Pickman's model
Starry Wisdom
For investors to win someone else has to lose.Decentralised blockchains. Where everyone can have their cake and eat it. Workers. Investors. Borrowers. Lenders. The lot.
For investors to win someone else has to lose.Decentralised blockchains. Where everyone can have their cake and eat it. Workers. Investors. Borrowers. Lenders. The lot.
What's your view on Amazon Web Services?And obvs bezos is a horny handed son of toil
He's in cloud cuckoo land
Really? Without investors there's no capital to play with in the first place.For investors to win someone else has to lose.
Amazon is the topic, not me. Stay on topic.He's in cloud cuckoo land
You're the only person here suggesting breaking it up.What's your view on Amazon Web Services?
Because that's where most of the profits are coming from.
AWS: Powering the Internet and Amazon’s Profits
Should AWS be broken up? Do we have countless stories of exploitation from system engineers, most of which are probably just contractors?
Should we endlessly naval gaze over an industry ripe for disruption from decentralisation?
He's in cloud cuckoo land
I'll entertain your pedantry.You're the only person here suggesting breaking it up.
If you ask an investor why they are investing, it's typically because the company being floated, needs the capital to build infrastructure to innovate and automate.
Many people who work for Amazon today, would not be working for them, had that company not floated.
You keep trying to (badly) bring focus away to Jeff Bezos, because you know that without the capital being raised, the company could not have been succesful.
Workers collectives are no bad thing. But very few have been scaled because they can't rely on the kind of capital investment that comes with a public listing. Instead they have to go cap in hand to people who more risk adverse.
That's a problem? What are your answers? Because if you have no answers, destroying the "competition" isn't going to work because it's an injustice against those people (especially the low wealth ones) who risked what they had on companeis like Amazon.
If a company needs to borrow money to build it's own infrastructure and capabilities, who the fuck does it borrow it from, if it's not allowed to share it's profits?
That's what I've said about fucking 8 times already.All floated companies need capital, that's why they get floated in the first place
Absolute complete fucking horseshite obsucated by the fact you haven't even explained what your verson of "controlled democratically" even means.Your question pre-supposes that infrastructural development requires borrowing in the first place. If the means of production are controlled democratically, then resources can directed as needed without having to "borrow" anything.
Who else did the money go to for it to dribble back?That way people wouldn't have to rely on the trickle of wealth dribbled their way by the stock market in order not to live their golden years in total penury.
Now can you answer this simple fucking question before I put you on ignore for being a moaning red with no answers for fucking anything.
Where can a company expect to raise serious captial if not from people buying shares as part of a public listing, in your world of rainbows and unicorns?
Absolute complete fucking horseshite obsucated by the fact you haven't even explained what your verson of "controlled democratically" even means.
If you are talking about inter-industry resources, then none of that can be done in an efficent and non-corrupt way, without implementing some kind of blockchain technology, to ensure resources aren't stolen from point A to point B.
Beacause the reality is, as ever tried before, in communism, whistleblowers are simply lined up against the wall and shot as "traitors to workers" or some other trumped up charges.
Who else did the money go to for it to dribble back?
Oh for fuck sake, it's that Stalker cunt sitting all over another thread.
I'm not asking just that.You're literally asking how capital would be raised in a non-capitalist economy. You might as well ask how a tyrant can run a country democratically.
I'm not a troll. Seriously I'm not.Aye, it might be a laff winding up the troll, but it just makes every thread he's on unreadable and nauseating. If I wanted to read his kind of shit, I'd be on that Twitter bollocks.
Because rules must come from the top down, not from the bottom up?Maybe, maybe not. That's for the founders of the new society to determine.
No.Just fuck off.
I'm not a troll. Seriously I'm not.
I'm quite open minded about workers collectives, but there are reasons why they haven't scaled and it would be quite nice to overcome those reasons.
Maybe, maybe not. But if I was, it would confirm everything I believe about corrupt centralised power, shutting up people up because what they have to say is just too inconvienient.I suspect you'll be fucked off soon enough.
I've fucking brought back to Amazon loads of times, while you banged on about my views on diabetes.We've got a whole subforum here for that kind of stuff. The other regulars are getting annoyed with the extended derailment of this thread, and out of respect for them I will make this my last response to you on this thread. If you want to continue this elsewhere, perhaps in a thread dedicated to the purpose, then you should know what to do.
Because Bezos is a shareholder, along with pension firms and countless other individuals.Into the net worth of rich fucks like Bezos, according to you.
It's not pedantry to say you're the only person saying something. I suppose that amazon aws is different from awsI'll entertain your pedantry.
Do you suggest that Amazon AWS be put in the hands of it's workers?
There are millions of middle class woke cunts employed by the state doing non-jobs, all derived from stealing from wealth creators.
Hell, there's people out there employed soley for the purpose of cooking up new ways to steal wealth from wealth creators.
Please, stop being so fake as to dare suggest to me that you give a fuck about the bottom line in workers pay packets.
You don't.
For goodness sake. You know full true well if I just said AWS, a lot of people wouldn't know we're talking about an Amazon product.It's not pedantry to say you're the only person saying something. I suppose that amazon aws is different from aws