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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

So they took down all the blacked out windows for His Royal Highness and now they've put them all back up again.

There is an exhibition on. There would not be enough room to exhibit everything if the windows were not put into use as walls.

No blacks (as far as I could see).

Do we say blacks in this country? I thought that was a South Africa thing.

I went today as my coffee companion (we went to cafe sitifis) was going. We went when it was shut so only people connected in whatever way were there so can't judge how busy it was when open. Indoors was the brixton words inspired art. As with most exhibitions there were a couple of pieces I liked and the rest I found less appealing. In one room a couple of kids were drawing. Outside there was an eritrean style round brick building which today was a children's bar selling lemonade. The woman who made the Eritrean food yesterday or today was there with her young son. There was a space for sculpting icecream and a big cut out giraffe on the wall. There were 3 stable like outbuildings. one had a couple of kids in there making pictures from vegetable stamps made from veg bought from the market. In another veggie food was being prepared for tonight.

Seemed like a nice place to take your kids or sit and chill for an hour if you're not wanting a beer garden. Some people prefer non-pubs for hanging out in for a change or generally.

I didn't check the toilets, sorry MrsM.
There is an exhibition on. There would not be enough room to exhibit everything if the windows were not put into use as walls.
That really is a piss poor excuse you've just dreamt up on their behalf.

Unless you're arguing that they hid half the artwork away when 'is Royal 'Ighness was in the house.
That really is a piss poor excuse you've just dreamt up on their behalf.

Unless you're arguing that they hid half the artwork away when 'is Royal 'Ighness was in the house.

I'm saying I was in there today and the walls were full of artwork including on the blanked out windows. What eminently sensible reason have you dreamt up for them blanking out the windows?
That really is a piss poor excuse you've just dreamt up on their behalf.

Unless you're arguing that they hid half the artwork away when 'is Royal 'Ighness was in the house.

The exhibition is only on Friday and Saturday this weekend so artwork doesn't need to be in the building.
I'm saying I was in there today and the walls were full of artwork including on the blanked out windows. What eminently sensible reason have you dreamt up for them blanking out the windows?
They were blanked out before the art exhibition started. They were blanked out for their Edwardian £40 supper club jaunt too. In fact, they've been blanked off the entire time - apart from when Royalty arrived, of course.

Keeping the place blacked out just seems a strange way of going about business for a self styled 'community' venture to me. It doesn't seem particularly inclusive and inviting to my eyes, but perhaps you'll disagree.
I don't think there is people in the building all of the time so they might not want something that everyone can look into. I'm sure alot of community halls often have frosted windows or a lack of windows with horrible strip lighting. When we used the community hub in Blenheim gardens the other week, there is only one window and the shutter is now. The residence association building was equally as closed looking (and that does have more windows!)
I do find it a little weird you're making excuses for a self styled 'community arts' venture keeping its activities permanently hidden from view from the community behind blanked out windows (unless HRH is in the house, natch).

The curtains were always open when the pub was open in the daytimes, and that made it seem far more inviting to passers by. If I was really trying to get locals involved, the first thing I'd do is let them see what's going on and have the curtains up at least some of the time.

Try and think about how it looks to the actual real community that lives around the space.
I find it quite offensive that you're accusing me of 'dreaming up excuses' for an enterprise I have no vested interest in either liking or disliking, defending or attacking. It's not a pub. I wasn't there for the supper party or for the RH visit. I was there today. I saw what I saw.
I did think it a little odd the curtain were open for HRH. However, I get the impression they aren't in the building that much as I tried to get in to meet someone there about organising an event and there was no-one around (couldn't get through on phone either, no door bell)

If I had a large space and only one or two people in the building on most days, I would be reluctant for people seeing into it looking empty for safety reasons.
I did think it a little odd the curtain were open for HRH. However, I get the impression they aren't in the building that much as I tried to get in to meet someone there about organising an event and there was no-one around (couldn't get through on phone either, no door bell)

If I had a large space and only one or two people in the building on most days, I would be reluctant for people seeing into it looking empty for safety reasons.
But when people are in the building...?
They aren't curtains at the windows. They are window-shaped chip board wedged into the windows, with art mounted on them.
I really liked the drawings of the buildings along Coldharbour Lane - really nice illustrations.

I liked the stained glass style hubcaps with disco lights and the street preacher grouping of pictures. I saw that people had bought single bits of that. I'd want the group if I was going to have it at all I think.
I liked the stained glass style hubcaps with disco lights and the street preacher grouping of pictures. I saw that people had bought single bits of that. I'd want the group if I was going to have it at all I think.

