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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

It strikes me that a much better version of this would have been something like Theatre Peckham, which for 25+ years has been offering cheap (subsidised) theatre arts classes (dance, singing, acting) to kids from toddler to 18 from a building on an estate in peckham. they put on the kids' shows and pro shows (which they do charge for), get the local schools in and go out to them... provide some employment for locals... brilliant. And that's what this could have been. not necessarily for kids - but something like that.
Indeed. The kids on the estate around here are crying out for facilities like this - real community arts, if you will. And, as you say, there's no reason why they couldn't put on adult lessons/performances too.

Sadly, this opening venture seems to suggest that Brick Box is more interested in catering to the Brixton Villaaaage community rather than than the actual community surrounding the venue.

It seems like a missed opportunity really.
You never know - they may be really keen to hear from local individuals keen to set up a group similar to the Peckham one but who aren't sure where to start or just need a little support?
You don't think their website blurb might just be a little off-putting/confusing/alientating?

I'm not sure our resident's association would want to approach people going on about hanging about where the bins and street drinkers are.
We look for inspiration from the streets of the world; the places that are visceral and rough and ready; where the street drinkers hang out; where the bins are kept etc etc
Just a thought, like.
I think it is up to them whether they clarify that. Personally, I don't think most people are all that interested to know about the financial set up. But if it is important to you you should definitely ask them. They specifically invite thoughts and ideas on the same page.

Brick Box think it is as they say on there website they are Community Interest Company. Which memespring looked into.

I dont need to ask Ive already looked at there website. imo this event this Sat is what they think as part of there project not a fundraiser as u suggest. Thats quite clear. If you think otherwise I suggest u ask them.

If you are not interested in there financial set up thats fine. Dont say "most people" when ur talking about your opinion.
no - of course not - it's just if you say something will be a community resource, that's the kind of thing people hope for because that's the kind of thing that's needed. if they'd never used the word community, and just called it a multi-arts venue, people would, i think be less upset..

Spot on spanglechick

To say again Im not against someone using that space. Having seen this thread and looked at Brick Boxes website and FB page its them that bang on about community. If they just said they were going to do arts events I would not have a problem.
It isn't as if gentrification takes place according to the plans of a Gentrification Committee who sit in smoky rooms plotting how to expel the poor, anyway. It's (often entirely well-intentioned) commercial moves aimed at a particular incoming demographic, en masse, that do it.
Sounds like a great project. That does not make it the Brick Box's responsibility to set it up. They have seen an opportunity and taken it. They have not prevented anyone else from proposing or setting up other projects. You never know - they may be really keen to hear from local individuals keen to set up a group similar to the Peckham one but who aren't sure where to start or just need a little support?

Seen what oppurtunity exactly? Are they a business or a charitable institution?

They are CIC - something they sought. See here what they say:

We are a Community Interest Company and we are committed to sharing our time, energy, resources, profits and experiences with our fellow humans. We aim to give more than we take, share more than we keep and be open more than we are closed.

It isn't as if gentrification takes place according to the plans of a Gentrification Committee who sit in smoky rooms plotting how to expel the poor, anyway. It's (often entirely well-intentioned) commercial moves aimed at a particular incoming demographic, en masse, that does it.
Often driven by a sense of arrogance and entitlement, coupled with a gross insensitivity to the needs and circumstances of the long established - and generally poorer - existing community.
Anyone who thinks this event could have been devised by anyone other than a moron, is a moron.

This is the final word.
Brick Box think it is as they say on there website they are Community Interest Company. Which memespring looked into.

I dont need to ask Ive already looked at there website. imo this event this Sat is what they think as part of there project not a fundraiser as u suggest. Thats quite clear. If you think otherwise I suggest u ask them.

