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Anti fascist killed by fascists in Paris last night

Here's some more info translated from French, gives the lie to the notion he was killed accidentally:
His comrades have described him both as “not a warrior” and “not a fighter”, saying he weighed about 60 kg, and that he had apparently recently been treated for leukemia. The neo-nazi recognized the group of Clément and his friends, either from demonstrations or from stalking on social media. They gathered more people and weapons, waited outside the shop, and killed him, laughed, started running, realised no-one was after them, stopped and congratulated each other, according to witnesses. The neo-nazis’ defence is to paint it as a fight, possibly provoked by the victim, which led to a ‘tragic necessity’. It was not, his comrades insist that it was a political attack which ended in political murder. The police also briefly said they were treating it as “a fight between the extreme right and the extreme left”.

Late i know but:

Demonstration to remember Clément Méric, 7pm at the International Brigades memorial near Waterloo, tonight.

London comrades, i know the trains and buses are shit but come out.
The lhads and lhassies from the Green Brigade were shocked and horrified to hear about the tragic murder of Clement Meric and decided to get together and knock up a wee message banner outside of Celtic Park for him. We wanted to show solidarity with Clement, his family and antifascists across Europe who are in mourning at this tragic loss of life.

Ni oubli, ni pardon

Late i know but:

Demonstration to remember Clément Méric, 7pm at the International Brigades memorial near Waterloo, tonight.

London comrades, i know the trains and buses are shit but come out.

If only I'd known a couple of hours ago :(

Anyway, this seems like an appropriate way to remember Clement

Au revoir, comrade
The lhads and lhassies from the Green Brigade were shocked and horrified to hear about the tragic murder of Clement Meric and decided to get together and knock up a wee message banner outside of Celtic Park for him. We wanted to show solidarity with Clement, his family and antifascists across Europe who are in mourning at this tragic loss of life.

Ni oubli, ni pardon


Do you mind if I share that Fedayn?
United Glasgow F.C. yesterday


United Glasgow F.C was formed in 2011 to provide a point of access to regular, structured football for those who would usually find themselves excluded. United Glasgow F.C plays in the Scottish Unity Football League in Glasgow.

While the project was formed by Alan White and Unity in the Community to help primarily refugees and asylum seekers we now welcome players from all backgrounds and all walks of life.
The trial is being livetweeted by amongst others Romane SLH (@RomaneSLH) on Twitter in forrin, but chrome translate is ok.

clement meric.jpg

Batskin is taking the piss and one of the defendants was crying in court. This one.

clement meric samuel dufour.jpg

Possibly just a ruse if he's also going this route.

clement meric samuel dufour 2.jpg
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Related story. French right-wing cell planned to attack Muslims

Action des forces opérationelles was founded in August 2017 by a retired police officer called Guy Sibra, and had close to 100 members, most of whom used pseudonyms to avoid detection. Sibra called himself “Richelieu”. Names from the 17th-19th centuries were popular with other AFO militants. Some were disillusioned followers of Marine Le Pen’s Front National (recently renamed the Rassemblement National). Some were traditionalist Catholics.

Most of the suspects now claim that their plans were hare-brained schemes which they had no intention of carrying out. Yet the head of the Paris section, identified as Bernard S, “reminded us at the end of every meeting that we had to recruit more, identify targets, etc. Every half hour, he repeated the same thing, over and over,” one of the suspects said.

The article also mentions more examples of the 'what's a truck' line of defence in the Clement Meric case.
One of the accused, Esteban Morillo, now 25, has since removed a tattoo saying travail-famille-patrie from his forearm. Morillo claims he did not know it was the motto of the Vichy collaborationist regime. He also claims to have forgotten that he “liked” Hitler’s Mein Kampf on his Facebook page.
The five year gap is not ideal for the prosecution as some witness memories are fuzzy and the defendants have changed appearance, but the use of the knuckleduster (they call it an 'American fist', crazy) should be critical. The defendants phoned Serge Ayoub before the assault, went to his bar (Le Local, closed since) after it, then talked to him again on the phone during the night. According to this journo the defence is trying to depoliticise the case.

clement meric defence strategy.jpg

Alain Soral had a stake in the bar but his followers don't get on with Ayoub's so he (and Frederic Chatillon and other former GUD people) pulled out.

batskin dufour clement meric.jpg

Morillo clement meric local batskin.jpg

Soral and Dieudonne get brought up in this 2015 documentary (15:50 mark) which places the case in the context of the French far right's development.

Soral mocking Clement Meric here by tweeting a link to a tune by a neo-nazi/identarian rapper called Kroc Blanc whose last album according to this Vice piece "is so racist, it's surreal".

alain soral mocking clement meric.jpg

As we've shown here, these are the people that Vanessa Beeley has boasted about being involved with.
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They actually published a book defending the murder a few years back - if i recall right Ayoub and Diedonne were the main instigators of the project. The argument of the book, unsurprisingly seems to be that it was the jews fault.
They actually published a book defending the murder a few years back - if i recall right Ayoub and Diedonne were the main instigators of the project. The argument of the book, unsurprisingly seems to be that it was the jews fault.
Yes, there's a piece here on the interview Dieudonne did with Batskin shortly after the killing.

Dieudonné made an alliance with Serge Ayoub. Dieudonné is the new companion of the leader of the dissolved Jeunesses Nationalistes Révolutionnaire (JNR) , a very dangerous ultra-right ultra-right group, whose dissolution was decided , for this reason, by the Minister of the Interior, Manuel Valls.

Dieudonne is now the friend of Batskin, the one who spends his time, now, trying to tarnish the memory of Clement Meric.

The scene was filmed. Thirty minutes of conversation in which Dieudonné makes friends with the one who proclaims himself descending from the SA Nazis and prides himself on it. Thirty minutes to attack the memory of Clement Meric and conclude that, ultimately, "we have the same enemy", this "same enemy" is neither mentioned nor identified, one wonders why.
Is this small team in white on our side? They look like they were trying to get at batskin as he left the court, but they seem to have some odd german football colours on and there was a bloke wearing one of those shitty proud boiy fred perry tops seeming to be with them - given that and the circs of the killing i'm not so sure they are.

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