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An open question to all SWP members on u75

Wow, I really have to take my hat off to "aw go on" it's rare that you come across such a deeply dishonest and simultaneously repugnantly bloodthirsty argument. I think we are in the exalted presence of one of the old-time trot ideologues here folks. Savour the moment, they're an endangered species and it's rare to spot one in this particular habitat. The few remaining samples of the species are normally only to be found in smoky back rooms at pubs where they can spin their bilious lies undisturbed by the harsh glare of reality. Methinks CR has roused one of these fabled beasts from his slumber and dragged him out into the world for a bit of back up. Be careful folks, these beasts spit venom.

CR, I take it that your interpretation of a 'good post' is one that agrees with your feeble opinions irrespective of content? Or is just anything that comes out of the twisted minds of your nah lah-lah-lah-lah-lah-leaders!

The FoD programme was remarkably similar to that of the Bolsheviks in the early days, which any account of the revolution will tell you was extremely workers-control and elected-officers based.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - brilliant. Ignore everything that the bolsheviks did; ignore everything that Lenin on Trotsky said; ignore the entire contents of the thread, ignore the entire contents of the FoD proposals; just breezily refer to "any account of the revolution" as if only an ignoramus could possibly differ. Hats off.

Now, considering the fact that on this thread I spelt out explicitly and in great detail exactly how the FoD proposals differed from the bolsheviks, only a few posts back, this unsupported assertion almost takes the breath away. So, to apply your logic to the 6 points that I presented, you are apparently claiming that the bolsheviks:

1. Advocated that the soviets take action without any positions of power being in the hands of the bolsheviks - difficult to square with their seizure of state power and their use of it to crush soviet democracy.

2 & 3. Called for a voluntary alliance of all the workers organisations in Russia including the SR's, mensheviks and Anarchists, with no party having a majority. How do you square this with the fact that the bolshies seized power with a permanent party majority, ignored all elections that returned the wrong results, then banned the opposition, then imprisoned them and eventually murdered them all?

4. Called for a severe limitation of the powers of the body that co-ordinated the war efforts - hmm, I seem to remember something about war communism and a dictatorship with total control over all aspects of russia, or maybe I'm imagining it.

5. Dismantled the hierarchy in the military - again difficult to square with the re-introduction of officers appointed from above, petty privileges and the quashing of elected officers.

6. They called for the banning of opposition parties that were physically attacking the workers - hard to square with the bolsheviks banning of all internal and external opposition.

By the same logic, I am "remarkably similar" to an orange - we both have skin after all.

unfortunately it was on the black market which the Bolsheviks punitive policies (like shooting people coming in from the countryside with more than x units of grain) were meant to stop - but it was trying to stopper a holey bucket

You do realise that you are saying that it was okay to murder people who had a little too much grain with them when they came to town - but anything beyond that is "unfortunate". I think you are being a bit weak willed here comrade, the revolution needs iron discipline after all.

one man management didn't come in for the majority of factories till 1920 and the situation had totally melted down.

As has been pointed out on this thread by joe, Lenin and Trotsky made it quite clear that it was always their intention to introduce one man management and they civil war actually slowed down its introduction.

But Ray, gurrier, pickmans m - you all agreee with FoD that the stalinists in spain the PSUC should have been bannedd - but the mensheviks were exactly the same were they not?? weasle out of that one.

Nobody has said that they thought that the leninists in Spain should have been banned. I explained to you why the FoD's calling for their disbandment was qualititively different from the Bolshevik's banning of all opposition. If the mensheviks had been used primarily as a front for waging terror against the working class, I could see the case for banning them, but I still wouldn't agree with it as it happens. I can understand where the FoD were coming from and I wouldn't condemn them for this as the real problem was that their proposals were too little too late - by 1937 the structural problems in the CNT had already rendered the situation a bit hopeless.

if only the anarchists had been in charge you sigh

You're quite the expert on this anarchism lark aren't you?

