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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

It doesn't sell out months in advance. They regularly have places free and advertise this on Facebook and maybe other places.
BTW the new Police Commander in Brixton seemed to be suggesting that he doesn't care for excessive Hurray Henryism. He claimed support from some Labour councillors in this. If so this is a change of policy, which since 1994 has been to promote a "24hr economy". Commander Bell (for it was he) said there were 8 large venues in Lambeth with 24 hours licenses - and this was excessive compared to other similarly sized boroughs. He also said (in effect) that Lambeth Council Licensing were not doing their job properly in monitoring establishments they had licensed.
This all came up because a deputation attended the meeting from Arlington Lodge (social housing behind the Fridge Bar). They were complaining about excessive noise until all hours. Not sure where from - I missed some parts of the meeting. It wouldn't be the Fridge itself - they have good sound insulation.
I had earlier complained about William Hills in Coldharbour Lane - and again he did not seem a particular fan of betting shops attracting ne'er do wells!
I posted an account at the Brixton Society website - if anyone is interested.
BTW the new Police Commander in Brixton seemed to be suggesting that he doesn't care for excessive Hurray Henryism. He claimed support from some Labour councillors in this. If so this is a change of policy, which since 1994 has been to promote a "24hr economy". Commander Bell (for it was he) said there were 8 large venues in Lambeth with 24 hours licenses - and this was excessive compared to other similarly sized boroughs. He also said (in effect) that Lambeth Council Licensing were not doing their job properly in monitoring establishments they had licensed.
This all came up because a deputation attended the meeting from Arlington Lodge (social housing behind the Fridge Bar). They were complaining about excessive noise until all hours. Not sure where from - I missed some parts of the meeting. It wouldn't be the Fridge itself - they have good sound insulation.
I had earlier complained about William Hills in Coldharbour Lane - and again he did not seem a particular fan of betting shops attracting ne'er do wells!
I posted an account at the Brixton Society website - if anyone is interested.

We've been on at noise control and licensing about the Fridge Bar for about a year and they are totally disinterested. They often have the doors wide open early on a Wednesday morning with music blaring until 5am. Never a problem when there was only a main sound system in the basement. Noise control told me no one else complains so your info re Arlington Lodge is very interesting!

Mind you - I don't think that has a lot to do with Hooray Henry's.

The Electric caused some disturbance to begin with - the Carl Cox nights were very audible - but they seem to have quickly and voluntarily sorted that out after neighbours raised it with them.
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BTW the new Police Commander in Brixton seemed to be suggesting that he doesn't care for excessive Hurray Henryism. He claimed support from some Labour councillors in this. If so this is a change of policy, which since 1994 has been to promote a "24hr economy". Commander Bell (for it was he) said there were 8 large venues in Lambeth with 24 hours licenses - and this was excessive compared to other similarly sized boroughs. He also said (in effect) that Lambeth Council Licensing were not doing their job properly in monitoring establishments they had licensed.
This all came up because a deputation attended the meeting from Arlington Lodge (social housing behind the Fridge Bar). They were complaining about excessive noise until all hours. Not sure where from - I missed some parts of the meeting. It wouldn't be the Fridge itself - they have good sound insulation.
I had earlier complained about William Hills in Coldharbour Lane - and again he did not seem a particular fan of betting shops attracting ne'er do wells!
I posted an account at the Brixton Society website - if anyone is interested.

And to answer your question (in the article) about who took over from Rachel Heywood it is Cllr John Hopkins. ETA: Jack Hopkins - not John.
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We've been on at noise control and licensing about the Fridge Bar for about a year and they are totally disinterested. They often have the doors wide open early on a Wednesday morning with music blaring until 5am. Never a problem when there was only a main sound system in the basement. Noise control told me no one else complains so your info re Arlington Lodge is very interesting!

Mind you - I don't think that has a lot to do with Hooray Henry's.

The Electric caused some disturbance to begin with - the Carl Cox nights were very audible - but they seem to have quickly and voluntarily sorted that out after neighbours raised it with them.

