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Amir Khan and the conspiracy of the Peterson fight

But we've been talking about hat man. No one has been talking about Welsh! :D
Not sure why the grin smiley tbh.

Hat man has no bearing on the fight, none, repeatedly people mention he was interfering with a judge, Welsh isn't a judge, he is the WBA supervisor. Hat man shouldn't have been there, but I repeat, him being there has no bearing on the fight, none whatsoever.
You seem to have got the wrong end of the stick somewhere here. Khan's complaint - the one outlined in detail in the OP and in his personal twitter or facebook thing - is about the hat-man. Not about Welsh. The questions put to the WBA and the IBF that have led to the embarrassment and probable re-match and potential no-contest following the inquiry is about hat man, not Welsh. The complaint is that he was there when he shouldn't have been, appeared to be intimidating officials and then appeared celebrating with the winner - which pretty obviously throws up some serious questions. This is not about Welsh.
As I said earlier too. The IBF have stated that the master card hasn't been tampered with, + De La Hoya checked George Hill's individual card, the one that created controversy due to being changed in rd 7 and admitted no wrongdoing, judge Valerie Dorsett's card hasn't been called into question once (he gave it to Peterson too).

Tell me where the problem is, besides someone being at ringside talking/interfering with Welsh, who shouldn't have been there.
Not sure why the grin smiley tbh.

Hat man has no bearing on the fight, none, repeatedly people mention he was interfering with a judge, Welsh isn't a judge, he is the WBA supervisor. Hat man shouldn't have been there, but I repeat, him being there has no bearing on the fight, none whatsoever.
The grin is because you've been talking about someone else than the rest of us for the whole thread and your odd seeming posts in which you insist the person we all thought you were talking was an official supervisor despite no one ever saying this suddenly became clearer.
You seem to have got the wrong end of the stick somewhere here. Khan's complaint - the one outlined in detail in the OP and in his personal twitter or facebook thing - is about the hat-man. Not about Welsh. The questions put to the WBA and the IBF that have led to the embarrassment and probable re-match and potential no-contest following the inquiry is about hat man, not Welsh. The complaint is that he was there when he shouldn't have been, appeared to be intimidating officials and then appeared celebrating with the winner - which pretty obviously throws up some serious questions. This is not about Welsh.
But it is relevant as it had no bearing on the fight. Everyone knows he shouldn't have been there, but as it had no relevance on the outcome it is sour grapes and straw clutching from Khan.

You cannot talk about hat man and not talk about and/or consider Welsh.
As I said earlier too. The IBF have stated that the master card hasn't been tampered with, + De La Hoya checked George Hill's individual card, the one that created controversy due to being changed in rd 7 and admitted no wrongdoing, judge Valerie Dorsett's card hasn't been called into question once (he gave it to Peterson too).

Tell me where the problem is, besides someone being at ringside talking/interfering with Welsh, who shouldn't have been there.
I just did. And so did you in part.
The grin is because you've been talking about someone else than the rest of us for the whole thread and your odd seeming posts in which you insist the person we all thought you were talking was an official supervisor despite no one ever saying this suddenly became clearer.
Wrong 100%, I know you were talking about hat man, I'm not fucking stupid, but repeatedly it has been mentioned he interferred with a judge, thus my stance and posts.
But it is relevant as it had no bearing on the fight. Everyone knows he shouldn't have been there, but as it had no relevance on the outcome it is sour grapes and straw clutching from Khan.

You cannot talk about hat man and not talk about and/or consider Welsh.
Of course you can - you can certainly ask the questions that Khan and GB asked about him and his behaviour without saying for sure that Welsh was pressured into something. These are perfectly acceptable questions regardless of whether Khan is grasping at straws or not.
That's the thing tho' Butchers mate. Welsh couldn't have been coerced into anything cos he copies the card for each round to a master card, if there were questions you just check the original scoring on each card for each round. This is not disputed. They're clutching for a NC cos a guy shouldn't have been bothering Welsh, but it actually had no bearing.
Wrong 100%, I know you were talking about hat man, I'm not fucking stupid, but repeatedly it has been mentioned he interferred with a judge, thus my stance and posts.
Your posts on page one certainly didn't make it clear that you were on about welsh - it even looks to me like you answered questions from me about hat-man that only make sense on the assumption that this was who you were talking about at that point.
Your posts on page one certainly didn't make it clear that you were on about welsh - it even looks to me like you answered questions from me about hat-man that only make sense on the assumption that this was who you were talking about at that point.
I know, I just read them again. I assure you I had 2 streams, 1 that Welsh wasn't a judge and 2 that hat man was sat with DLH etc.. I am separating both players tho', trust me. Read them again knowing this and you'll see it clearly.

e2a: hopefully
but the wbo wouldn't be under any real obligation to name lp as one of the number one contenders would they?
With Money calling Manny out, LP's biggest earner is a re-match and he deserves the bigger pool from it imo, Khan should be grateful for the chance to amend his record.
Khan always gets the bigger % of the purse because he is the bigger draw and brings in the UK TV money. LP got more than he was offered previously by Khan because he was Khan's mandatory. Any re-match will mean LP will get a far greater slice of the fight purse. He deserves it.
The man with the hat has been speaking today. He says that a judge wasn't very well and he "was only helping".
If a judge was ill, then there's no way he should have been judging.
The people who run these things are so shit that they would never have taken the possibility into account and had a standby.
He says he was correcting clear errors made by the fight's scoring supervisor!
Khan's lot have obviously agreed to drop the hearing as they have the desired rematch (although it's probably not called a rematch*).

They would never have gotten this, if we're honest, if there wasn't something outside of or contrary to the rules which could bite the officials on the arse and tarnish at least one of the organisations.

*surely now to be termed a grudge match?
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