Interesting to you, like the SRs, teh peasants are just a homogenous community that you dont classify as petty-bourgeous, like many of the anarchists. Is this true?

Did I read that right? You just said "to you the peasants are a homogenous community that you don't classify as [insert homogenous characterisation] petty bourgeois". Brilliant forensic logic.
Oddly enough, the book that CR claims backs up his argument that the FOD were in some way marxist/bolshevik has this to say on the matter:

"It requires only a cursory perusal of El Amigo del Pueblo or Balius's statements to establish that the Friends of Durruti were never marxists, nor influenced at all by the Trotskyists or the Bolshevik Leninist Section. But there is a school of historians determined to maintain the opposite and hence the necessity for this chapter."

"At all times the Group articulated an anarcho-syndicalist ideology, although it also voiced radical criticism of the CNT and FAI leadership. But it is a huge leap from that to claiming that the Group espoused marxist positions. "

It goes on to quote one of the trotskyist leaders in Span to the effect that the FOD were definitively not marxist
Yep, click on link above.

edit: which doesn't seem to be working now - might just be updating...otherwise £2 (£6 for a sub) from AF, c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX, England, UK

(cash ok, POs or cheques made out to AF)
Butchers where in this thread did I say the FOD were bolsheviks? Could you find a quote? And even aw go on was only saying the early bolshevik programme was similar, but was changed through circumstances, which of course is evidence of them being blood thirsty. While the CNT, well that was just a mistake!

I've learnt from this thread that you can't debate by instantly responding to five or six posters. It's like at Marxism when people make a point and are then ridiculed, insulted and given patronising comments. It's easy to smear people by saying shame on you, you liar, you clown etc etc.....

But this thread has been full of petty insults from the anarchoids and some things stand out.

Gurrier said it's ok that the stalinists should have been shut down but not the Mensheviks, despite the fact that the Mensheviks sided with the whites! But then tries to weasel out of it by saying even then he wouldn't agree with banning them even if they were attacking the revolutionary forces! And even here the source I gave showed that in Moscow the Mensheviks had freedom of press until this moment as did the SRs until they started physically attacking the Bolsheviks (who support in Moscow went up from 1917 to 1918), and claims the anarchists were aiding banitry. And you accuse me of ignoring sources.

You then ignore the points the source makes about production collapsing immediately and peasants refusing to give over their grain, and your utopian solution seems to be that non-existant goods should have been found to trade with or it would have been ok if only the Bolsheviks had been a bit nicer.

And then we have the ridiculous moral strawmen from Ray. Indeed he says that the fact that I've said I wouldn't say executions won't be used is somehow an example of my barbarism, but ignores the fact that the Makhnovists and FOD supported executions. I could equally say do you really support shooting people in the knee caps risking a painful death or a life without legs? Would you really bomb enemy positions and risk the deaths of children? Would you really risk 100,000s of lives in a revolution. As groucho says its nonsensical to take acts out of the circumstances they are in.

As for endangered species, you couldn't get any more endangered than "class struggle anarchists". 70 being the biggest organisation! I mean you couldn't get any smaller and you mock others.....And U75 the "harsh glare of reality"!!! You really have no attachment to reality at all. It's a web board thread that has absolutely no significance to reality....

History shows again and again how revolution have thrown up reactionary parts of the class, as Spain shows clearly with the CNT leadership. Indeed you seem to have no solutions to this, and just say it was probably hopeless. But you still cling on to the logic that everyone can just be convinced of the right way, and if not they can just be ignored. Your utter utopianism shines through.....
Apols - it wasn't you it was aw go on. Just change his name for yours. Point stands. He was trying the old trick, one that the author of what you yourself reckon is the best book on the subject (incidentally what other books have you read on the FOD?) has gone out his way to refute utterly.
And the stunning and blithe hypocrisy of this little bleat:

"But this thread has been full of petty insults from the anarchoids and some things stand out."

is truly breathtaking - in fact, it 'stands out'.
And aw go on said the original bolsheviks programme had remarkable similarities to the FOD. I haven't got both to hand to hand, but he wasn't saying the FOD were bolsheviks......