I did raise the issue of noise / 24 hour economy and how to balance entertainment with Brixton being also residential at the meeting on the SPDs. As it is an issue. I felt it was not taken seriously there either.
The way I see it, as someone who's spent most of their life (bar, I think, about 3 years) within a 3-4 mile radius of central Brixton, I'm not so sure it's "generous" as much as "honest", if only because for most "earlier arrivals", the main motive for moving here wasn't fashionability (horrible word, but aposite, I think), but rather utility. Did you come here expecting a fully-grown cultural experience of the type "nu Brixton" is being sold? I mean, you may have visited the area before you moved here and thought "great clubs!", but you weren't having a whole cultural package set out before you, and these new folk are. They're coming here expecting a "scene" rather than creating one.
I suppose I see them as (to be ineffably poncey) a form of modern flaneur, moving through spaces, but not of them, interested only in the spectacle.

Interesting post.

I suggest also that cultural experience itself had become more commodified. It is not that people coming here expecting something. It is how things work now.

Brixton Village is a case in point. It does have this slight feel to it that it has been designed and set out as a cultural package that is sell-able to the consumer. And it is highly successful rebranding exercise. It has become the place to go in London. When I chat to people they now what Brixton Village is. A few years ago they would know where Brixton is but not Brixton Village.

I agree a lot of people ended up in Brixton because it was cheap and easier to find somewhere he to live. What I am against is the fact that Brixton soon will be unaffordable to a new arrival to London.That is the bottom line.
My Facebook Friend Lib Dem Cllr Michael Bukola
helpfully posted a BBC World Service clip:
HEALTH WARNING: This clip shows genuine Multiculturalism as practised in one of the few remaining WORKING CLASS areas of inner South London. New migrants to Brxiton may be SHOCKED and/or APPALLED
London Calling: Peckham
Edgy and vibrant - huh?
Where would you rather spend time - vibrant Peckham - or cooped up with some navel gazing "artists" in Coldharbour Lane on a Saturday afternoon, followed by a Saltoun £40 bash dressed as a Penguin? I ask you!
Have you not heard of Frank's Campari Bar or whatever it's called in Peckham - hipster central.
Have you not heard of Frank's Campari Bar or whatever it's called in Peckham - hipster central.
Maybe I should ask Michael there for a cup of tea? Or don't they do tea?
There's always Manze's Eel Pie & Mash though. We lost our Coldharbour Lane one over 10 years ago! I rember them smashing the marble table tops and dumping them in the street. What an iconoclastic act of cultural vandalism!
Maybe I should ask Michael there for a cup of tea? Or don't they do tea?
There's always Manze's Eel Pie & Mash though. We lost our Coldharbour Lane one over 10 years ago! I rember them smashing the marble table tops and dumping them in the street. What an iconoclastic act of cultural vandalism!

You're like the old dude out of a Dan Brown novel.
Also Bellenden Road is in Peckham, no? Ten years ago it was definitely on the rough side of "edgy", now it's gentrification central.
Ed I was trying to get them to watch a short 5 minute clip about Peckham compiled by a journalist who works for the BBC Persian Service. He doesn't like he accent. And Mrs T can only speak of which bits of Peckham are now gentrified.
You can lead horses to water.......
Ed I was trying to get them to watch a short 5 minute clip about Peckham compiled by a journalist who works for the BBC Persian Service. He doesn't like he accent. And Mrs T can only speak of which bits of Peckham are now gentrified.
You can lead horses to water.......

Or you can get very confussled about what's going on. ;)
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You'd never guess you wanted to be a politician.
Fortunately for them politicians are in such short supply nowadays on the street that "locals" find them "vibrant and edgy" when given even a morsel of personal attention.
Maybe Ed has a career there. I am on the banned list - as I have explained elsewhere.
Fortunately for them politicians are in such short supply nowadays on the street that "locals" find them "vibrant and edgy" when given even a morsel of personal attention.
Maybe Ed has a career there. I am on the banned list - as I have explained elsewhere.

I wasn't talking about Ed.
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