model...
Please do tell?
GW have this habit of advertising they are always looking for staff ('Become Legendary' they say, above a pic of a Space Marine) in their shops. What they they dont' say is that there might not be any job in that shop and that you have to go online to look at what vacancies they actually do have, which may be some or none and the other side of the country.

In 2008 I made a concerted effort to try and give 40k a go. I didn't get very far in the end - I don't think GW staff are terribly helpful if you aren't interested in buying the current starter set (at the time it was Black Ridge, and I wasn't into Marines v Orks). Anywayat the time I was really up for it because I love the 40k universe so I wrote to GW HQ saying "i'm really into your hobby and am looking for a job, i reckon it would be awesome working for you" (or words to that effect :D). They were about as uninterested as I was interested.

Not much of a story really, but I just find the response, like that, to people going out of their way to take an interest in your business, utterly baffling.
GW have this habit of advertising they are always looking for staff ('Become Legendary' they say, above a pic of a Space Marine) in their shops. What they they dont' say is that there might not be any job in that shop and that you have to go online to look at what vacancies they actually do have, which may be some or none and the other side of the country.

In 2008 I made a concerted effort to try and give 40k a go. I didn't get very far in the end - I don't think GW staff are terribly helpful if you aren't interested in buying the current starter set (at the time it was Black Ridge, and I wasn't into Marines v Orks). Anywayat the time I was really up for it because I love the 40k universe so I wrote to GW HQ saying "i'm really into your hobby and am looking for a job, i reckon it would be awesome working for you" (or words to that effect :D). They were about as uninterested as I was interested.

Not much of a story really, but I just find the response, like that, to people going out of their way to take an interest in your business, utterly baffling.
TBH they probably get that all the time.
TBH they probably get that all the time.
Who knows.

They won't be short of potential staff ever, someone like me doesn't stand a chance (they'd have to teach me the rules to the latest edition :D). There's enough kids buying their games whom they could easily recruit to fill whatever staffing need they might have at any time. By all accounts they aren't the world's greatest employers as well. They also seem to be constantly after managers and have a management training programme which sounds like the sort of thing a franchise would do, but i don't think that's the ir business model.

It's a shame in many ways, I really do like the 40k universe - when it's not just space marines ahoy!
You can almost feel the air rushing out of the wallets of the parents of 14yo kids nationwide :D

I had a peruse of the local GW yesterday to look at the fiction stuff (it's still all SPACE MARINES!), boy this hobby gets dearer by the day! £50, codex £30, then there's minis and paints! Ouch
at those prices for a fucking codex its no wonder people are just torrenting the pdf

They are all hardback now, which doesn't help.

Their ebook prices are equally vulgar - and of course you can only buy from the Black Library site, which means no sale.

How the hell people can afford this hobby I will never know. Which is a shame really. If only my pc could run Dawn of War 2.
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