But heh why not scream out liar, dishonesty, clown and jump up and down....
I'm an intellectual snob becsaue you've displayed a ridiculous public hypocrisy - slating people for petty insults in the form of a petty insult.

What the fuck do you think he was pointing out the percieved similiarities for?
Calm down butchers - you love your dramatics, damn you with your ridiculous public hypocricy! You'll have to wait to see if aw go on comes back to have an answer.....

I didn't deny I've made any petty insults, I said if you look back you'll see the anarchoids win on that one hands down. Their hypocricy is pretty good too....

As for you being an intellectual snob, you are full stop, and have been on many threads I haven't even written a post on. Mind you I can understand your arrogance with the huge sway that class struggle anarchoids have in the UK....
I think a quick look at the last 4 or 5 posts would reveal just who it is that is working themselves up into a frenzy of impotent indignation. Anyone remember that thread where Fred put up such an appalling display that two people dropped their trotskyism as a direct result?

I'll leave you to be furious on your own now.
Bloody hell ernest you take very keen interest in Revo! And you of all people are not gonna tell me to leave it out are you? You're not gonna start sticking up for the anarchoids are you. Weren't you one of the people in that mammoth thread about bolshevism?

Butchers where do you come out with classics like "frenzy of impotent indignation". Did you go to public school?! You couldn't make it up....

As for people giving up their ideology because of an U75 thread, you've got to be taking the piss. How can anyone think it's got a link to reality.....
Just because you write like a 12 year old who's had his ritalin stolen doesn't mean we all have to. And no, i didn't attend public school, i went to a state comp and left when i was 16.
Where's the intellectual snobbery come from then?

And nice of you to take the piss out of kids who take ritalin.....surely you can do better than that?

Actually second thoughts don't bother, I think this threads run its course some how!
Compare and contrast:
gurrier said:
"Nobody has said that they thought that the leninists in Spain should have been banned. I explained to you why the FoD's calling for their disbandment was qualititively different from the Bolshevik's banning of all opposition. If the mensheviks had been used primarily as a front for waging terror against the working class, I could see the case for banning them, but I still wouldn't agree with it as it happens."
cockneyrebel said:
Gurrier said it's ok that the stalinists should have been shut down but not the Mensheviks, despite the fact that the Mensheviks sided with the whites! But then tries to weasel out of it by saying even then he wouldn't agree with banning them even if they were attacking the revolutionary forces!

Yet another remarkable display of reading comprehension skills by CR. I did realise that political education in trot groups was pretty pathetic, but it seems that you can't even assume their 11+ reading skills are up to scratch. Cockney, you are either blatantly lying, which is really silly when the original comment was just above your misrepresentation, or you can't understand basic english constructions. It's as simple as that. It's there in black and white.

And, getting back to the original point of the thread, you should note the emboldened word in my original post. It is a fact that 99% of leninists in Spain were in the PSUC and guess what, cockney, you would have been too. I can just see you defending the counter-revolution with some pathetic little phrases that you were fed by a leader.
this derailed thread brings to mind memories of that bolshevism as bad as fascism one...

<sticks hand up> any questions for the SWP?

Actually fair enough gurrier I did mis read that bit of the post. But no it has to be a "blatant lie" or me not understanding English. Nothing like the melodramatic and ignoring everything else said. So are you seriously saying that you don't think the Stalinists should have been banned or taken on militarily? What else would you propose, they were physcially attacking people?

So is that your position. That even thought the stalinists were attacking the revolution and the anarchists, you would have been happy for them to carry on? I seriously can't believe your position of "If the mensheviks had been used primarily as a front for waging terror against the working class, I could see the case for banning them"......but then say actually you wouldn't! This just shows your utopianism even more....at least the FOD seemed to have some grasp of reality.....

