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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

Great to hear that the old building is being used for "semi-pornographic photoshoots".

TBF, that entirely depends on what "semi-pornographic" means, doesn't it? Could mean "tits, bums and pubes"-style "glamour" photography (tacky but harmless) or "how many different positions can I adopt to get this in there"-type explicit stuff nowadays. The former wouldn't bother me, the latter, I'd be a bit worried about passing locals getting an eyeful.
TBF, that entirely depends on what "semi-pornographic" means, doesn't it? Could mean "tits, bums and pubes"-style "glamour" photography (tacky but harmless) or "how many different positions can I adopt to get this in there"-type explicit stuff nowadays. The former wouldn't bother me, the latter, I'd be a bit worried about passing locals getting an eyeful.
Now we know why the windows are blacked out.
Whether they know it or not, the sensitive local hardworking families are lucky to have some middle-class types on the internet standing up against this kind of moral outrage on their behalf.
Has anyone asked for it to be banned? Was anyone "morally outraged"? No, of course not. It's just you making up bullshit again!

Grow up. FFS.


corrected for ya! :D
Oh well done! You and teuchter are simply made for each other.
Hello all,​
They posters are not professionally made at all but some people find that more approachable, I have heard through feedback, and the most important thing is communicating we are interested to hear from people. Also, we don't have a graphic designer on the core team and our intern is away at the moment so, again, capacity and budget is our main problem. Unfortunately, we don't have a raft of creatives behind us, we are a small organisation and haven't been there for long. Saying this, any help is always appreciated so..​
Editor, would love your help indeed if you're up for designing a poster. Thank you very much. I don't have your email address so could you drop me an email to hello@thebrickbox.co.uk ?​

Re. the 'shop front' is it undergoing a big change very soon so it won't be black for much longer...it's an arts project involving local young people, a local street artist and a Brazilian photographer documenting the work.

I'm also working on getting some flyers done with a general bit about what the brick box is, how to get involved, etc. blurb, which we'll distribute. Hopefully this will help further.​
Thanks very much, Rosie​

Hello all,
They posters are not professionally made at all but some people find that more approachable, I have heard through feedback, and the most important thing is communicating we are interested to hear from people. Also, we don't have a graphic designer on the core team and our intern is away at the moment so, again, capacity and budget is our main problem. Unfortunately, we don't have a raft of creatives behind us, we are a small organisation and haven't been there for long. Saying this, any help is always appreciated so..
Editor, would love your help indeed if you're up for designing a poster. Thank you very much. I don't have your email address so could you drop me an email to hello@thebrickbox.co.uk ?
Re. the 'shop front' is it undergoing a big change very soon so it won't be black for much longer...it's an arts project involving local young people, a local street artist and a Brazilian photographer documenting the work.
I'm also working on getting some flyers done with a general bit about what the brick box is, how to get involved, etc. blurb, which we'll distribute. Hopefully this will help further.
Thanks very much, Rosie
If you send me the text you want to put on the poster and any required graphics (your logo, for example) I'd be happy to produce a poster that should definitely be more readable than your current offering!

Mail it to urban75 - at - gmail.com
I felt strangely moved to ask the man standing top of a pair of steps blacking out the windows from the outside about an hour ago why he was doing so.
He started going on about a group artists taking over the premises temporarily etc. so I cut him short and said I knew all about that - and that they had even had Prince Charles in there - secretly.
Moreover I said - with an expansive gesture toward the Barrier Block, Coldharbour Lane etc - people round her are getting to hate you lot - with your £40 Saltoun Suppers taking the piss out of the poor.
I've had my benefits cut off - completely - I said. Do you think I can afford to ponce around like that at £40 a pop - that is assuming I WANTED to socialise with drug fuelled Bullingdon Club types who despise me!
He started getting down from his ladder - and showed signs of wanting to engage - violently.
I used the standard Lib Dem canvassing technique for nutters - back slowly away whilst continuing the conversation. By the time I had reached the Somali internet café he had given up.
Just thought you should know this.
I felt strangely moved to ask the man standing top of a pair of steps blacking out the windows from the outside about an hour ago why he was doing so.
He started going on about a group artists taking over the premises temporarily etc. so I cut him short and said I knew all about that - and that they had even had Prince Charles in there - secretly.
Moreover I said - with an expansive gesture toward the Barrier Block, Coldharbour Lane etc - people round her are getting to hate you lot - with your £40 Saltoun Suppers taking the piss out of the poor.
I've had my benefits cut off - completely - I said. Do you think I can afford to ponce around like that at £40 a pop - that is assuming I WANTED to socialise with drug fuelled Bullingdon Club types who despise me!
He started getting down from his ladder - and showed signs of wanting to engage - violently.
I used the standard Lib Dem canvassing technique for nutters - back slowly away whilst continuing the conversation. By the time I had reached the Somali internet café he had given up.
Just thought you should know this.

......... you might wanna work on your presentation skills.
BTW if what is earlier in the thread is true - I am considering reviving "The Mary Whitehouse Experience" - should compliment Mrs Mills wonderfully!
......... you might wanna work on your presentation skills.
I'm a sound engineer by trade - not an artist!
BTW - sound engineers make people hear everything what is there - Artists (in BrixBox) just impose public back-outs!
I'm a sound engineer by trade - not an artist!
BTW - sound engineers make people hear everything what is there - Artists (in BrixBox) just impose public back-outs!

