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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

No, you don't. If submitting a bid earned you anything, every fucker who submitted a bid would earn something, wouldn't they?

Come come, my dear ursine, do not be obtuse. It's not the submission that creates merit, it's the strength of the submission. You do have to submit the fucker to earn it.
I've got to do some work now, but just in case anyone was thinking of walking past the pub to find out what was going on, I can advise you that, as usual, the building has blacked out windows and there is absolutely no information on display at all.

So, if you'd like to get involved, be sure to track down the appropriate Twitter stream or get to know the right people. Or maybe join a supper club.

Ain't community arts great?!
I've got to do some work now, but just in case anyone was thinking of walking past the pub to find out what was going on, I can advise you that, as usual, the building has blacked out windows and there is absolutely no information on display at all.

So, if you'd like to get involved, be sure to track down the appropriate Twitter stream or get to know the right people. Or maybe join a supper club.

Ain't community arts great?!

I don't think there's anything on tonight. As I'm sure you'd have known if you had looked it up. Chances are if it's dark and quiet, it's closed, ya know?
I don't think there's anything on tonight. As I'm sure you'd have known if you had looked it up. Chances are if it's dark and quiet, it's closed, ya know?
It's dark when there's stuff going on as well, on account of the blacked out windows. :facepalm:

I've no idea if there's anything on tonight or most other times, but then I'm not in the right clique, I guess.

Gotta love these inclusive community events!
It's dark when there's stuff going on as well, on account of the blacked out windows. :facepalm:

I've no idea if there's anything on tonight or most other times, but then I'm not in the right clique, I guess.

Gotta love these inclusive community events!

Is it always quiet too? I know you're an aging drummer and all.. :p

Nah. Point taken. They can do better. Then again so can you.
I've got to do some work now, but just in case anyone was thinking of walking past the pub to find out what was going on, I can advise you that, as usual, the building has blacked out windows and there is absolutely no information on display at all.

So, if you'd like to get involved, be sure to track down the appropriate Twitter stream or get to know the right people. Or maybe join a supper club.

...and we're off again. Many people may take the meaning of this to be that you can only get in touch by finding an obscure Twitter stream or knowing the right people or signing up to an expensive club.

Whereas the reality is that that is entirely untrue.

But it's not the Editor's fault for the way he's chosen to write those words in a sentence like that.

It's the fault of the *reader* for, erm, reading it, and twisting Editor's words in their mind until it seems like they are an inaccurate representation of the reality.
...and we're off again. Many people may take the meaning of this to be that you can only get in touch by finding an obscure Twitter stream or knowing the right people or signing up to an expensive club.
So tell me how a passer-by or a local resident might know what's going on, please.

Incidentally, if you type in '354 coldharbour lane', the first result is my piece on the old pub, and then two pages by their property developer owners Lexadon (who are "are excited and eager to start working on this development"), and then this thread.
Incidentally, if you type in '354 coldharbour lane', the first result is my piece on the old pub, and then two pages by their property developer owners Lexadon (who are "are excited and eager to start working on this development"), and then this thread.

Which brings us back to the point that Brick Box are shit at local community advertising. Which is not nearly the same as not advertising at all. Or have twisted your words again?
So tell me how a passer-by or a local resident might know what's going on, please.


The Brick Box facebook page, for example.

Before you go off on one, I agree they could publicise themselves better and it would be a good idea to have some info on the building.

My issue is with the suggestion that you have to be in some kind of exclusive club to know what they are up to. They have a presence in the market, which anyone passing by can see and if they are interested in the kind of stuff Brick Box do, it's hardly difficult to look them up on facebook.
The Brick Box facebook page, for example.
Please tell me how a passer by might get to know of the existence of this Facebook page.

You are aware that the name Brick Box appears nowhere on the building, so by what powers would they know what Facebook page to look for?
Please tell me how a passer by might get to know of the existence of this Facebook page.

You are aware that the name Brick Box appears nowhere on the building, so by what powers would they know what Facebook page to look for?

By the powers of reason?
Please tell me how a passer by might get to know of the existence of this Facebook page.

You are aware that the name Brick Box appears nowhere on the building, so by what powers would they know what Facebook page to look for?

Someone just walking past the building would not know that it has anything to do with Brick Box based purely on just looking at the building. That is correct. I never said they would.
Oh, do go on. Please elaborate how a passer-by might "reason" the Facebook address of a closed pub with blacked out windows and no signs.

You think it's out of the ordinary that people who eat at Brickbox might look at their FB pages? We've already established that the audience for their ads is limited. Please don't be obtuse.
I've got to do some work now, but just in case anyone was thinking of walking past the pub to find out what was going on, I can advise you that, as usual, the building has blacked out windows and there is absolutely no information on display at all.

So, if you'd like to get involved, be sure to track down the appropriate Twitter stream or get to know the right people. Or maybe join a supper club.

Ain't community arts great?!

Remember, this is what you said.

This was addressed to people on the internet reading your post, in this thread, about the venue. Not to someone waling past the building knowing nothing about Brick Box.
Yes, the guy who does the listings tries to list as much as he can, but seeing as Brick Box have never bothered to send us anything, I think that's the only thing that's ever been listed.

I guess maybe they're not interested in having their listings on Brixton Buzz.
Or maybe they haven't heard of Brixton buzz? No harm in helping them spread the word? Either way, the first page of googling just the address gives anyone enough to go on with regards to what's going on - so not difficult to "track down the appropriate twitter stream".
Someone just walking past the building would not know that it has anything to do with Brick Box based purely on just looking at the building. That is correct. I never said they would.
The question I asked was: "So tell me how a passer-by or a local resident might know what's going on, please."

And you responded: "The Brick Box facebook page, for example."

Seeing as there is no way for a passer-by to find out their Facebook address - or even the name of the venue - you do seem to be looking a little foolish here.

Still, can we now agree that a passer-by would indeed have absolutely no idea of what's going on inside?
The question I asked was: "So tell me how a passer-by or a local resident might know what's going on, please."

And you responded: "The Brick Box facebook page, for example."

Seeing as there is no way for a passer-by to find out their Facebook address - or even the name of the venue - you do seem to be looking a little foolish here.

Still, can we now agree that a passer-by would indeed have absolutely no idea of what's going on inside?

You ever try knocking on the door? Might seem insane, but it's worked wonders for me in the past.
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