You keep stating the same thing, something which no-one is arguing for, least of all me. Could you please try and engage with the other points being made.'ethnic appearance' is never a justification in whole or in part for random stop and search. It has the effect of making the colour of your skin part of what turns you into a suspect. There's never a justification for random stop and search full stop, mind you. The police have no business harassing anyone unless they have grounds to suspect that particular individual of a particular crime.
Let's try a (somewhat ridiculous) hypothetical example. There has been a recent rise in international terrorism associated with Chinese criminal gangs. Observation of those involved, membership of the groups supporting those involved and their cause and such intelligence as is available all suggests that 95% of those involved are of ethnic Chinese appearance. Their activities have been quite specific in that they have despatched cells to countries all over the West with identical plans to make and use particular suicide bombs which are designed to fit in laptop cases. They have been supplied with laptop cases of a particular make which is also widely available to the general public. They have been sent to target transport infrastructure - buses, trains, underground, ferries, etc. ALL the attacks so far have involved these features and so a preventative campaign of police activity has been mounted. Officers have been told to look for people acting in any sort of suspicious manner in and around transport infrastructure, especially in possession of the particular type of laptop bag, with a particular emphasis on those of ethnic Chinese appearance. They have been instructed NOT to stop anyone JUST because they are of ethnic Chinese appearance - there MUST be something else as well. When the statistics are released after a few months it shows that around 90% of the people stopped were of Chinese ethnic appearance. In EVERY case there were other grounds too. This is grossly disporportionate against the Census baseline data (and the street population data!!) which shows ethnic Chinese appearance to be a small minority of the overall population.
What is your analysis of that?