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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

apparently their blurb said something about 'inspirational street drinkers'

what reason did they give for turning you away drew?
I pass by there every day and I wouldn't have known anything was going on there at all if I hadn't read about it on here. Seems like the same old abandoned pub, except apparently Princes and art are lurking beyond at random...

If it's a community area do they plan to open it daily at any point as a social area? After school would be good. I see a flood of kids going into Morley's or the shops to buy chips / chicken / candy and all that, kind of hanging around with nothing to do. Give them a foosball table or something fun to mess with.

An after school place is a great idea but you need people (CRB checked) willing to take on the kids, keep them occupied and out of trouble and dealing with any issues that come up (gang issues, teenage pregnancies, schooling/parents problems). And then paying staff and funding any activities.
Last night the "inspirational" street drinkers visited BrickBox... looked interesting tbf... but they still turned us away

They do seem to have a bouncer dude who hurried us out of there at the 5 pm closing time. It's a fairly small space if it gets busy in there. If there is another free event, I'm pop along (though navigating the back door with a pushchair is no fun).
Very good idea. Shall I mention that to Steve Reed when I'm sending him the bumpf re the Old Harbour OAP Gym proposal we're cooking up for the other side of the road (hopefully funded by a Barratts section 106)?

Ohhh... Barratts section 106 (we have a mural that needs a repair! :D) What's your gym scheme? :)
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I would like to make a dedication to the hipsters entertaining us at the Angel (sorry the band is from CLAPHAM JUNCTION) best I could do in the white heat of inspiration the morning:

Cool for Cats: Squeeze

The Indians send signals
From the rocks above the pass
The cowboys take positions
In the bushes and the grass
The squaw is with the Corporal
She is tied against the tree
She doesn't mind the language
It's the beating she don't need
She lets loose all the horses
When the Corporal is asleep
And he wakes to find the fire's dead
And arrows in his hats
And Davy Crockett rides around
And says it's cool for cats
The Sweeney's doing ninety
'Cos they've got the word to go
They get a gang of villains
In a she'd up at Heathrow
They're counting out the fivers
When the handcuffs lock again
In and out of Wandsworth
With the numbers on their names
It's funny how their missus'
Always look the bit insane
And meanwhile at the station
There's a couple of likely lads
Who swear like how's your father
And they're very cool for cats
They're cool for cats

To change the mood a little
I've been posing down the pub
On seeing my reflection
I'm looking slightly rough
I fancy this, I fancy that
I wanna be so flash
I give a little muscle
And I spend a little cash
But all I get is bitter and a nasty little rash
And by the time I'm sober
I've forgotten what I've had
And ev'rybody tells me that it's cool to be a cat
Cool for cats

Shake up at the disco
And I think I've got a pull
I ask her lots of questions
And she hangs on to the wall
I kiss her for the first time
And then I take her home
I'm invited in for coffee
And I give the dog a bone
She likes to go to discos
But she's never on her own
I said I'll see you later
And I give her some old chat
But it's not like that on the TV
When it's cool for cats
It's cool for cats

Final final appeal - anyone know of a good mouser looking for an excellent feed.
I made a terrible mistake yesterday. Got some De-Luxe Nougat from Lidl @ £1.49
Left it out on the arm chair overnight (unopened). The little micees had it on the floor and chomped through the heavy plastic to get at the De-Luxe which now looks rather tainted.
Will someone rid me of these turbulent mice!!!

They're from various points of SE London acksherly, Dulwich, Deptford, Catford, Lewisham and Forest Hill IIRC. They did have a single called "Up the Junction", though.
and i guess it depends if they are brad like spin doctors who can't actually justify their plans
It's hard to imagine what might put them off.

Surely they realise that anything they say will be considered in a reasoned and unprejudiced manner by any self-appointed representatives of the actual real local community who might be on this thread.
I see you've got it all arse about tit again. Jeez.
You really can be hopelessly clueless at times. :facepalm:
An I being dumb or can I just not see the link to the petition on your blog?
My excuse, in advance, is that i have computer fatigue after a long day.
Sorry - it's me. I should have put post your (very supportive) comments.
I have not done a petition - yet!
Last night the "inspirational" street drinkers visited BrickBox... looked interesting tbf... but they still turned us away
Elaborate? haven't kept up with this thread, whats all this about...
apparently their blurb said something about 'inspirational street drinkers'

what reason did they give for turning you away drew?
hey dude...what was their excuse? Or was that line just some nu-brixton spiel they were just crapping out?