I meant that your post reads as you having a bit of a rant at whomever.
Hello all,
They posters are not professionally made at all but some people find that more approachable, I have heard through feedback, and the most important thing is communicating we are interested to hear from people. Also, we don't have a graphic designer on the core team and our intern is away at the moment so, again, capacity and budget is our main problem. Unfortunately, we don't have a raft of creatives behind us, we are a small organisation and haven't been there for long. Saying this, any help is always appreciated so..
Editor, would love your help indeed if you're up for designing a poster. Thank you very much. I don't have your email address so could you drop me an email to hello@thebrickbox.co.uk ?
Re. the 'shop front' is it undergoing a big change very soon so it won't be black for much longer...it's an arts project involving local young people, a local street artist and a Brazilian photographer documenting the work.
I'm also working on getting some flyers done with a general bit about what the brick box is, how to get involved, etc. blurb, which we'll distribute. Hopefully this will help further.
Thanks very much, Rosie

How are you doing on the community outreach?
I felt strangely moved to ask the man standing top of a pair of steps blacking out the windows from the outside about an hour ago why he was doing so.
He started going on about a group artists taking over the premises temporarily etc. so I cut him short and said I knew all about that - and that they had even had Prince Charles in there - secretly.
Moreover I said - with an expansive gesture toward the Barrier Block, Coldharbour Lane etc - people round her are getting to hate you lot - with your £40 Saltoun Suppers taking the piss out of the poor.
I've had my benefits cut off - completely - I said. Do you think I can afford to ponce around like that at £40 a pop - that is assuming I WANTED to socialise with drug fuelled Bullingdon Club types who despise me!
He started getting down from his ladder - and showed signs of wanting to engage - violently.
I used the standard Lib Dem canvassing technique for nutters - back slowly away whilst continuing the conversation. By the time I had reached the Somali internet café he had given up.
Just thought you should know this.

Hi there, just spoke to Luke (who is papering the windows in order to paint and brighten up the front in collaboration with 198 gallery and their young people) and he said he tried to speak to you about how you felt and asked you to stay and chat. I'm sorry you didn't want to but he had no agressive intention whatsoever.

Also, I'd just like to repeat that events are always £5 or free if we can afford to fund them so I don't believe they are making fun of anyone. Many different sorts of people with different incomes and backgrounds work with us and come to our events so they aren't exclusively for anyone in particular.

If you'd like to speak further, I'd be happy to.

All the best for a nice day.
I meant that your post reads as you having a bit of a rant at whomever.
I suffer from moral outrage. Not to bore you (again) that is why I got deselected after I mentioned being offered drugs in a pub which I am not allowed to name in the street in which I live, which I am also not allowed to name. As a consequence of that the Black Culutral Achive is going to front onto Windrush Square. Had I not done that the BCA buiding would now be a dive in the same network of all-night vice as Mass & pub I can't name (due to legal agreement to avoid them suing me for libel & me losing my house).
Do you want the SLP report of that? I've got it somewhere. 1997.
I normally exercise my prophetic urges in my parish church - but Mr Artist blacking out the windows was just an open goal!

Regarding me being a nutter - I am definitely a nutter - I have my discharge certificate - do you want that as well.
At one time Brixton was especially welcoming for nutters - but NEVER for Downton Abbey w*nkers!!!!
I suffer from moral outrage. Not to bore you (again) that is why I got deselected after I mentioned being offered drugs in a pub which I am not allowed to name in the street in which I live, which I am also not allowed to name. As a consequence of that the Black Culutral Achive is going to front onto Windrush Square. Had I not done that the BCA buiding would now be a dive in the same network of all-night vice as Mass & pub I can't name (due to legal agreement to avoid them suing me for libel & me losing my house).
Do you want the SLP report of that? I've got it somewhere. 1997.
I normally exercise my prophetic urges in my parish church - but Mr Artist blacking out the windows was just an open goal!

Regarding me being a nutter - I am definitely a nutter - I have my discharge certificate - do you want that as well.
At one time Brixton was especially welcoming for nutters - but NEVER for Downton Abbey w*nkers!!!!

I don't care if you have a diagnosis - that's not what my comment was about. It seemed, from your own words, that you had rather a few select words for this bloke. When he decided to climb down his ladder to talk to you these actions are seen as threatening to you (the perceived intent of which was denied by the other party, by proxy). Nothing personal, but it seems you are in a bit of an agitated state, and you might want to try and think about how you come across to people if that is the case. Everyone makes mistakes regarding other people's intentions all the time of course, so I'm not saying there wasn't a genuine misunderstanding going on.
I don't care if you have a diagnosis - that's not what my comment was about. It seemed, from your own words, that you had rather a few select words for this bloke. When he decided to climb down his ladder to talk to you these actions are seen as threatening to you (the perceived intent of which was denied by the other party, by proxy). Nothing personal, but it seems you are in a bit of an agitated state, and you might want to try and think about how you come across to people if that is the case. Everyone makes mistakes regarding other people's intentions all the time of course, so I'm not saying there wasn't a genuine misunderstanding going on.
I am going to the Proms tonight. That will improve my mood-state. Thank you for your concern.
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