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Anelka's quenelle

Winston Churchill was a rabid anti semite


Karl Lueger was a rabid anti-semite, Martin Luther was a rabid anti-semite, Hitler was etc. Churchill might not have wanted his daughter to marry one, but in terms of what he actually done he was rather Good for the Jews was he not? And that's what counts.
I'll make it simple.
You refer to him as an "attention seeker".
My point is that by referring to him primarily as an attention seeker, some people might take your post as indicating a preference for him to be seen primarily as an attention seeker, rather than as an anti-Semite.

Simple enough?

I think you'll find it's me saying "that CR, he's got a history of being disingenuous".

I called him anti semitic in previous posts . how many times do I need to repeat that for it to be acceptable enough for yourself ? just out of interest ? Do I need to include it in every post ?
As far as Im concerned after that fucking election poster and the cracks about gas chambers it was pretty much a given .

again, you write your posts, Ill write mine .
Peter Irving is a notable holocaust denier who claims to be an historian and not a jew hater . Winston Churchill was a rabid anti semite , unlike everyone else .

David, author of "The War of the Generals" and assorted other tomes that range from "interesting" to "unworthy revisionist shitbaggery".

Karl Lueger was a rabid anti-semite, Martin Luther was a rabid anti-semite, Hitler was etc. Churchill might not have wanted his daughter to marry one, but in terms of what he actually done he was rather Good for the Jews was he not? And that's what counts.

such as calling bolshevism a jewish plot, backing up hitlers shite

helping the white russians massacre jews all over the place

yeah, good for them alright
OK so black Muslims are "right wing extremists" now. What does that make the white Muslim and black hating fascists? What a load of fucking bollocks. This thread is just another guise for idiots to argue about the dick sizes. Fuck off.

You're a fucking clown. 'Black Muslims' aren't a homogenous group - some black Muslims undoubtedly are on the far right. But infer from this that people are saying 'black Muslims' as a group are on the far right is idiotic and a bit racist - after all, only a bigot assumes all members of a group share the same views, character flaws etc.
Zionism as anti-Communism:

"Zionism has already become a factor in the political convulsions of Russia, as a powerful competing influence in Bolshevik circles with the international communistic system. Nothing could be more significant than the fury with which Trotsky has attacked the Zionists generally, and Dr. Weissmann in particular. The cruel penetration of his mind leaves him in no doubt that his schemes of a world-wide communistic State under Jewish domination are directly thwarted and hindered by this new ideal, which directs the energies and the hopes of Jews in every land towards a simpler, a truer, and a far more attainable goal. The struggle which is now beginning between the Zionist and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people."
i think the point is that being "black" or being "muslim" does not entail anything about anyones politics, nor does any conjuction of those two predicates entail anything either...

ETA thats directed at phil
And if by "black muslims" we mean nation of islam, then i think Louis Farrakhan can certainly be put into the category of anti-semitic.

I doubt there are many black Muslim Nazis. Or even Republicans.

Logically neither of those attributes entail anything about politics. It is perfectly possible to be "black" and far-right, it is perfectly possible to be "muslim" and far right, and it is perfectly possible to be "black" and "muslim" and far right.
Your left right paradigm is sooo last week, we're determining politics by race and religion now - didn't you get the memo?

"Back to Blood" as Tom Wolfe puts it.

To an extent. It looks more like a chaotic amalgamation of factors to me, but it certainly isn't just class any more.
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