Sorry, I forgot all about this post :oops:

Basically, I received an invite to this event via fb...


  • 354 Coldharbour Lane, formely The Angel public house

  • Exhibition SW9 is an arts show all about Brixton hosted by The Brick Box and OpenDoors London. During the weekend ExhibItion SW9 will be exploring and celebrating Brixton and its community through art. Events include:

    THE POSTCODE GALLERY: an art exhibition themed around a game of consequences. OpenDoors has collected words written by local residents about the area. The words have been passed onto artists who will be exhibiting original art directly inspired by the words.

    LIVE MUSIC: During the evening there will be a host of performers to enjoy.

    ICE CREAM SCULPTING: Artist Sibylla McGrigor will be running an ice cream art installation with the help of Haagen Dazs. FREE ice cream for sculptors!

    FLAG MAKING: There will be a workshop aimed at designing a Brixton flag

    SPOKEN WORD: During Saturday actors will recite the poems and words that form the backbone of The Postcode Gallery

    CUNT CRAFTS: The ladies behind the hugely successful Cunt Crafts are coming to London. Bring any old bras, underwear, lingerie and whatevers.

    WIGWAM DECORATING: There will be canvases built into wigwams that need to be decorated throughout the exhibition.

    VEGETABLE STAMPS: Vegetables from the market will be primed and prepped to make wonderful vegetable stamps to decorate cards and books

    FOOD: They will be food and refreshments for sale throughout the weekend to keep creative noses keen

    ALSO there will be art materials to pick up and play with. There will be a giant game of consequences played throughout the night, live music, live art, face painting and a fully licensed bar!

    Many thanks to The Brick Box for making this whole event possible

    Friday 22nd 11am - 5pm and 8pm - 2am (£5 entry for the night)
    Saturday 23rd 11am - 5pm and 8pm - 2am (£5 entry for the night)

So I was sitting in the pub on Saturday evening, and I thought to myself, I'm not surrounded by enough cunts. So I popped down the road to the Angel to go see some cunts. I wasn't too disappointed...

We got there just before midnight, had a quick look around before being ushered out by a bouncer telling us that the place was closed. I was under the false assumption it would be open until 2am as advertised ? There were still some people there but apparently they all worked there or were part of the exhibition. :hmm:

tbf to them it was pissing down with rain, and most of the action seemed outside in the stables/courtyard, so the place wasn't particularly busy, but it seems like an interesting use of space, with some potential.

They told us they'd be having an event there this weekend too, so I'm willing to come back and give it another chance. :cool:
Don Giovanni - benefit performance for Pastor Mimi
I just had a brainwave - since I started watching my new (second-hand) Decca DVD of Don Giovanni in the Peter Sellars "gangsta" production. The lead male roles are played by the Perry twins from Detroit. It's got lots of interracial. Very Brixton and edgy.
This opera makes the Brixton Gas Gang look like amateurs!
Anyone know if there is a Plasma and DVD player in the BrickBox? We could have a charity showing of Don Giovanni - with profits donated to Pastor Mimi and her work among the gangs saving the yute!
Edgy huh? Of course the fact that this would be highly illegal under US copyright piracy laws - even if you bought the DVD as I did, must just be the icing on the cake!
Don Giovanni - benefit performance for Pastor Mimi
I just had a brainwave - since I started watching my new (second-hand) Decca DVD of Don Giovanni in the Peter Sellars "gangsta" production. The lead male roles are played by the Perry twins from Detroit. It's got lots of interracial. Very Brixton and edgy.
This opera makes the Brixton Gas Gang look like amateurs!
Anyone know if there is a Plasma and DVD player in the BrickBox? We could have a charity showing of Don Giovanni - with profits donated to Pastor Mimi and her work among the gangs saving the yute!
Edgy huh? Of course the fact that this would be highly illegal under US copyright piracy laws - even if you bought the DVD as I did, must just be the icing on the cake!
Who's Pastor Mimi?
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