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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

I want the £10 one
It's not a "rubber band", you bloody Philistine, it's a "drive belt"! :D.
BTW, belt for a TD-126 is anything between £10-35, depending on where you look, and whether you want a Thorens original, or a "white box" special.
Where can I get the £10 one from?
And the lamps?
Thanks for the info - I've been putting this moment off for about 25 years!
I want the £10 one

Where can I get the £10 one from?
And the lamps?
Thanks for the info - I've been putting this moment off for about 25 years!

It took me until my Dual was playing 45s at about 38rpm to change mine.
Thorens turntable drive belt for a Thorens TD-126 available on eBay from Malvern Audio (a good company. I've used them for several years).

Your lamps are more problematic, as custom parts seem to be only available from one supplier in Europe, and he's quite expensive.
It took me until my Dual was playing 45s at about 38rpm to change mine.
Thorens turntable drive belt for a Thorens TD-126 available on eBay from Malvern Audio (a good company. I've used them for several years).

Your lamps are more problematic, as custom parts seem to be only available from one supplier in Europe, and he's quite expensive.
I see that - thanks. The lamps used to be standard RS components types. Maybe I should search Maplin?
I see that - thanks. The lamps used to be standard RS components types. Maybe I should search Maplin?

Maplin or RS Components themselves (Farnell have a minimum order size of £20 which is an utter bastard if you're only going to sspend a couple of quid).
Back on topic, turns out some friends of mine went to the to the Edwardian fop's jaunt at the Brick Box. I don't think they'll be back.
Prince Charles and the Angel pub Wednesday 20th June 2012

here is the link to the BBC news report of Prices Charles' visit to the Angel
More on this issue from the TalkTalk website
ITN report (on Youtube)

I know I'm getting on in years and have not got long to go.....
BUT who ARE these people????
Local people being helped by a £5.4 million pound Big Lottery Grant - I ask you!
I bet Prince Charles didn't venture 10 feet east of his new Eden to give counsel to the Alcoholics (wrong type of alcoholics!)
Celebration of the Ethnic Cleansing of the Angel
Anyone fancy booking a screen at the Ritzy for a Gala Showing of Addio Zio Tom (Italian with English subtitles)?
I can provide the DVD
Not sure if this has been posted already, but this is happening at the Angel this weekend:

Exhibition SW9 is an arts show all about Brixton hosted by The Brick Box and OpenDoors London. During the weekend ExhibItion SW9 will be exploring and celebrating Brixton and its community through art. Events include:

THE POSTCODE GALLERY: an art exhibition themed around a game of consequences. OpenDoors has collected words written by local residents about the area. The words have been passed onto artists who will be exhibiting original art directly inspired by the words.

LIVE MUSIC: During the evening there will be a host of performers to enjoy.

ICE CREAM SCULPTING: Artist Sibylla McGrigor will be running an ice cream art installation with the help of Haagen Dazs. FREE ice cream for sculptors!

FLAG MAKING: There will be a workshop aimed at designing a Brixton flag

SPOKEN WORD: During Saturday actors will recite the poems and words that form the backbone of The Postcode Gallery

CUNT CRAFTS: The ladies behind the hugely successful Cunt Crafts are coming to London. Bring any old bras, underwear, lingerie and whatevers.

WIGWAM DECORATING: There will be canvases built into wigwams that need to be decorated throughout the exhibition.

VEGETABLE STAMPS: Vegetables from the market will be primed and prepped to make wonderful vegetable stamps to decorate cards and books

FOOD: They will be food and refreshments for sale throughout the weekend to keep creative noses keen

ALSO there will be art materials to pick up and play with. There will be a giant game of consequences played throughout the night, live music, live art, face painting and a fully licensed bar!

Many thanks to The Brick Box for making this whole event possible

Friday 22nd 11am - 5pm and 8pm - 2am (£5 entry for the night)

Saturday 23rd 11am - 5pm and 8pm - 2am (£5 entry for the night)
Prince Charles and the Angel pub Wednesday 20th June 2012

here is the link to the BBC news report of Prices Charles' visit to the Angel
More on this issue from the TalkTalk website
ITN report (on Youtube)

I know I'm getting on in years and have not got long to go.....
BUT who ARE these people????
Local people being helped by a £5.4 million pound Big Lottery Grant - I ask you!
I bet Prince Charles didn't venture 10 feet east of his new Eden to give counsel to the Alcoholics (wrong type of alcoholics!)

Jesus that's fucked
BIC have got a track record of charitable do-goodery though. And with funding being massively cut from the sector (from LA, Gov and philanthropic giving) people are turning to the private sector (and to some extent social enterprise) as the answer. Not quite realising that the recession has hit private business too, so all they really have to offer is skills / management / capacity training.

