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Anti fascist killed by fascists in Paris last night

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Closing (prosecution) statements today.

EN DIRECT - Procès Méric : «Ce n'est pas une rixe, c'est une attaque en règle», plaident les parties civiles

"We do not want to make a political trial, we do not blame anyone for political opinions, we judge the death of a young man, but it would be a blind eye to ignore, why we can come to such an outburst of violence. What I think is that Serge Ayoub told them "go for it", "go into the pile." And then they meet in his bar to talk about it, so yes, this environment is decisive in what happened. In order to be virile, to be a man, you have to bring back trophies. "

"It's easier to reach the banks of Sciences-Po Paris when you come from an affluent background than when you come from a modest background, concedes the lawyer.But there is no inevitability when you come from a simple background, to finish at Serge Ayoub's Local. "

From here. In response to the defence's claim that Clement Meric provoked them.

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Key points
  • A security guard told the fascists to exit the shop to the right but they went left (towards the antifas who were 30m away from the building at that point) claiming, pisstakingly, that they did not know the area
  • All the before and after calls to Batskin and heading straight to his bar, where they removed blood and honour and white power tshirts
  • 5 witnesses say they saw a knuckleduster used
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Following ^this^ address by the French AG who wants 4, 7, and 12 year sentences, one of the lawyers yesterday rambled on and on about Clement Meric's comrades and leftist violence, including a story about an (alleged) attack on a butcher shop by vegans, and had to be interrupted by the judge and told to stfu.

Another one said "I'd like to think that Clement Meric's death was not useless and it allowed these three idiots to be uprooted from their ideology."

Defendants' final words to the court today and then the wait for the verdict.

EN DIRECT - Procès Méric : les accusés ont parlé, place aux délibérations

Clip here of Clement Meric at a demo to counter one of the Manif Pour Tous anti gay marriage marches, contrasted with Esteban Morillo at a JNR/Third Way rally. Batskin initially denied that any of his people were involved.

Profile of Batskin in forrin here which reiterates his connection to Assad linked Frederic Chatillon and Alain Soral and his Egalite Et Reconciliation group.

Serge Ayoub, skin d'influence - RadioParleur
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Esteban Morillo - 11 years.
Samuel Dufour - 7 years.
Alexandre Eyraud - acquitted.

(Subject to appeal)

"Incarceration is never a victory. We must continue to fight against everything that is the breeding ground of the far right, ie, inequalities, the education deficit, the lack of solidarity" says the mother of Clement Meric.

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I remember on this site or another that there was a thread about the Paris based anti fascists who hunted Nazi skinheads, one group was called The Ducky Boys. I recently discovered ( although this was probably in the thread and linked articles but it had no relevance for me) that the leader of the Ducky Boys was in fact Portuguese. He now lives in a small village in North Portugal. Heres a couple of articles that despite the efforts of google translate are still readable
Aos 16 anos “Rocky” declarou guerra aos gangues nazis e erradicou a xenofobia em Paris
I remember on this site or another that there was a thread about the Paris based anti fascists who hunted Nazi skinheads, one group was called The Ducky Boys. I recently discovered ( although this was probably in the thread and linked articles but it had no relevance for me) that the leader of the Ducky Boys was in fact Portuguese. He now lives in a small village in North Portugal. Heres a couple of articles that despite the efforts of google translate are still readable
Aos 16 anos “Rocky” declarou guerra aos gangues nazis e erradicou a xenofobia em Paris
There was/ is a doc on them part of a three part series. If i remember right one on was on them, another on batskin and the other on the black dragons (?). I've got physical copies and will check later.
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Two part Al Jazeera documentary on Generation Identitaire illustrating the relationship with the FN, and overlap with other far right groups such as GUD. In part 2, one of Serge Ayoub's people (Yohan Mutte) appears at 7:30 and Frederic Chatillon appears at 29:50. Trigger warning for unintentionally amusing daytodayesque production values and stylised shots of the undercover journo smoking and walking in slo mo.

Morillo is out of prison as part of the appeal process.
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