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Another Russian spy hit?

When England fail to win the World cup this summer, VX doping will be blamed for their utter lack of interest in their games

I'm sure people will see through this - after all, why would anyone attempt such doping, once they've realised how bad the penalties are going to be?
Maybe theyre sending a message rather than offing him.

Either way he's lucky to still be alive. Nerve agent in centre of Salisbury? Fucking helll...
Maybe theyre sending a message rather than offing him.

Either way he's lucky to still be alive. Nerve agent in centre of Salisbury? Fucking helll...
Salisbury, albeit its outskirt rather than its centre, is the place where more people have been exposed to nerve agents than anywhere else in the world. Between the 1920s and 1989 at Porton Down there were 3,400 such experiments carried out on service men who had allegedly volunteered, some were fatal. Perhaps, this attack was an omage to the masters of the art
The past Porton Down can't hide
What happens if the copper doesn't make it? It turns a bit Yvonne Fletcher, only I don't suppose we'll bomb Russia.
Was a documentary on Porton Down two or three years ago, they were naturally quite coy, but strongly alluded to having created something that is pretty mush instantly fatal with the tiniest of tiny doses, with no antidote possible. He did look pretty spooked even talking about it :(
What happens if the copper doesn't make it? It turns a bit Yvonne Fletcher, only I don't suppose we'll bomb Russia.

We shall have an enquiry and conclude they died from a dodgy batch of MDMA at Glastonbury 2000 and the case will be dropped.
the thing is chemical agents are horribly lethal IF you can get a lethal dose into someone which is much harder than it sounds.
LSD is an incapative agent unfortunately nobody knows how to get dose into someone who doesnt want to take it . you can hardly spike an entire battlegroup
What happens if the copper doesn't make it? It turns a bit Yvonne Fletcher, only I don't suppose we'll bomb Russia.

We could Blair them

Was a documentary on Porton Down two or three years ago, they were naturally quite coy, but strongly alluded to having created something that is pretty mush instantly fatal with the tiniest of tiny doses, with no antidote possible. He did look pretty spooked even talking about it :(
An army colonel of my acquaintance has just said (whilst discussing this incident) that it was clearly a pretty shit nerve agent if it didn't kill the bloke immediately and the Russians should be ashamed of themselves - apparently we DO have much better chemicals, which is frankly terrifying
An army colonel of my acquaintance has just said (whilst discussing this incident) that it was clearly a pretty shit nerve agent if it didn't kill the bloke immediately and the Russians should be ashamed of themselves - apparently we DO have much better chemicals, which is frankly terrifying
But, in a way, if the purpose of poisoning him isn't so much simply to take him out of circulation (ie. kill him), as to send a very frightening message to people, it doesn't matter if he dies instantly - indeed, it might be better from that point of view if his condition remains uncertain for a longer period of time.
An army colonel of my acquaintance has just said (whilst discussing this incident) that it was clearly a pretty shit nerve agent if it didn't kill the bloke immediately and the Russians should be ashamed of themselves - apparently we DO have much better chemicals, which is frankly terrifying

While not wishing to comment on the agent itself, I'm more inclined to think it's a botched delivery than a dud agent. There was an interview on BBC radio yesterday with a Bulgarian (?) waitress who works at the coffee shop where it's assumed the agent was delivered - she was saying that she'd had a conversation with a Russia man, not the victim, several times recently, who spoke perfect, accented Russian and who had let her practice her Russian on him.

It could be coincidence, it might not be...

A state supplied nerve agent is a very, very deadly thing. While it's possible they've screwed up the manufacture or storage, I'd bet heavy money on it being the delivery that's gone wrong.
While not wishing to comment on the agent itself, I'm more inclined to think it's a botched delivery than a dud agent. There was an interview on BBC radio yesterday with a Bulgarian (?) waitress who works at the coffee shop where it's assumed the agent was delivered - she was saying that she'd had a conversation with a Russia man, not the victim, several times recently, who spoke perfect, accented Russian and who had let her practice her Russian on him.

Bulgarian huh? Did she have an umbrella?
Was a documentary on Porton Down two or three years ago, they were naturally quite coy, but strongly alluded to having created something that is pretty mush instantly fatal with the tiniest of tiny doses, with no antidote possible. He did look pretty spooked even talking about it :(
I think they've called it Chucklehead.
I'm more inclined to think it's a botched delivery than a dud agent … A state supplied nerve agent is a very, very deadly thing. While it's possible they've screwed up the manufacture or storage, I'd bet heavy money on it being the delivery that's gone wrong.
As mentioned above, mixing a binary in the field almost certainly requires a fair bit of skill, both in avoiding self contamination and unintended collateral damage, but also in achieving the target dose at the point of delivery. Possibly the state involved in this instance doesn’t have quite as large an expendable pool of test subjects as a certain other country might have to practice on. Alternatively, perhaps the intention was not necessarily to kill but simply to demonstrate and convey a message. Use of specific precursors (which will strongly hint at the source) might also be an explicit calling card (aimed specifically at the investigating authorities or to convey a message via them to others they would naturally share that information with).
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Public assassination job with a nerve agent in a foreign country... do you send your best man, or your most expendable?!

Didn't the team that did Litvinenko splash the polonium about rather more liberally than you'd think they would given its lethality?
Didn't the team that did Litvinenko splash the polonium about rather more liberally than you'd think they would given its lethality?
A very messy operation but Po-210 is only really dangerous if ingested/inhaled. There may have been a point to leaving a trail, as hinted at above. You probably send a fairly well trained agent lest it goes completely pear shaped and the message is lost, or they sell/are relieved of the gift to/by other enterprises en route.
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It was claimed (albeit in passing! :oops: ) in a Guardian article the other day, that the retired-spy man had 'developed a taste for local ale' of late :cool: , after he'd joined a social club in Salisbury.

Can't be arsed to find the link for the above, for related reasons ;)

But just be aware, everyone, that getting that bit too close to certain 'CAMRA agents' :hmm: risks annoying the wrong people ..... :D ;) :p

Troops deployed after Russian spy poisoning

Military called in. Hmmmmm. What else is going on there?

Not a lot - the civil authorities have a limited capacity to deal with nerve agents and the like, while the military have, unsurprisingly, a larger capacity.

In blunt terms, half the coppers and SOCO's who are trained to deal with such chemicals south of Newcastle upon Tyne will have dealing with this for the best part of a week - the ability of the civil authorities to continue dealing with this event and deal with any subsequent event is about exhausted. They need help, and the military is the only organisation with the capacity to do so.
Decontamination is a massive PITA when your doing it on an airfield in the middle of nowhere trying to decontam middle of Salisbury completely different level of pain bleach and fullers earth any car nearby is off to portons downs scrapheap good luck with the insurance company nerve gas contamination probably isn't covered:(
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