They were nice - the sort of thing you could look at for ages and spot buildings, people, places that you see all of the time. (Not the cheapest though) I saw some buy one of the photographs (of the Railway/brady's building) it was £140 - bit pricey for a mediocre photo!
the street preacher ones were £60 each. I didn't look at many prices but thought what I did look at was about on a par with the urban art fair.
I pass by there every day and I wouldn't have known anything was going on there at all if I hadn't read about it on here. Seems like the same old abandoned pub, except apparently Princes and art are lurking beyond at random...

If it's a community area do they plan to open it daily at any point as a social area? After school would be good. I see a flood of kids going into Morley's or the shops to buy chips / chicken / candy and all that, kind of hanging around with nothing to do. Give them a foosball table or something fun to mess with.
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If it's a community area do they plan to open it daily at any point as a social area? After school would be good. I see a flood of kids going into Morley's or the shops to buy chips / chicken / candy and all that, kind of hanging around with nothing to do. Give them a foosball table or something fun to mess with.
I suspect they're not interested in that kind of community, although that is exactly what is needed.

This thread has had over 10,000 page views. Type in 'Angel Coldharbour Lane' and urban75 is top of the list.
Type in 'brick box angel coldharbour lane' and this urban thread is #1 too. They're tech savvy, so they'll know that too.

So why won't they talk openly about their plans here? It just feels like the only 'community' they're interested in is the one involving their chums in Brixton Villaaage.

I mean, how hard would it have been to have one or two open days at the start inviting local people in to chat about their plans and asking them if they'd like to get involved?

And surely even they must know how their £40 exclusive Edwardian supper club jolly would sound to the actual real local community, most of whom can only dream of such big spending nights.
the street preacher ones were £60 each. I didn't look at many prices but thought what I did look at was about on a par with the urban art fair.
I hope the preacher/s get something towards the collection out of that!
Should I put our Lord's preacher/s in touch with the chair of the Brixton Society? Everything on the BS website is copyright it says - even the bits they don't like!
I pass by there every day and I wouldn't have known anything was going on there at all if I hadn't read about it on here. Seems like the same old abandoned pub, except apparently Princes and art are lurking beyond at random...

If it's a community area do they plan to open it daily at any point as a social area? After school would be good. I see a flood of kids going into Morley's or the shops to buy chips / chicken / candy and all that, kind of hanging around with nothing to do. Give them a foosball table or something fun to mess with.
Very good idea. Shall I mention that to Steve Reed when I'm sending him the bumpf re the Old Harbour OAP Gym proposal we're cooking up for the other side of the road (hopefully funded by a Barratts section 106)?
Last night the "inspirational" street drinkers visited BrickBox... looked interesting tbf... but they still turned us away
I would like to make a dedication to the hipsters entertaining us at the Angel (sorry the band is from CLAPHAM JUNCTION) best I could do in the white heat of inspiration the morning:

Cool for Cats: Squeeze

The Indians send signals
From the rocks above the pass
The cowboys take positions
In the bushes and the grass
The squaw is with the Corporal
She is tied against the tree
She doesn't mind the language
It's the beating she don't need
She lets loose all the horses
When the Corporal is asleep
And he wakes to find the fire's dead
And arrows in his hats
And Davy Crockett rides around
And says it's cool for cats
The Sweeney's doing ninety
'Cos they've got the word to go
They get a gang of villains
In a she'd up at Heathrow
They're counting out the fivers
When the handcuffs lock again
In and out of Wandsworth
With the numbers on their names
It's funny how their missus'
Always look the bit insane
And meanwhile at the station
There's a couple of likely lads
Who swear like how's your father
And they're very cool for cats
They're cool for cats

To change the mood a little
I've been posing down the pub
On seeing my reflection
I'm looking slightly rough
I fancy this, I fancy that
I wanna be so flash
I give a little muscle
And I spend a little cash
But all I get is bitter and a nasty little rash
And by the time I'm sober
I've forgotten what I've had
And ev'rybody tells me that it's cool to be a cat
Cool for cats

Shake up at the disco
And I think I've got a pull
I ask her lots of questions
And she hangs on to the wall
I kiss her for the first time
And then I take her home
I'm invited in for coffee
And I give the dog a bone
She likes to go to discos
But she's never on her own
I said I'll see you later
And I give her some old chat
But it's not like that on the TV
When it's cool for cats
It's cool for cats

Final final appeal - anyone know of a good mouser looking for an excellent feed.
I made a terrible mistake yesterday. Got some De-Luxe Nougat from Lidl @ £1.49
Left it out on the arm chair overnight (unopened). The little micees had it on the floor and chomped through the heavy plastic to get at the De-Luxe which now looks rather tainted.
Will someone rid me of these turbulent mice!!!
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