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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

Again with the misrepresenting... it's not unadvertised, it's badly advertised, and probably mostly advertised to people who're already following them on twitter, on their mailing-list etc. It's hardly the first time a smaller event organiser hasn't bothered much with paper ads.
So it is effectively unadvertised to anyone who's not already 'in the know' about who they are, what they're doing and where to find their website/Twitter account.

Of course, if they'd put a poster up in the window....
So it is effectively unadvertised to anyone who's not already 'in the know' about who they are, what they're doing and where to find their website/Twitter account.

Of course, if they'd put a poster up in the window....

All those caveats hardly make it unadvertised, only advertised in a way you don't approve of.
You're saying you're unaware that the common understanding of the verb to trouser is one where moneys have been appropriated in illegal or otherwise nefarious ways? Puh-lease.

You're over-egging your pudding. That's an understanding. The "common" one is of "trousering" a bonus. See any issue of Private Eye printed in the last 30 years for examples. The worst it implies is that the recipient may not deserve it, not that they engage in illegal activity.
How much would that pay approx. p.a.? I've only got a job for another 3 months or so.

You think I'm telling you, so that you can hop on the Brussels gravy-train? :hmm:

Not likely! I'm off to join my good friend Wing Commander Nigel Farage! Toodle-pip!
You're over-egging your pudding. That's an understanding. The "common" one is of "trousering" a bonus. See any issue of Private Eye printed in the last 30 years for examples. The worst it implies is that the recipient may not deserve it, not that they engage in illegal activity.

Allow me to do an Ed Special:

trouser verb


informal to get a large amount of money, especially in an unfair or illegal way.

You're over-egging your pudding. That's an understanding. The "common" one is of "trousering" a bonus. See any issue of Private Eye printed in the last 30 years for examples. The worst it implies is that the recipient may not deserve it, not that they engage in illegal activity.

Either way the implication was that they hadn't earned their funding. Which is arguable. Except that Ed didn't even come close to bothering with an arguement.
3 grand for this seems like a terrible idea for any struggling creatives. It's for the well off, the people who can afford to lose money doing this kinda thing.

ah... yer, I get your point. I'm tempted to go along and see if I qualify for the cheap option. :D
All those caveats hardly make it unadvertised, only advertised in a way you don't approve of.
It's got nothing to do with what I 'approve' of. It's about the odd way that an 'inclusive community arts' venture seem so reluctant to even put up a poster to tell people what's going on.

But you tell me: how might a passer-by, a local resident or even one of thse street drinkers they're so fond of find out about these events then? Any idea?
Either way the implication was that they hadn't earned their funding. Which is arguable. Except that Ed didn't even come close to bothering with an arguement.
That's because the Ed never made that claim and has explained it several times. So why make up stuff?
ah... yer, I get your point. I'm tempted to go along and see if I qualify for the cheap option. :D

You mean the "cheap" option, of 600 quid for 10 days of courses? Not counting access to the Titans of Industry. Seriously, who the fuck came up with this shit? Seriously, tell me, I've got a business proposition for them.
It's got nothing to do with what I 'approve' of. It's about the odd way that an 'inclusive community arts' venture seem so reluctant to even put up a poster to tell people what's going on.

But you tell me: how might a passer-by, a local resident or even one of thse street drinkers they're so fond of find out about these events then? Any idea?

I already said it was badly advertised. You however claimed it was not advertised, which is patently false. Cue cries of "pedantry/semantics/words".
You mean the "cheap" option, of 600 quid for 10 days of courses? Not counting access to the Titans of Industry. Seriously, who the fuck came up with this shit? Seriously, tell me, I've got a business proposition for them.

I would expect great things of a course at that cost. Having gone for the cheap arse option for things, often I have got what I paid for.
If you want to know what I think, try asking me directly instead of suggesting what you think I might be implying. Ta.

I don't need to ask, you've made that clear already. I accept that you didn't mean to imply that they got funding illegitimately. I accept that because I believe your heart is in the right place. That's a different matter to saying that what you did write implied that they did get funds by nefarious/unfair/illegal means. You might not have meant it, but the implication was there. I'm not a mind-reader, all I have is the words on the screen.
Either way the implication was that they hadn't earned their funding. Which is arguable. Except that Ed didn't even come close to bothering with an arguement.

Well, seeing as we're worrying about the meaning of words here, you don't "earn" funding, you're awarded it on the strength of the proposal/plan/bid you submit. :)
Posts 1257 and 1261.
#1257 said that the event unadvertised to the street drinkers
#1262 said that it was "effectively unadvertised to anyone who's not already 'in the know'"

That does not match your claim in the slightest and you know it, and I'm getting really bored and fed up with your attempts to twist my words.
My sincere admiration and encouragement to you all.

#1257 said that the event unadvertised to the street drinkers
#1262 said that it was "effectively unadvertised to anyone who's not already 'in the know'"

That does not match your claim in the slightest and you know it, and I'm getting really bored and fed up with your attempts to twist my words.

Post 1257 did no such thing - unless you're unusually inept at expressing yourself. AFAIK you're usually pretty handy with words. As for 1262 your caveats merely underlined the implicit claim that noone in the community could possible have been keeping tabs on a local business that has been part of the trading scene for what... close to 3 years?
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