If you are not interested in there financial set up thats fine. Dont say "most people" when ur talking about your opinion.
As I said, I don't think most people are that interested. It is a clear statement of opinion. I have no problem if you disagree with me but I'd appreciate it if you could try to resist instructing me on what opinions I can hold.
Seems like a lot of people are assuming that "community" when mentioned in their name or website blurb necessarily refers to the immediate, local, geographically defined community rather than anything else.
Seems like a lot of people are assuming that "community" when mentioned in their name or website blurb necessarily refers to the immediate, local, geographically defined community rather than anything else.
Personally I'm thinking of joining the Greek Community @The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, 305 Camberwell New Road, London SE5 0TF.
I was appalled to hear Alistair Heath of City AM on BBC World Service (surely this is run on behalf of the Foreign Office). He was giving graphic accounts of bank runs, past and present.
How irresponsible can you get? Discussing cash machines running out, middle classes wiped out etc etc. Anyone would think it was government policy to smash up the Euro, never mind not join it!
Indeed. The kids on the estate around here are crying out for facilities like this - real community arts.
It's something I've seen a real lack of. I can see one example right on my doorstep. There's a great local artist who does fantastic workshops producing amazing and lasting landmarks with pensioners, learning disabled kids, teenagers, everyone. He's prizewinning, the finished artworks come in on time and on budget every time. Grant applications galore have gone off for a project on Moorlands (I know because I've been proof-reading them) and zilch, nada, nothing.
Then some group rock up with their background funding, say they're for the community but exclude most of it. I know people are saying oh well, it's only a fiver but the reality is, if people are going to food banks they're not going to spend a fiver to walk past and sniff the food from a £40 supper. Every time I've done a local event on Moorlands we do free food to get the kids in and charge nothing. That's the reality of the situation for a lot of people in this area. Poor.
There was also another local artist who was meeting with everyone on the community and an artwork was going to go onto the green in front of Southwyck. It's been a while now (2 years?) but there's no art work.
"Community" is one of those words that has been made meaningless by decades of abuse. It's usually a red warning sign for some sort of newspeak monstrosity. It's amazing, after the Community Charge, that it's still got any semantic credibility at all. Somehow it still ticks some people's feelgood boxes; for me, it's a loud klaxon for bullshit wherever it occurs.
If Brick Box had done their supper club around Poet's corner would we be happy? Are we putting in rules to separate the different communities? Expensive things in expensive areas, free stuff for the poor people?
It's something I've seen a real lack of. I can see one example right on my doorstep. There's a great local artist who does fantastic workshops producing amazing and lasting landmarks with pensioners, learning disabled kids, teenagers, everyone. He's prizewinning, the finished artworks come in on time and on budget every time. Grant applications galore have gone off for a project on Moorlands (I know because I've been proof-reading them) and zilch, nada, nothing.
Has he got feedback about why the funding isn't happening? I know with the Brixton Windmill Restoration project that the Heritage lottery fund wouldn't fund part of the project as they had funded that organisation twice all ready.
I can think of one example. Heritage Lottery said it's more Arts Council, go to them, Arts Council suggested Heritage Lottery (iirc) but we've been putting in loads of aplications, all over the shop. It's not like he hasn't got a good track record.
I can think of one example. Heritage Lottery said it's more Arts Council, go to them, Arts Council suggested Heritage Lottery (iirc) but we've been putting in loads of aplications, all over the shop. It's not like he hasn't got a good track record.
How frustrating! It sound like the sort of problem we have with looking at mural restoration. The London Mural Preservation Society are doing the heritage training for the restoration project so walks and talks - I'm taking some kids on a walk at the end of the month! :)
Maybe it's because his stuff isn't a one-off egg paint in the market (as I saw on Brick Box) but builds on developing skill and confidence and is a series of workshops that builds to a large permanent artwork.
Maybe it's because his stuff isn't a one-off egg paint in the market (as I saw on Brick Box) but builds on developing skill and confidence and is a series of workshops that builds to a large permanent artwork.
Maybe the funding is going to other groups who are doing community art work and as there is less money to go around, the project hasn't got funding (which is a shame).
Has he got feedback about why the funding isn't happening? I know with the Brixton Windmill Restoration project that the Heritage lottery fund wouldn't fund part of the project as they had funded that organisation twice all ready.
We're good at making sure there's no overlap.
"Community" is one of those words that has been made meaningless by decades of abuse. It's usually a red warning sign for some sort of newspeak monstrosity. It's amazing, after the Community Charge, that it's still got any semantic credibility at all. Somehow it still ticks some people's feelgood boxes; for me, it's a loud klaxon for bullshit wherever it occurs.

agreed - personally I still have a soft spot for the word 'Public'. I think people now think it's just got a boring feeling of bureacracy etc - but it's also the basis of the word 'Pub'. A Public House. Someone's house that opens itself to the public. Pretty radical.
So just grabbing opportunities is what we celebrate is it? How far d'you go with that?
Well, should they be carted off to a rich area and we get in something more appropriate - how does it get funded? Are you going to volunteer to help out? Which idea is suitable for the community? Which community? How long does the project last? Can it sustain local interest?
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