£4.8m is a whopper of a grant though. No surprise given the new Chair of the BLF is an ex-Tory MP.
Its £5m to the Business Connectors programme, not to Brick Box/The Angel.
More details (it's England wide, not just Brick Box types) and the specific Lambeth person:


He twits here: http://twitter.com/#!/willpopham

and an exploration as to how social finance sits in the current world of funding:


It's as painfully trendy as Granville Arcade at the moment, but won't really have any impact on the majority of the intended beneficiaries (it still doesn't address the problem that there's a funding shortage, it just seems to think that a new legal structure will allow new money to be magicked out of the air)
More details (it's England wide, not just Brick Box types) and the specific Lambeth person:


Read this article. To much to comment on.

The argument goes that we are in a recession and private sector can leverage support to stimulate enterprise, employment and education. Also to harness the traditions of the voluntary sector with the power of business.

I thought providing jobs was what business did anyway. The thing is in this country business has tended to be go for the "race to the bottom". As Ed Miliband finally acknowledged today in his talk about immigration.

As the economist Kaufman said recently , on Newsnight, its not enterprise that needs stimulating its Demand in the economy. BITC are promoting the myth that to get out of the recession more entrepreunerial values need to be encouraged.

I regard this programme as just a PR exercise for business. Llyods Bank say as much in the piece you posted up.
Isn't that what part of Corporate Social Responsibility is anyway? It's the cuddly side to private business. Some do it for truly philanthropic purposes and others to wash their image.

The charity / third sector is always being hectored to be 'more professional' whatever that means. Some of it is self evident - e.g. better financial management and income forecasting, but taking a more business approach can mean that they might no longer be providing the services or support their 'customer'* wants, but is cheapest.

* to use a business term
CSR is another PR exercise for business. Never means much in practise.

After reading the article its more than getting the voluntary sector to be more efficient. Its saying that profit driven business is best placed to help areas.

I wish business would stick to business. This is ideological. If they want to do anything they can donote money to local causes.

Sorry about post 650 seem to have got the quotation marks mixed up. Have to sort it out later at home.
I know I'm getting on in years and have not got long to go.....
BUT who ARE these people????
Local people being helped by a £5.4 million pound Big Lottery Grant - I ask you!
I bet Prince Charles didn't venture 10 feet east of his new Eden to give counsel to the Alcoholics (wrong type of alcoholics!)
I'm suspending judgement till I've seen what it's all about.
I shall be bgoing to Lidl early tomorrow @ 8am.
Then it's "Fasten yr safety belts: you're in for a bumpy ride!"
Channelling Bette Davis (in her prime)
Jean Brodie eat yr heart out!!!
So they took down all the blacked out windows for His Royal Highness and now they've put them all back up again.
Do you think George Walters tapping on the window was a TV a stunt then?
Nothing would surprise me in this day of Big Brother and Pink Pussycat Trotskyite politicians licking up the cream!
Do you think George Walters tapping on the window was a TV a stunt then?
Nothing would surprise me in this day of Big Brother and Pink Pussycat Trotskyite politicians licking up the cream!
I just popped in en route to the Post Office. Besuited Asian guy on the gate (that's where the entrance is)
Very polite - in the manner of those phone calls "We've received information from Microsoft's technical department that your computer is running slow..... please give us yr credit card number and the number on the back etc etc"
He invited me to come back later - I explained that I was in an austerity situation courtesy of IDS, and would come back tomorrow.
Not many exhibitors there. No sign of the Eritrean Coffee for example.
No blacks (as far as I could see).
Looked for all the world like a village fête in Stowmarket as sponsored by John Peel (whose funeral I attended in Bury St Edmunds Cathedral).
It's as painfully trendy as Granville Arcade at the moment, but won't really have any impact on the majority of the intended beneficiaries (it still doesn't address the problem that there's a funding shortage, it just seems to think that a new legal structure will allow new money to be magicked out of the air)

Talking of trendy me and Mrs Magpie had a chin-wag this morning:
Q. Why is Brixton so EDGY
A. All the bwankers are on PROZAC!
@Saltoun supper club - pretentious - moi??
Try this for a scrumtious treat (Ingredients from Lidl - cost to make - 30p)
Pomme à Merkle
Take ONE rotten Braeburn apple lovingly and organically grown in the Po valley region of Italy
Roast in the microwave for 90 seconds @650 w (or until fully cooked)
Garnish with fully matured Greek natural yoghurt made from pure milk hand milked from herds grazed in the Bavarian Alps

Mmmm delicious. Maybe I should take a stall at the BirkWorks Saturnalia Fest this weekend
Must be worth at LEAST £7 to a genuine JP Morganite executive (on bonus)

Maybe now UBS rogue trader Kweku Adoboli has been tagged and released on bail I should invite him to the frolics. At least then they would be able to boast one black customer (albeit in serious negative equity)!
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