Would you condemn the FOD and Makhnovists for their use of executions?
So almost the whole of your posts over the last few pages have been based on a mistaken reading of other peoples arguments - there are plenty of other points that you've chosen to get the wrong end of the stick on during the course of this thread as well - so many in fact, that given how past threads that you've been heavily involved in have inevitably ended (accusations of dishonesty, misrepresentation and lying being thrown at you from all quarters) i think i can discern a pattern emerging. Can anyone else?
Accusations from you anarchos, as said convenient melodramatics.....

Look if you wanna think I deliberately lied, I don't really give a shit.....

And no not the whole of my posts, but at the same time I'm not saying I've never misread posts or got things wrong. Unlike the mighty anarchoid oracle I guess.....but oh no it has to be the melodramatics of a trot conspiracy because a thread on U75 is just oh so important and proves sooooo much......

As i said, given your past behaviour and how threads that you're heavily involoved in always seem to end up with you being accused of the sort of stuff you're being accused of on this thread..doesn't this cause you even the briefest moment of self-doubt or pause for thought about how you 'debate'?

You do know what melodrama or dramatics means don't you CR? Here's a hint, in the same way that you were earlier slating people for using petty insults in the form of a petty insult, you are now accusing people of being melodramatic by using melodrama.
aw go on said:
look forward to it. Gurrier, anything to say about professor anarchists?
This really takes the biscuit- I learnt all of this through my own readings and study. But then what would the (mainly) politically illiterate Trots know? They keep themselves in the dark ansd are kept in the dark by their groups about what really happened in Spain and Russia. And as regards anarchists not having read Trotsky and Lenin, well I've read plenty, as I'm sure others like Butchers have.
The Organise! with the article on Russia will not appear till November so hang on. Oh and Danno , if you're not interested then why bother reading the thread?
Butchers as said anyone can look over this thread and see where most of the petty insults and melodramatic statements have come from, and who has consistently debated in the style.

Sollie, a nice bloke, said a while back that people on here just tried to make people feel shit about themselves rather than real debate. Now personally I just see this as an irrelevant web board on the scale of things (no offence to U75), but I can see what he means. I'd see anarchists as at worst misguided, wheras anarchists on here seem to see trotskyists as wanna be dictators, and they don't have the slightest idea of what those people are like, they haven't even met them!

As for how I've debated, I've been on loads of threads and people haven't made these comments. Anarchos have made them in a couple of threads about this subject and I think someone said it on an IWCA thread where they wouldn't accept my interpretaion of their slant on asylum. Other than that I can't think of anything. As said it's just a cheap way of having a dig at people. One thing I have learnt is that it's better to read all the posts properly rather than rush out responses one after the other and risk mis-reading stuff. However no big deal. As for looking at the way people debate several people have told you that you have a patronising and insulting way of debating, don't see you changing your ways!

That angelfire site is brilliant, ashame it seems to be shutting down. Just reading about how the mensheviks planned to overthrow the soviet system. But mind you, probably would have been best to leave them to it eh, and maybe just speak to them a bit more nicely.....
You're even managing to misread the stuff from the site you're bigging up. You are truly a hopless case.

And i'm afraid that you do have the reputaion of being a liar, a dishonest debater and in all frankness, a waste of time amongst the anarchists and the IWCA members - that alone is quite a significant section of the P&P boards and quite some achievement. Even some trots find that you get on their tits - the SP member on here who gave you a talking to about 'starting from a lower knowledge base' than most others here.
I don't remember an SP member saying that, but as it goes I've got on fairly well with the SP members on here, including in PMs. As for you and a handful of others regarding me as a liar and dishonest, couldn't really give a shit, as I know I wouldn't bother deliberately lying on an irrelevant web board and no-one on here actually knows me (well other than a couple of people like soli and belboid who I get on fine with). And as said many on here think you're insulting and patronising, but there you go.

As for misreading stuff, you don't even know what I've read on the site in terms of what I mentioned in my last post so that's quite a claim, but never mind.....

But I do agree with Charles on one thing this is boring now.....
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